The Roads through England or Ogilby’s Survey. Revised, improved and reduced by Senex. [Enlarged Edition of John Ogilby’s 1675 published “Britannia”] Distinctly laid down on onehundred & one Plates with the addition of some Roads newly drawn and several corrections of more general use to Travellers. [Including an Appendix with Cityplans of London (double-page), Plymouth, Shrewsbury, Yorck (York), Chester, [Scene of Carrick-Fergus (Ireland)], Waterford, Oxford, Leith [Edinburgh], Harwich, Scenery of Edinburgh / Itinéraire de toutes les routes de l ‘Angleterre. Revues corrigées, augmentées & réduites par Senex en 101 Cartes. [Titlepage bilingual in french and english].
Paris, Desnos, 1766. Quarto (30 cm x 22.5 cm). Collation complete: Bilingual titlepage, 12 double-page maps of England, partly beautifully border-coloured, 6 unnumbered pages of Index with distances in miles, one (1) General Map of England (″Carte Generale” of Engand by D’Ogilby), 101 full-page maps of routes/streets, Engraved titlepage for the Appendix, One (1) double-page of explanations for the London-City-Plan, 17 beautiful maps and engravings of a variety of english cities, also with a section on Ireland (Dublin, Waterford, Kinsale, Galway, Limerick). Original 18th-century contemporary calf with gilt lettering on spine and on five raised bands. The Volume is now protected in Collector’s Mylar. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. Some rubbing and corners slightly bumped but overall excellent. Interior near fine with only the slightest occasional spotting. Rare and even rarer in this condition !
Enlarged Edition of John Ogilby’s 1675 published “Britannia” with engraved plates in strip form of the principal roads of England and Wales. This being the Paris Edition by John Senex with John Ogilby’s maps reduced in size and enlarged/supplemented with 12 additional maps and 17 engraved plans/plates.
John Ogilby (also Ogelby, Oglivie; November 1600 – 4 September 1676) was a Scottish translator, impresario and cartographer. Best known for publishing the first British road atlas, he was also a successful translator, noted for publishing his work in handsome illustrated editions. (Wikipedia)
EUR 2.400,--
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