The Works of Jonathan Swift [The Illustrated Limited Dryden Edition]. Edited by Temple Scott. With a Biographical Introduction by Rt. Hon. W.E.H.Lecky.
No.317 of only 400 sets of the limited Dryden Edition (handnumbered). 14 Volumes. London, George Bell and Sons, 1900. Octavo (13 cm x 18,5 cm). Hardcover / Professionally restored half-leather by using the orginal publisher’s boards. The extremely rare, limited Dryden Edition, here complete and expertly restored. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. All illustrations in place with the original tissue-guards.
Volume I: A Tale of a Tub and Other Early Works with a Biographical Introduction (Edited by Temple Scott)
This First Volume includes: Resolution when I come to be Old (Facsimile and Transcripts) / A Tale of a Tub / The Battle of the Books / Discourseon the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit / Prefaces to Temple’s Works / Discourse on the Contests and Dissensions between the Nobles and Commons in Athens and Rome / Thoughts on Various Subjects / A Tritical [sic] Essay upon the Faculties of the Mind / The Bickerstaff Pamphlets [also showing the original titlepage] / Predictions for the Year 1708 / The Accomplishment of the First of Mr. Bickerstaff’s Predictions / Vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. / A Famous Prediction of Merlin / A Meditation upon a Broomstick //
Volume II: Journal to Stella (Volume I of The Journal to Stella – Edited by Frederick Ryland)
Volume III: Journal to Stella (Volume II of The Journal to Stella – Edited by Frederick Ryland)
Volume IV: Writings on Religion and the Church (Volume I of the Writings on Religion and the Church – Edited by Temple Scott)
Volume V: Writings on Religion and the Church (Volume II of the Writings on Religion and the Church – Edited by Temple Scott)
Volume VI: Gulliver’s Travels (Edited by G. Ravenscroft Dennis)
Volume VII: Historical and Political Tracts – English – Volume I (Edited by Temple Scott)
Volume VIII: Historical and Political Tracts – English – Volume II (Edited by Temple Scott)
Volume I and II of the Political Tracts contain together 22 Tracts of which are for example:
A Short Character of Thomas Earl of Wharton (Lord Lieutenant of Ireland) / Some Remarks upon a Pamphlet Entitled “A Letter to the Seven Lords of the Committee Appointed to examine Gregg” / The Conduct of the Allies / Some Remarks on the Barrier Treaty / A Learned Comment on Dr. Hare’s Excellent Sermon / A New Journey to Paris / Some Advice to the Members of the October Club / A Complete Refutation of the Falsehoods alleged against Erasmus Lewis, Esq. / Some Reasons to prove that no one is obliged, by his principles as a Whig, to oppose the Queen (In a Letter to a Whig Lord) / A Letter from the Pretender to a Whig Lord / A Letter of Thanks from Lord Wharton to the Bishop of St.Asaph, in the name of the “Kit Cat Club” / Remarks on Bishop Fleetwood’s Preface / The Address of the House of Lords to the Queen. April 9th, 1713 / The Importance of the Guardian considered / The Public Spirit of the Whigs / Memoirs relating to that Change that happened in the Queen’s Ministry in the Year 1710 / Some Free Thoughts upon the present state of Affairs / Some Considerations upon the Consequences hoped and feared from the Death of the Queen / An Enquiry into the behaviourof the Queen’s Last Ministry / Memorial to the Queen, April 15, 174 /
With an Appendix to these two Volumes in which is talked about: “Swift’s retirement, in the middle of the year 1714, first to Letcombe and then to Ireland, at a time when his friends, the ministers, were, to use his own phrase, “like a ship’s crew quarrelling in a storm”, aroused no little comment. Friends and enemies alike were surprised. Of the former, Arbuthnot, Ford, Lewis and even LAdy Masham have given ample evidence of their astonishment and regret”
Volume IX: Contributions to “The Tatler” – “The Examiner” and others [″The Spectator” – “The Intelligencer”] (Edited by Temple Scott)
With interesting essays like: “The Hardships of the Irish being deprived of their Silver and decoyed into America”″The Four Indian Kings” / A Vindication of Mr.Gray and the Beggar’s Opera / etc. etc.
Volume X: Historical Writings – Volume I (Edited by Temple Scott)
Volume XI: Historical Writings – Volume II (Edited by Temple Scott)
These two Volumes of Historical Writings include together six (6) essays: The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen / An Abstract of the History of England – From the Invasion of it by Julius Caesar to the Reign of Henry the Second / Remarks on Lord Clarendon’s “History of the Rebellion” / Remarks on Bishop Burnet’s “History of his Own Time” / Notes on the “Freeholder” /
Volume XII: The Drapier’s Letters (Edited by Temple Scott)
Volume XIII: Irish Tracts – Volume I (Edited by Temple Scott)
Volume XIV: Irish Tracts – Volume II (Edited by Temple Scott)
These two Volumes of Irish Tracts include together fortytwo (42) Tracts / Essays plus an APpendix with a further three (3) Tracts / Essays. We are listing here a few of these Tracts only:
1. A Letter to a Member of Parliament, In Ireland, upon the choosing a new speaker there /
2. A Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufacture /
3. An Essay on English Bubbles (By Thomas Hope, Esq.) /
4. The Swearer’s Bank /
5. A Letter to the King at Arms
6. The Last Speech and Dying Words of Ebenezer Elliston
7. The Truth of Some Maxims in State and Government, examined with References to Ireland
8. The Blunders, Deficiencies, Distresses and Misfortunes of Quilca
9. A Short View of the State of Ireland
10. The Story of the Injured Lady. Written by Herself)
11. The Answer to the Injured Lady
12. An Anser to a Paper called “A Memorial of the Poor Inhabitants, Tradesmen and Labourers of the Kingdom of Ireland″
13. Answer to several Letters from unknown Persons
14. An Answer to Several Letters sent me from unknown Hands
15. A Letter to the Archbishop of Dublin concerning the Weavers
16. Observations occasioned by Reading a Paper entitled “The Case of the Woolen Manufacturers of Dublin″
17. The Present Miserable State of Ireland
18. The substance of what was said by the Dean of St.Patrick’s to the Lord Mayor and some of the Aldermen when his Lordship came to present the said Dean with his Freedom in a Gold Box
19. Advertisement by Dr.Swift in his Defence against Joshua, Lord Allen
20. A Letter on Mr. McCulla’s Project about Halfpence, and a new one proposed
21. A Proposal that all the Ladies and Women of Ireland should appear constantly in Irish Manufactures
22. A Modest Proposal for preventing the Children of Poor People from being a Burthen to their Parents or the country and for making them beneficial to the public
23. Answer to the Craftsman
24. A Vindication of his Excellency John, Lord Carteret
25. A Proposal for an Act of Parliament to Pay off the Debt of the Nation without Taxing the Subject
26. A Case Submitted by the Dean Swift to Mr.Lindsay, Counsellor at Law
27. An Examination of Certain Abuses, Corruptions, and Enormities in the City of Dublin
28. A Serious and useful scheme to make an Hospital for incurables [Hospice – Idea]
29. The Humble Petition of the Footmen in and about the City of Dublin
30. Advice to the Freemen of the City of Dublin in the Choice of a member to represent them in Parliament
31. Some Consideration humbly offered to the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen and Common-Council of the City of Dublin in the Choice of a Recorder
32. A Proposal for giving Badges to the Beggars in all the Parishes of Dublin
33. Considerations about maintaining the Poor
34. On Barbarous Denominations in Ireland
35. Speech Delivered on the Lowering of the Coin
36. Irish Eloquence
37. A Dialogue in Hibernian Style
38. To the Provost and Senior Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin
39. To the Right Worshipful The Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Common-Council of the City of Cork [Cork City, County Cork]
40. To the Honourable The Society of the Governor and Assistants in London, for the New Plantation in Ulster
41. Certificate to a Discarded Servant
42. An Exhortation addressed to the Sub-Dean and Chapter of St.Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin
1. A Letter to the Writer of the “Occasional Paper″
2. An Account of the Court and Empire of Japan
3. The Answer of the Right Hon. William Pulteney, Esq. to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Walpole
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