Science and the Future of Mankind [Including Essays by: Bertrand Russell – “Per Aspera ad Astra” / Albert Einstein – “Die Internationale Wissenschaft” / Robert Oppenheimer – “Thoughts on Art and Science: 1.Science and our Times – 2. Prospects in the Art and Sciences”].
First Edition. Den Haag, Uitgeverij Dr. W. Junk, 1961. Size. VIII, 380 (4) pages. Original Hardcover. Gilt lettering spine and frontboard. Former library copy with all usual signs and stamps. (Withdrawn from Simmons College Library). Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.
Includes for Example: A. Einstein: Die Internationale der Wissenschaft/ H. Boke, Rehovot: The Need of a World Academy of Art and Science/ R. Oppenheimer, Princeton, N.J.: Thoughts on Art and Science/ W.F.G. Swann, Swarthmore, P.A.: Science and Our Future/ H.J. Muller, Bloomington: The Prospects of Genetic Progress/ H.D. Lasswell, New Haven: Science, Scientists and World Policy/ S.W. Tromp, Leiden: The Significance of Border Sciences for the Future of Mankind/ R.M. Field, South Duxbury: The Human Significance of Natural Resources (With Special Reference to Man’s Cultural Resources)/ P. Dansereau, Montreal: Resource Planning: A Problem in Communication/ M.J. Sirks, Groningen: Food Supply and the Increase of Population/ P. Chouard, Paris: Quelques voies probables de developement des nouvelles techniques en agronomie/ J. Phillips, Accra: Science in the Service of Man in Africa South of the Sahara/ Th. Monod, Paris: La Science et l’homme au seuil du desert/ H.F. Infield, Jerusalem: Human Needs and the Need for Ultimate Orientation/ L.K. Bush, Duxbury: Practical Notes on Politics and Poesy/ W. Taylor Thom Jr., Princeton: Science and Engineering and the Future of Man/ Europaeus: War or Peace: a Biological Problem/ I. Berenblum, Rehovot: Science and Modern Civilization/ W.C. De Leeuw, Leiden: New Ways with Science as Leader/ B. Russell, Merioneth, Wales: Per aspera and astra etc.
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