Betænkning og Udkast til en Lov om Handelen, Forfattet af den under 28de August 1838 til dette Arbeide anordnede Commission [Med Anhang: Forste Angang: “Udsigt over den Norske Handelsret / Andet Anhang: “Finants-Departements af den Norske Rejerings ovrige Medlemmer i det Vaesentlige tiltraadte Indstilling angaaende en provisorisk Anordning om storre Handelsfrihed i visse Egne af Riget m.v.”].
Christiania [Oslo], Trykt i Johan Dahls Bogtrykkerie af Carl C. Werner, 1841. Octavo (12 cm x 18,5 cm). 108, 218 pages. Hardcover / Original half-leather with gilt lettering on spine and former owners name in gilt to bottom of spine. Very good condition with some rubbing to spine only.
“Ved kongeligt naadigst commisorium af 28de August 1838 er det os Undertegnede Amtmand Blom, Professor Schweigaard, Politimester Fougner, Stadshauptmand Thorne of Proprietair Leganger….″
Includes chapters on: “Om Handelen i Finmarken og Norlandene samt mellem Norge og Sverige” / “Om Handelsrettens Afaendringer i Foholdet mellem Norge og Sverige” / “Om Straffen for ulovlig Handel og om Procesmaaden i Sager, der angaae dette Slags Overtraedelser” / (″Confiscationsstraf for ulovlig Tobakshandel” etc. etc.
Anton Martin Schweigaard (11 April 1808 – 1 February 1870) was a Norwegian educator, jurist, economist and member of the Norwegian Parliament. Schweigaard was born at Kragerø in Telemark, Norway. He was one of three children of Jørgen Fredrik Schweigaard (1771–1818) and Johanne Marie Dahll (1785–1818). Both parents died when he was 10 years old and the children were raised by their grandmother. He studied law at the University of Christiania, where he received his degree in 1832. The following year, the Norwegian Parliament gave him a scholarship to study abroad in Germany and France.
When he returned to Norway, he got a position as a lecturer at the University of Christiania. He was a professor of both jurisprudence and economics during the 1830s and 1840s. In economic theory, he was an extremely influential publicist for economic liberalism, although not a supporter of Laissez-faire economic ideology. He advocated that the state had an important and necessary role to play in economic life. He is widely credited in helping bring about Norway’s change to a capitalist economy. In legal theory, Schweigaard was opposed to the German jurisprudence and legal philosophy that had dominated Northern Europe since the Age of Enlightenment, including natural law. He believed that the stark dichotomies of conceptualism were misleading. Schweigaard figures prominently the theory of Nordic legal pragmatism advanced by Sverre Blandhol, along with Anders Sandøe Ørsted and Friedrich Karl von Savigny.
From 1842 to 1869, he was a member of the Norwegian Parliament. His strong belief in the country’s economic capabilities made him the leading spokesman in Parliament for construction of railways and development of mail and telegraph services. In 1865, he was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. (Wikipedia)
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