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[Cavell, Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture

[Stanley Cavell Collection] – [Cavell, Stanley] / Cacciari, Massimo.

Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture. Introduction by Patrizia Lombardo.

First Edition. New Haven / London, Yale University Press, 1993. 23.5cm x 14.3cm. lviii, (2) 248 pages. Original Hardcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. From the personal library of philosopher Stanley Cavell. With several annotations and textmarkings in Cavell’s hand.

A striking social and philosophical account of the twentieth-century metropolis, this book presents Cacciari’s thought within the milieu of Italian political activism and philosophy between the 1960s and the 1980s. From his collaboration on the leftist journal “Contropiano” to his long association with Manfredo Tafuri. The relation between philosophy and modern architecture/ The thinking of avant-garde architects, artists and writers to the social and political problems raised by technological society. It defines the modern metropolis using the ideas of Georg Simmel, Max Weber and others.

The book contains an introduction to “The Philosophy of the City” by Patrizia Lombardo (author of “Cities, Words and Images).

Contains chapters on: The dialectics of the negative and the metropolis/ On the German sociology of the city at the turn of the century/ Merchants and heroes/ Negative thought and artistic representation/ Essay and tragedy/ The city as essay/ Loos and his contemporaries/ Loosian dialectics/ The contemporaries/ The Oikos of Wittgenstein/ Loos and his angel/ Being loyal/ Tabula Rasa/ The new space/ The house/ Lou’s buttons/ The chain of glass/ Progress and pioneers/ On Loo’s tomb

Cacciari, one of the most influential social philosophers in Italy today, is the founder of the trend of criticism known as “negative thought” that focuses on the failure of traditional logic to explicate the problems of modernity,

EUR 675,-- 

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Cacciari-Architecture and Nihilism