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Reid, The Way of the Warrior - The Paradox of the Martial Arts.

Reid, Howard. and Croucher, Michael.

The Way of the Warrior – The Paradox of the Martial Arts.

Reprint. London, Century Publishing, 1985. 18.5 cm x 24.5 cm. 240 pages. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear.

Includes the following chapters: The Art of Fighting, Myth to History – The Roots of the Martial Arts, The Village Art of Kalaripayit, The Shaolin Tradition, The Soft Arts of China, The Classic Weapons Schools of Japan, Karate – Art of the Empty Hand, The Modern Martial Disciplines of Japan, The Next Steps, and Martial Systems of the World. Includes an appendix Glossary of Terms and suggestions for Further Reading, as well as an Index of Chinese Terms. Illustrated throughout both in colour and in black and white.

EUR 58,-- 

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Reid, The Way of the Warrior – The Paradox of the Martial Arts.
Reid, The Way of the Warrior – The Paradox of the Martial Arts.
Reid, The Way of the Warrior – The Paradox of the Martial Arts.