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British Foreign Policy (198 items)

Large Archive / Collection of Sir Harry Luke's personal letters, photographs and Ephemera from his 39 years of service for the Bristish Colonial Office

9. [Commonwealth & Colonial History & Law] – Luke, Sir Harry [Lukach, Harry] – ‘the most unwasted life of any man I have known’ – (Sir Ronald Storrs on Sir Harry Luke)

Very Large Archive / Collection of British Colonial Official & Lieutenant-Governor of Malta, Sir Harry Luke. Including 123 Books and Pamphlets, often with multiple annotations and inserted materials / Including the stunning amount of 427 Manuscript-Letters / Typed Letters (among which are also a few Postcards) / Including 95 interesting documents / Inlcuding 171 Items of Ephemera. The Archive is Sir Harry Luke’s very personal and one might say, confidential collection of original autographed letters, correspondence and books he surrounded himself with at the end of his life. The Archive includes important and meaningful personal and official letters from important historical figures in the Arena of the Middle East and especially Palestine with for example interesting legal insights into the Jewish-Arab conflicts of the 1920s, as well as working-copies of books which Luke wrote himself at every location he was posted to during his career. In order to understand the vastness of the Archive you need to visit our website and see the twenty (20) chapters of Material we synchronised chronologically with Sir Harry Luke’s life [Search for “Library & Collections” and find 20 chapters at the bottom of that page]. The Archive contains an unbelievable and impressive array of several highly interesting letters and correspondence regarding key historical events as disparate as the Mudros/Gallipoli-Campaign under Rosslyn Wemyss, the Jaffa Riots, the Western Wall Riots of Jerusalem in 1929 as well as information on diplomatic activity prior to the Suez Crisis, descriptions of locations like Guadalcanal prior to the War in the Pacific, detailed information on personell at Gardner Island / Phoenix Islands during the vanishing of Amelia Earhart, to only name a few bizarre coincidences. The books contain manuscript annotations and preparatory notes for later editions as well as many letters written to Luke regarding the many postings he served at during his long career in the Colonial Service. The Archive includes several hundred pages of correspondence between Luke and other officials within the Colonial Office, often in multi-page letters. Also included is proof of Luke’s connections to the Ecclesiastical World of the Vatican and Lambeth Palace, his diplomatic abilities are praised in letters from friends and officials alike. Luke received cordial letters from Queens (Queen Salote) as well as polarizing letters from Politicians. Included are manuscript notepads as well as confidential reports from other diplomats on locations where Luke was soon to be taking office, e.g. British Western Pacific Islands. The Archive is unique in its form because it represents not only the correspondence between Luke as an official but also allows us a view into the life of a Career Diplomat of the last days of the Colonial British Empire who develops a deep connection with everyone he served with and under. Luke did not only keep correspondence with famous friends like Ronald Storrs but also emotional letters from those who served under him and respectfully stay in touch beyond the termination of Luke’s service. Many letters to family colleagues in the Colonial Office, Politicians, Priests with political functions, are preserved with Luke’s original typescript-answer or initial letter. The official and often explosive and historically meaningful content with striking relevance for reinterpreting Mediterranean, Middle Eastern Conflicts etc. makes this archive a must for research and posterity. This is not just any diplomat’s archive. The majority of these letters are unpublished but are waiting to be discovered (see for example the long letter by Sir Kenneth Roberts-Wray on the Palestine Commission. Also included his Luke’s very valuable, handwritten manuscript-notebook of colonial postings-recipe-collections together with his working copy of the very special cookery book “The Tenth Muse”. The majority of the collection is now catalogued and visible on our website. A collection of c. 89 letters and 43 items of Ephemera has not been catalogued yet.

England / Palestine / Israel / Malta / Cyprus, Fiji / Sierra Leone etc., 1898 – 1968. Octavo / Quarto / Folio. c.15000 pages (books) / Collection of hundreds of Letters (see images) / Photographs and ephemera etc. Original Hardcover / Softover – Bindings (also private interim-bindings), often with the rare dustjackets in protective collector’s Mylar, some without dustjackets. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Please check our website under “Libraries & Collections” and see detailed listings of books and letters, all categorized.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Luke, Cities And Men: An Autobiography.

17. [Autobiography Cities and Men] – Luke, Harry Charles.

[Manuscript / Working-copy (with Luke’s Exlibris) of:] Uncorrected Proof Copy of Cities And Men: An Autobiography. Volume I: The First Thirty Years (1884-1914) / This is the ultimately corrected version of Volume I, with several manuscript annotations and corrections by Sir Harry Luke in ballpen and ink but mainly with the positioning of the maps by Luke in the chapters of Volume One (all maps are sellotaped by Luke within the correct text-positions: Map of Cyprus, Map of Southern Alaska, Map of Mt. Athos, Map of “The Author’s Journey in Palestine and Syria in 1908” as well the tipped-in business-card of Dr.Albert Nissim). The Proof -copy also comes with the printed and correctly published Volumes Two and Three from Luke’s Autobiography and Volume III has the rare original Bookplate of Luke verso the endpaper: Motto: “Spero Meliora – E Libris Harrici Caroli Luke”. Three volumes.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Geoffrey Bles, 1953 – 1956. 22 cm x 14 cm. Volume I (Proof Working-Copy): 245 pages / Volume II: 262 pages / Volume III: (with Luke’s Exlibris / Bookplate): 254 pages plus loosely inserted an original photographic postcard of the “Tablet Placed by the Malta Government in the Bondi Palace, Gozo, to Mark Its Restoration” (this image was printed on page 97 of Volume III of Luke’s Autobiography). Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Good condition with some minor signs of external wear.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Luke, The Fringe Of The East.

30. [Oriental Tour 1907 – 1908] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] / [Harry Pirie-Gordon] / [Anastas Hanania (Jordan)].

Oriental Tour of Harry Charles Lukach, together with Harry Pirie-Gordon in the years 1907 – 1908 – Reflected in a large collection of Manuscript Letters Signed (MLS / See complete List of Letters below) / The envelope with letters was kept by Luke within the Manuscript-Annotated publication “The Fringe Of The East” and was always part of Luke’s personal collection in this constellation, hence we did not separate it. The collection of manuscript letters report back home from Damascus and his wider trip through the middle east in the years 1907 – 1908. [These letters reflect the formative years of Sir Harry Luke during his Travels through the Middle East, prior to World War One and shortly before starting his career in the British Colonial Administration in the year 1911 as A.D.C. (Assistant District Commissioner) in Cyprus under High Commissioner, Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, who succeeded Sir Charles King-Harman in 1911 / Including also a letter of Palestinian-Jordanian Lawyer Anastas Hanania to Luke].

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Glasgow, Robert MacLehose & Co., Ltd., 1913. 22,5 cm x 15 cm. 267 pages. Original Hardcover. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Split hinge, detached front board. Fair condition. Includes a large envelope with original letters Harry Luke sent home from his trip through the Near East / Levant.

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Wemyss, Original SIGNED Portrait of the Sir Rosslyn Wemyss with Mudrous / Mudros Papers

37. [Cyprus / Famagusta / Mudros Content] – [Wemyss, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Rosslyn / Governor of Moudros] – Lukach, Harry Charles [later Sir Harry Luke] / [Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss / Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Michael de Robeck].

[Collection of five items of Signed Portrait of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss and Excellent Manuscript-Letter – Exchange with Harry Lukach, later Sir Harry Luke] The collection includes: 1. Original SIGNED Portrait of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, while Rear Admiral, Senior Officer and Governor of Moudros / Mudros / 2. Together with autographed and signed manuscript-letter by Sir Rosslyn to his friend and subordinate, Harry Lukach [later Sir Harry Luke], who obviously had sent him congratulations when Wemyss was appointed as Admiral Sir Jellicoe’s replacement in December 1917 as First Sea Lord: “My dear Lukach – it was nice of you to send me your telegram but you will realize that I haven’t looked upon my appointment as an object for congratulations, though it is none the less nice that I should receive them from my friends. I had a letter from your father the other day, who told me that he thought it was possible that you decided to get out of your present Job, & that if so I could possibly be [?] for you to do so. If you have any ideas on the subject, do write & let me know, for you may be quite sure that I shall be only too glad to do anything to help you in that direction, for as I have told you before, I think that your powers should be need in some less circumscribed area than where you are at present – All good luck – Believe me – Yours very sincerely (s o) R.E. Wemyss” (dated 5th January, 1918) / 3. Together with Harry Lukach’s answer in a manuscript letter from February 11th, 1918, on Stationery of “Famagusta Club – Cyprus”: “Dear Sir Rosslyn, I am most grateful for your letter of the 5th January, & for your kindness in thinking of me among your many preoccupations. I need scarcely assure you that I am only too anxious to [?] what Service under the Admiralty, if this were possible, as I feel that, although I have recently been given promotion inside Cyprus to the Commissionship of Famagusta, I might perhaps be of more use at present Day in Palestine, the Balkans, or Elsewhere in the Near or Middle East than here. If any Naval Mission in those theatres required someone to do work of a kind for which you thought me fitted, I do not think the CO would think of declining to second me if you were to be good enough to ask for my services, especially as I am known to you personally through having had the privilege of serving on your Staff, Yours very sincerely (so) HCLukach”. / 4. Together with a stunning Typescript-copy of Luke’s application from his post in Famagusta, Cyprus, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies on 31 October, 1918, in which Luke lists his many achievements and asks for an administrative or political appointment in Turkey or Persia “if on conclusion of peace any territories in those countries should pass under British administration or control (this typescript is written while Lukach is Commissioner of Famagusta, Cyprus and he mentions the service under Sir Rosslyn Wemyss) – Luke also includes a typescript of C.D. Fenn for the Chief Secretary to Government in the year 1916 in which the Government confirms appreciation of his valuable service in connection with the administration of Mudros. Luke kept all these items together in his collection with the scrapbook-collection of printed Mudros – Orders he received from Wemyss and de Robeck while on Mudros (see below description of item No.5).

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Mudros, Authority, c. 1918. 33,5 cm x 21,5 cm. Size of the Original Photograph Portrait of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss: Image: 14.5 cm wide x 19.5 cm high, signed in ink and mounted on board which measures 17.5 cm wide x 22.7 cm high. / The Volume with official documents counts c. 100 pages. Original Hardcover. The extremely rare photograph of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss in very good condition and beautifully signed and only with some minor signs of wear / The Mudros – Volume of official orders by Wemyss, de Robeck and Lukach with some minor staining to boards, very occasional only some foxing to pages. Otherwise in excellent condition.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Luke, From a South Seas Diary: 1938-1942.

44. [Pacific Content / Gardner Island] – Luke, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke / [Gerald Gallagher on Nikumaroro (Gardner Island) / Patrick Jay Hurley – United States Minister to New Zealand].

From a South Seas Diary: 1938-1942. [Personal Working copy Number One without Index / “Review copy” of Sir Harry Luke – with very many annotations, additions and corrections which led to the ultimate finished print (this working copy has no Index yet) / With Three (3) Letters loosely inserted of which one is regarding funds for a bronze plaque for Gerald Gallaghaer’s grave on Nikumaroro (Gardner Island) / With Two (2) manuscript notes loosely inserted / With one handmade and handpainted bookmark signed and gifted Christmas 1941 by Cottrell-Dormer, Cox of the Iririki Hospital (Cottrell-Dormer is also mentioned in the Preface) / With a tipped-in Typescript on page 233, regarding the unannounced visit to Suva by United States Minister to New Zealand, Patrick Jay Hurley, on his way to take office. This typescript was clearly written to be included in the book but, for obvious reasons of diplomatic tact, never made it into the final publication. The typescript includes manuscript annotations by Luke and is a fine character-study of Patrick Hurley and his tendency to greet people with “an ear-piercing Indian war whoop or yell [Choctaw war crie, by Luke wrongly remembered as Osage Indian] / Luke rememberes in the typescript the spring of 1942: “About this time I was asked by Washington to look out for and put up, among many American military and naval notabilities who used to pass through Suva….crossing and recrossing the Pacific….So whenever a Catalina was sighted as being about to alight in Suva Harbour, my A.D.C. would hurry down to meet her…..One afternoon in 1942, Mungo dashed off to meet such an aircraft and did not return empty. Into the drawing-room of Government House strode a tall….flamboyant figure…General Hurley soon gave me to understand that in his private opinion Oklahoma was the only State in the Union that really mattered, an opinion which in the circumstances seemed an entirely proper one for him to cherish”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Nicholson & Watson, 1945. 19 cm x 12,5 cm. 252 pages with 185 photographs by the author. Original Softcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Split hinge, almost detached. Otherwise in fair condition.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Luke, A Bibliography of Sierra Leone: Preceded By An Essay On The Origin, Character and Peoples of the Colony and Protectorate.

50. [Sierra Leone Content] – Luke, Harry Charles / [Professor Edward Blyden III].

Collection of two publications and several letters: A Bibliography of Sierra Leone: Preceded By An Essay On The Origin, Character and Peoples of the Colony and Protectorate. [This publication comes with Luke’s personal copy of Sierra Leone Studies No.IX. – August 1927, in which Luke did not only write the Editorial Introduction but we also see included in this issue as an introduction to the section on “Street and Place Names in and around Freetown” (by Dr.R.H.Kennan), a reprinted letter of R.H.Kennan to Luke (page 9 of this issue). Luke notes on the cover of this issue the main reason why this pamphlet is in his private library: “including an account of our Mount Bintumane ascent” [Luke was part of the Mount Bintumane Expedition: “On the 18th August, 1926, Bintumane, the highest peak of the Lomas, the loftiest mountains in Sierra Leone, was climbed for the first time by an officer administering the Government of the Colony….on a fine misty morning we left our rest camp, situated beside a beautiful white-water face, itself more than 2,500 feet above sea level and, headed by the Acting Governor (Mr.Luke), commenced the Ascent [Sir Ransford Slater, Governor of Sierra Leone, made the ascent only the following year (1927)]. This wonderful collection of two publications also includes several loosely inserted Typescripts, Typed Letters and Manuscript-letters between Sir Harry Luke and Professor Edward Blyden III [Four (4) letters] as well as two (2) letters from Dr.P.E.H.Hair from Fourah Bay College, Freetwown, Sierra Leone [with typescripty of Luke’s answer behind one of the letters]/ Also included a manuscript note from Luke, titled “Description of Photographs from Sierra Leone” in which Luke outlines in detail nine (9) illustrations [possibly for a later edition of the work] and mentions: “A Paramount Chief in Gala costume with wives, children and staff-bearer. The wives holding rattles used in the Dances of the Bundu (Women’s secret Society), Mende Tribe, Railway District, Sierra Leone / A Porro Devil on stilts (a Dancer of the Porro or Men’s secret society) etc. etc.]. With Illustrations And Map.

Second, Enlarged Edition. [This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Oxford University Press, 1925. 19 cm x 13 cm. 230 pages, 4 illustrations. Original Hardcover. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy.

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[Luke, Genealogy / Family History / Newspaper - Cuttings

75. [Family History of Sir Harry Luke / Zamarski] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry / Joseph Harry Lukach (from Detroit, Michigan) / Eugenie Zamarski / Ludwig Johann Carl Zamarski (Publisher and Engraver from Vienna)].

Scrapbook with Genealogy / Family History / Large amount of Newspaper – Cuttings from the early days of J.H.Lukach’s marriage to Eugenie Zamarski in Vienna to the time of the move to New York. Including several pages of articles Harry Lukach wrote for a New York Newspaper and a wonderful postcard of the “S.S.Celtic” on which Luke travelled to his first job in New York in 1903. He writes that the Celtic is approaching Queenstown (Cobh) / Including Newspaper cuttings of Harry Luke’s father’s business with the London branch Hanover Fire Insurance Company of New York / Ephemera of The Lawrence Gas Company of Lancashire and Cheshire, Limited / Imuris Mines, Limited – Silver, Copper, Gold / Mining World / Interesting Ephemera like Calling cards and Invitation cards of New York Society extended to the Lukach family (for example calling cards of “The Metropolitan Museum of Art”, “The Manhattan Club” etc.) / Invitation by J.H.Lukach and his wife to the wedding of their daughter Lily Boys / etc. etc.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Wien / London / New York , c.1880 – 1930. Octavo. 100 pages. Hardcover. From the private collection of Eugenie Zamarski and Joseph Harry Lukach and subsequently their son: colonial official, governor, Lieutenant-Governor of Malta, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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Collection of twentyone (21) letters to Sir Harry Luke during his posting as colonial secretary in Freetown / Sierra Leone

77. [Sierra Leone Content] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry].

Collection of twentyone (21) letters to Sir Harry Luke during his posting as colonial secretary in Freetown / Sierra Leone (1924 – 1928). Twelve (12) of the letters are from J.H.Luke (Sir Harry’s father) and he discusses with him, as usual very opinionated, not only family matters but also politics, matters relating to the colonial administration. Interestingly J.H.Luke also follows and influences the career of his son Harry by alerting him in a letter from April, 2nd, 1928 of the fact ‘that the Chief Secretaryship of Palestine has become vacant by the appointment of Colonel Symes as Resident at Aden….’ / In another letter from April 13th, 1928, J.H.Luke writes to his son Harry: ‘I am glad you took time to consider the Transjordan post – until you heard of the vacancy in Palestine; / He also informs him that he heard that ‘Guggisberg [that was Sir Frederick Gordon Guggisberg] was offered the Governorship of British Guiana (before the change in the Constitution) which he declined’. / In another letter he informs his son that ‘The rumours about Guggisberg going to Newfoundland have been contradicted in the Times’ / J.H. Luke also thanks his son for the interesting lecture on Slavery in Sierra Leone. / The other letters contain more poltical talk, society talk (often a mixture of both when for example J.H.Luke talks about the marriage of the former Miss Janet Phillips to a member of the British diplomatic corps, Leander McCormick-Goodhart). Four of the letters are from Luke’s mother one from a friend called Amelie and one from his sister Lily.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London / Sierra Leone, 1928. Octavo. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Correspondance of 10 letters between Sir Harry Luke and Commander J.R. Clay of Clay's Marine Steering Gear

80. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry].

Correspondance of 10 letters between Sir Harry Luke and Commander J.R. Clay of Clay’s Marine Steering Gear Limited on behalf of his father J.H.Luke, who was a partner in the company and held a patent on Steering Gear used in the ships of the ‘White Star Line’ from which J.H. Luke hoped to get an income. Sir Harry took over the correspondance from his father who fell ill during the year 1930. The collection of letters is very interesting in regard of the company’s relation ot The Stottpool Steamship Company’ – the fate of the company being discussed in the paper as ‘COMPANY WITHOUT CAPITAL’ – Nothing coming in or going out (Owner were: J.H.Luke / Sir A. Henry Mc Mahon / Comm. J.R.Clay / Lord Southborough / Sir Harry receives information from Commander Clay in a letter from July 17th, 1930 regarding the fact that ‘We have not had any further orders for the Gear, but as previously mentioned to you there is another Motor Vessel similar to the ’″Britannic” building in Belfast for the White Star Line, and we should be able to get the order for her’. The correspondance goes into detail: ‘You will note from the pamphlet which i prepared that the new helm order will become law on the 30th of June 1931. When in Belfast on the trials of the “Brittanic” I met one of the Committee of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea…..He represents the Gyro Compass Company in London and i hopeto bring him to see you as I consider he will be able to help us considerably by recommending the adoption of the Steering Gear Device.’ / The correspondance mainly between Liverpool and Sir Harry Luke’s summer – address in Alt-Aussee, Steiermark, Austria. / The correspondance also includes a manuscript letter in which Sir Harry writes about his fathers illness and wonders if it is really worthwhile to renew the patent in light of the fact ‘that for so many years hardly any line except th White Star Line has adopted the Gear’. [The collection also includes a further 8 letters and also the papers of the estate of Sir Harry’s father. Sir Harry corresponds with his families solicitor, Oliver Dayrell Paget Paget-Cooke and besides the technicalities of the estate also encourages him to visit Malta / one page also on stationery of “The Palace – Malta”].

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Octavo. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Eight - page - Manuscript letter (MLS) to Sir Harry and manuscript evaluation of personnell at Government House (Fiji)

81. [Pacific Content] – [Luke, Harry Sir / Lukach, Harry] Arthur Richards, 1st Baron Milverton.

Eight – page – Manuscript letter (MLS) to Sir Harry together with a 27-page manuscript-evaluation of local personnell at Government House (Fiji) as well as local politicians and possible agitators in Fiji and the British Western Pacific Territories from Arthur Richards, 1st Baron Milverton, in his capacity as Governor of Fiji and High Commissioner of the British Western Pacific Territories. This letter and the manuscript evaluations were sent by Richards on July 10th, 1938, on Stationery from Government House (Fiji) in order to inform Luke of the special situation of the posting before Sir Harry would take over the post (from 1938 – 1942). Very intriguing insights into colonial portraiture of possible troublemakers in the colonial service, excellent service men, clerks, and also recommendations for promotions etc. Arthur Richards evaluation of Sir Alport Barker, owner of ‘The Fiji Times & Herald’ is exemplary for the opinionated report to Sir Harry and one of the remarkable reports on ‘European Members of the Legislative Council on Fiji and the British Western Pacific Territories: ‘Aplort Barker – Has been an elected member for about twelve years, ex-mayor of Suva, owns the Fiji Times = Herald – Member of Executive Council / Has a small-minded, narrow outlook partly the result of physical disability. Lame from early days owing to infantile paralysis. Very anxious to get a knighthood. He has an intimate knowledge of local affairs and is often useful. He could be more useful if he were not so petty and spiteful.Very sensitive of slights, real on imaginary. / Apolosi [that was Apolosi Nawai] – Arthur Richards describes him as follows: ‘Apolosi – A man of the people. Fijian agitator & leader. The John the Baptist of a possible future. An ignorant misguided man with a great natural flair for speaking. Can sway words + is to some extent feared by the Chiefs because of his influence. The papers on him are worth reading. He is at present banished to Rotuma but the term expires at the end of 1939, when despite filaria + increasing age (he is well over 50) he will be a man to be watched. / Arthur Richards goes on to report on the ‘Council of Chiefs (Fiji)’’ where matters of interest to the Fijian people are discussed, resolutions are passed and answers are given’ – He informs Sir Harry that ‘The Council has been postponed until Oct. 18th [1938] to enable you to preside. The position of Governor carries immense prestige with the Fijians’. Richards also informs Luke that ‘no ladies, except the Governor’s wife should be present at the opeimus’. In total Arthur Richards talks about c. 32 people in his evaluations and he also gives Sir Harry Luke some information on the Coconut Estates on Fiji, Mines, Suva Yacht Club etc. He goes on to talk about Sir Harry Luke’s arrival and swearing in as governor and taking the oath ‘the whole being relayed over the wireless’ / ‘I assure you that the whole of Fiji + much of the Western Pacific will be listening in, so make a good speech.’ / Magnificent, confidential report between two important representatives of the British Empire during a very sensitive period of world history.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Suva (Fiji), Government House, 1938. Octavo / Quarto From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Correspondance between Professor Jean la Cecilia (Professeur d'Anglais au Lycee de Foix)

82. [Palestine Content] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry] / Pirie-Gordon, Harry.

Fantastic letter from Harry Pirie-Gordon to Sir Harry Luke’s father, helping him to solve an issue regarding a Napoleon-letter / Correspondence between Professor Jean la Cecilia (Professeur d’Anglais au Lycee de Foix), J.H.Luke, the editor of THE TIMES and subsequently a letter from J.H.Luke reporting the outcome to Sir Harry Luke, regarding an original Napoleon – letter, and Napoleon’s Services to European Peace. Interesting correspondence and newspaper – clipping of the published article as a consequence of the correspondence. With some interesting, patriotic remarks. Also included a wonderful letter from J.H.Luke to his son Harry Luke in Palestine on occasion of Luke regarding the Napoleon-letter-incident Priri-Gordon helped him with and to express his disappointment that Harry and family can not holiday with him because he is succeeding (or standing in for) Lord Plumer [that is Field Marshal Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, 1st Viscount Plumer] in his role as High Commissioner of the British mandate in Palestine: “The one …i can find in that ‘acting’ for a man like Lord Plumer at the outset will add to your prestige…”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London / Cap de la Ville (Foix), 1928. Octavo. Five letters in total. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Correspondence between Peter Luke and Sir Harry Luke while lhe was living on Cyprus

83. [Private Materials Sir Harry Luke] – [Luke, Harry Sir / Lukach, Harry]. Luke, Peter / Luke, Michael.

Important typescript mentioning Cyprus, with manuscript annotations by Sir Harry Luke – the typescript is a copy of a letter which Sir Harry Luke wrote to his son Michael Luke on December 1st, 1963 from his residence in 96 Hellas Street, Kyrenia and Luke informs his son of Harrap (Publisher) urging him on to publish a revised edition of his Cyprus book. Luke writes: “The day before i left Harraps asked me if I would be willing to do a revised edition of my Cyprus book. I did not even know that the stock was down to its last few copies. I naturally said yes, and that is what i am working on now. It is involving, in fact, quite a bit of thought and work because I will have to trace the painful transition from British Crown Colony, which Cyprus was then, to Independent republic.” – Luke also reflects on the recent assassination of JFK: “The Dallas outrage is indeed a world tragedy. Not only is it the case that the world’s most valuable life of the moment has been taken; we have all lost something young, buoyant and infinitely engaging”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, 1964. Octavo. Thirteen (13) letters and one Telegram and one photograph in total: 6 Letters from Peter Luke to his father, Sir Harry Luke / 2 manuscript draft – letters from Harry Luke / 2 annotated typescripts by Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from Michael Luke to his father, Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from Lloyds Bank to Sir Harry Luke / 1 Letter from June Luke (Peter Luke’s wife) in which June refers to the tragedy Cyprus is experiencing during the intercommunal violence between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots on “Bloody Christmas”. June Luke is feeling with Sir Harry Luke “…i hear you have been through so many rebellions and revolutions that this will seem nothing ! – But all the same it must be very depressing for you to witness such turmoil in a country that you love so well”. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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[Luke, Papers, correspondence and ephemera from old stocks as well as J.H.Lukach's will

86. [Private Materials Sir Harry Luke] – [Black Friday 1929 / Lukach, J.H.] Consolidated Gold Fields of New Zealand / Westinghouse Bremen Gesellschaft (Germany) .

Stock Certificate / Papers, correspondence and ephemera from the estate of J.H.Lukach: Interesting letters from Westinghouse Brake & Saxby Signal Company (Sir Harry Luke has discovered that his father had shares in the Westinghouse Bremen Gesellschaft (Germany) and the several letters refer to the transfer of shares just shortly after Black Friday / Typescript of a letter by J.H.Lukach to Westinghouse, thanking him for ‘your kindness in giving me an option on 500 Shares of the Societe Anonyme Westinghouse’ / Old stocks as well as J.H.Lukach’s will including a letter from solicitor Laurence Alfred Baker (20, Copthall Avenue and Stock Exchange, London) to Harry Luke in which he urges Sir Harry Luke to destroy the certificate of the New Zealand Gold Company to prevent a query into its value cropping up again – Laurence Alfred Baker also indirectly refers to the recent crash at the stockmarket by mentioning: ‘It is most interesting, and no doubt significant, that in bad times such as these, when one might almost say that everything is falling, there is a definite and persistant demand for Consolidated Signal and Westinghouse Shares. / Also included is extensive documentation of J.H.Lukach’s estate etc. / Old IOU’s / One postcard to Harry Luke Esq. in Alt-Aussee (Austria) – from his father / One letter to Sir Harry in Kensington from a source undeciphered (1965) / Original, hungarian documentation (certificate) of the name J.H.Luke / Lease documentation of Ashley Gardens in the City of Westminster /

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London etc., c.1910 – 1930. Octavo.

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[Luke, Wonderful example of the research trips Harry Luke made for his later publications

94. [Mesopotamia / Mosul Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry].

Wonderful example of the research trips Harry Luke made for his later publications: Copy of a full page letter Sir Harry wrote from Mosul to his father in 1924: “My dear Father, only a hearty line in the state of great rush to tell you that we safely accomplished the Journey across the desert from Jerusalem to Damascus to Baghdad, though it took us 5 days instead of 2 and a half owing to breakdown and sticking in the mud etc. At one place, half way across the desert, we stuck for 20 hours. We left Jerusalem on the 9th and got to Baghdad on the 14th at noon and had to leave that same evening for Mosul, as the trains only go twice a week. We had 15 hours in the train to the Northern terminus of the Baghdad Railway and then 75 miles by car. We are being put up by the British Political Officer here, in a charming house. Today I have been out all day in neighbouring Jacobite and Chaldean villages and monasteries and this evening visited one of the persons I had especially come here to Kurdistan to see, namely the hereditary Patriarch of the Nestorians, now a boy of 15, who has been Patriarch for 3 years, an attractive shy lad who not officiating as Patriarch plays football with the other Nestorian children. Tomorrow we go out to the Shrine of the Yezidis, or Devil-worshippers, in the company of their hereditary Emir (who I am told is always tight). We leave here on the 20th for Bagdad and then straight back to Jerusalem.”

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Mosul, 1924. Octavo. One and a half page – Typescript Letter. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

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