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Irish History – Rare (321 items)

Gilpin / Castle Freke Library - Observations Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776

23. Gilpin, William. [Castle-Freke Library Bookplates]

Collection of four Volumes (bound in two) by Gilpin – All from the historical library at Castle Freke (Castlefreke, West Cork / Ireland). The Volumes include: I. & II. Observations Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain; particularly the High-Lands of Scotland. [Second Edition, with an “Account of the Prints” bound to the rear] / III. Observations on the River Wye and several Parts of South Wales &c. relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; Made in the summer of the Year 1770 (Third Edition). / IV. An Essay on Prints – [″The chief intention of the following work was to put the elegant amusement of collecting prints, on a more rational footing; by giving the unexperienced collector a few principles and cautions to assist him”] (Fourth Edition with the printed dedication “To the Honorable Horace Walpole in Deference to his Taste in the Polite Arts; and the Valuable Researches he has made to improve them; the following work is inscribed by his most obedient and very humble servant, William Gilpin”). [Volumes I & II with 40 original illustrations and vintage 18th century maps [correctly 39 illustrations and one table], for example of Loch Lomond and the Firth of Forth/ all illustrations are vintage mezzotint-plates].

Mixed Editions. Four Volumes (bound in two). London, Printed for R. Blamire, Strand, 1792. Octavo. Pagination: Volume I: XI, [1], 221 pages with 24 mezzotints / Volume II: 195, XVI pages with 16 mezzotints and an “Account of the Prints” as well as “Translations of Latin Passages” / [Volume III]: [River Wye]: XVI, 152 pages with 16 (of 17) full – page mezzotints / [Volume IV]: [An Essay on Prints]: XIII, [3], 174 pages plus XI pages Index and 1 page Errata. Hardcover / Early 19th century quarter – morocco with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Both volumes bound in unison. Very good + condition with only minor signs of external wear. Pages 185 – 191 of Volume I with some stronger browning. Otherwise the interior very clean. All mezzotints in very good or even better condition. This is the original copy from the historical Castle-Freke Library in West Cork (Ireland), with two armorial bookplates to front and rear pastedown with the family’s motto ‘Pro Patria’. With two pages of manuscript annotations by a contemporary hand with a reference between the common name “Tarbet” in Scotland and a place-name in County Kerry in Ireland” (pages 13 of Volume II) / another entry is on page 12 of Volume II regarding the name-sake “Loch-Loung” for a Lake of ships in Scotland and Ireland.

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Bellin / Senex / Ogilby - The Roads through England or Ogilby's Survey. Revised, improved and reduced by Senex. [Enlarged Edition of John Ogilby's 1675 published "Britannia"]

25. [Bellin, Jacques Nicholas / Senex, John / Ogilby, John]

The Roads through England or Ogilby’s Survey. Revised, improved and reduced by Senex. [Enlarged Edition of John Ogilby’s 1675 published “Britannia”] Distinctly laid down on onehundred & one Plates with the addition of some Roads newly drawn and several corrections of more general use to Travellers. [Including an Appendix with Cityplans of London (double-page), Plymouth, Shrewsbury, Yorck (York), Chester, [Scene of Carrick-Fergus (Ireland)], Waterford, Oxford, Leith [Edinburgh], Harwich, Scenery of Edinburgh / Itinéraire de toutes les routes de l ‘Angleterre. Revues corrigées, augmentées & réduites par Senex en 101 Cartes. [Titlepage bilingual in french and english].

Paris, Desnos, 1766. Quarto (30 cm x 22.5 cm). Collation complete: Bilingual titlepage, 12 double-page maps of England, partly beautifully border-coloured, 6 unnumbered pages of Index with distances in miles, one (1) General Map of England (″Carte Generale” of Engand by D’Ogilby), 101 full-page maps of routes/streets, Engraved titlepage for the Appendix, One (1) double-page of explanations for the London-City-Plan, 17 beautiful maps and engravings of a variety of english cities, also with a section on Ireland (Dublin, Waterford, Kinsale, Galway, Limerick). Original 18th-century contemporary calf with gilt lettering on spine and on five raised bands. The Volume is now protected in Collector’s Mylar. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. Some rubbing and corners slightly bumped but overall excellent. Interior near fine with only the slightest occasional spotting. Rare and even rarer in this condition !

EUR 2.400,-- 

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Ayearst, The Republic of Ireland - Its Government and Politics

26. Ayearst, Morley.

The Republic of Ireland – Its Government and Politics – Collection of 215 books on Irish Politics, Irish Government, Irish local planning and Local government, Irelands connection to the EU, History of Irish Elections, books on Governmental policy (general and irish related), books on the history of Ireland’s connection to the UK etc. Also included are several publications on the history of the irish political parties. The comprehensive collection comes from the library of a former council man and university lecturer and includes many of the minor and major publications needed to understand the forming of the irish state from 1940 onwards. The collection includes publications like: 1. John McG. Smyth – The Theory and Practice of the Irish Senate / 2. John Coakley and Michael Gallagher – Politics in the Republic of Ireland / 3. Desmond Roche – Local Government in Ireland / 4. Patrick Keatinge – Maastricht and Ireland – What the Treaty means / 5. Stephen Collins – The Power Game – Fianna Fail since Lemass / 6. Cornelius O’Leary – Irish Elections (1918 – 1977) – Parties, Voters and Proportional Representation / 7. Bruce Arnold – What Kind of Country – Modern Irish Politics 1968-1983 / 8. Michael Flannery – Sanitation – Conservation and Recreation Services in Ireland / 9. Peter Mair – The Changing Irish Party System / 10. R.C.Geary – and F.S.O Muircheartaigh – Equalization of Opportunity in Ireland – Statistical Aspects / 11. Mary Minihan – A Deal with the Devil – The Green Party in Government / 12. Donal de Buitleir – Problems of Irish Local Finance / 13. Communications and Community in Ireland (Brian Farrell) / etc. etc.

London, University of London Press, 1971. 24 cm. vii,241 pages with 8 plates. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. The collection of 215 books (of which only c.60 are listed here) is in very good condition (only a few volumes with stronger wear).

EUR 2.400,-- 

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Staunton - An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China

29. Staunton, Sir George / Lord Macartney.

An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China [First Dublin Edition with 34 full-page-plates]; Including Cursory Observations Made, and Information Obtained, in Travelling Through That Ancient Empire, and a Small Part of Chinese Tartary. Together with a Relation of the Voyage undertaken on the Occasion by his Majesty’s Ship ‘The Lion’, and the Ship ‘Hindestan’ in the East India Company’s Service, to the Yellow Sea, and Gulf of Pekin [sic]; as well as of their return to Europe. With Notices of the several places where they stopped in their way out and home: being the Islands of Madeira, Teneriffe and St.Jago, the Port of Rio de Janeiro in South America; the Islands of St.Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Amsterdam, the Coast of Java and Sumatra, the Nanka Isles, Pulo-Condore and Cochin-China. Taken chiefly from the Papers of his Excellency, the Earl of Macartney, Knight of the Bath, his Majesty’s Embassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of China; Sir Erasmus Gower, Commander of the Expedition and other Gentlemen in the several Departments of the Embassy.

Two Volumes (complete set). Dublin, Printed for P.Wogan, R.Cross, P.Byrne and others, 1798. Octavo. Volume I: XV, 449 pages with 8 full-page plates / Volume II: XVIII, 430 pages, with 26 full-page-plates and including an Appendix. Hardcover / Original, early 19th century half leather with original spinelabels. Bindings firm and strong but rather worn. Bookplate of Richard Meade, Ballymartle, to the pastedown of Volume I. Overall in very good condition with some stronger signs of wear but with all the illustrations / engravings, called for in the Dublin Edition.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Raleigh, Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State

30. Raleigh, Sir Walter.

Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State – Advice to his Son : His Son’s Advice to his Father. His Sceptick. Observations concerning the Causes of the Magnificiency and Opulency of Cities. [Separate Titlepage: Sir Walter Raleigh’s Observations touching Trade and Commerce with the Hollander and other Nations; proving that our Sea and Land Commodities inrich and strengthen other Countries against our own. With other Passages of High Concernment – London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. His Letters to divers Persons of Quality. [Separate Titlepage: The Prerogative of Parliaments in England, proved in a Dialogue between a Counsellor of State and a Justice of Peace. London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. With the Addition of some Letters never Printed before.

First Edition. London, Printed for W.Mears, F.Clay and D.Browne, without Temple-Bar, 1702-1726. 9 cm x 16 cm. Frontispiece, [3], 342 pages. Hardcover / Modern half-leather with gilt lettering on spine and paper-covered boards. Restored and recently bound to contemporary, early 18th-century-style by an english masterbinder. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. The Frontispiece restored and draped to modern paper. Interior clean and in excellent condition. Extremely scarce publication from the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), even though there is no sign of it like a bookplate etc.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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