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English History – Rare (155 items)

Montgomery Martin, The British Colonies; Their History, Extent, Condition and Resources

106. Martin, Robert Montgomery.

The British Colonies; Their History, Extent, Condition and Resources. 6 Volumes bound in 3 Volumes (Text only without maps and illustrations). The Set includes: Volume I – British North America / Volume II – Australia / Volume III – New Zealand, Tasmania / Volume IV – Africa and the West Indies / Volume V – British India / Volume VI – Ceylon, East India and Meditteranean Settlements /

First Edition. London and New York, The London Printing and Publishing Company [that was J. and F. Tallis], no year (c. 1850). Quarto (20 cm x 27 cm). Volume I (British North America [Canada / USA]): Frontispice illustrated titlepage, XXIV, 360 pages with pages 1 – 9 missing / Volume II (Australia): pages 361 – 744 pages / Volume III (New Zealand / Tasmania): II, 384 pages. / Volume IV (Africa and the West Indies): II, 188 pages / Volume V (British India): II, 564 pages with pages 455 – 456 missing / Volume VI (Ceylon, East India and Mediterranean Settlements): II, 172 pages. Hardcover / Original, decorative publisher’s halfleather with gilt lettering and ornament to spines. Bindings rubbed but overall in firm and very good condition with only minor signs of wear. All maps and illustrations besides one illustration removed by a previous owner. In the course of removal of maps and illustrations, one page slightly torn and 11 pages of text missing. This is still one of the most important text-sources of British Colonial History, itsevaluation in Britain and a plethora of data on economical and political impact the Colonies had for the former Empire. No other contemporary 19th century publication includes details on colonial produce, movement of population and local History from Tasmania to Quebec, from Hong Kong to Heligoland (Helgoland), and in general on the depition of “England, the ‘Nursing Mother’ of Nations” (Introductory page XXIV by Montgomery Martin).

EUR 650,-- 

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18th / 19th century Country House Library of Richard and John Meade (Ballymartle, near Kinsale)

109. Meade, Richard / [Richard Meade Library (Ballymartle) / Rev. John Meade (Ballymartle) / [Townsend Family – Relation 3rd Generation Residence: “Ballymartle, Kinsale, Co. Cork” (Helena Townsend / Colonel Bryan Townsend / William Meade and John Meade, Richard Meade, Robert Meade, William Meade)].

On offer here is an important part of the now lost 18th / 19th century Country House Library of Richard Meade (Ballymartle, near Kinsale). 50 important and meaningful publications (comprising roughly 100 Volumes), from the stunning 18th & 19th century Irish Country House – Library of Richard Meade and John Meade and the now derelict Estate of Ballymartle. [To see each title in this Library photographed and described comprehensively – Please go to our website-section: “Libraries & Collections”]. Inanna Rare Books offers here the professionally documented, c. 50 titles in roughly 100 Volumes, many of them professionally restored and rebound to style by british and german bookbinders. The building and rebuilding of the Meade-Library is ongoing. Many of the important titles are already listed and photographed in detail on our website (www.inannararebooks.com). This is an unusual possibility to acquire a meaningful, historical Library with publications on General History, Philosophy, Religion, Travel, Irish & British History and Constitutional Relations, Legal History and Law Publications of Ireland and England, Poetry and Literature of important Women Writers in Literature of 18th and 19th century England, Ireland and Continental Europe. The Meade-Library reflects the generational succession of a lost Irish Country-House-Estate.

50 Titles in c. 100 Volumes. Ballymartle / Ballintobber (near Kinsale), c.1750 – 1800. Octavo. Original Hardcover Volumes or original wrappers. The overall condition of these books is very good or even better, mainly restored and professionally repaired, with some Volumes still at the bookbindery and in process of repair and restoration. The Library will be delivered per International Courier UPS.

EUR 75.000,-- 

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Sammelband: Bishop John Milner - History and and Antiquities of Winchester / Charles Heath - The Excursion Down the Wye from Ross to Monmouth / Henry Marten - Monmouthshire

110. Milner, Rev. [Bishop John Milner] / [Charles Heath] / [Henry Marten].

Sammelband with several publications bound in one Volume: 1. Rev. Milner – An Historical and Critical Account of Winchester Cathedral with an Engraved View and Ichnographical Plan of that Fabric. Extracted from the Rev. Mr.Milner’s History and and Antiquities of Winchester to which is added “A Review of its Modern Monuments” (Winchester, 1801 / 148 pages) / 2. Heath, Charles – The Excursion Down the Wye from Ross to Monmouth; Comprehending Historical and Descriptive Accounts of Wilton and Goodrich Castles; Also of Court Field, The Nursery of King Henry The Fifth; New Wear, with Every other Object in the Voyage. The Celebrated Family of Swift, who resided at Goodrich, are not overlooked: and, throughout the whole are Interspersed, A Variety of Amusing and Interesting Circumstances, Never Before collected: Particularly Memoirs and Anecdotes of the Life of John Kyrle, Esq. Rendered Immortal by the Muse of Pope, under the Character of “The Man of Ross”. By Charles Heath, Printer, Monmouth. Being Part the First of this Work, – which will include the Whole of the Voyage from Ross to Chepstow. Part II will contain Monmouth. Part III from thence to the Junction of the Wye with Severn. Pointing out every interesting Object in the Course of this much-admired Excursion. (London, 1799 / 246 unnumbered pages with mentioning on the last page of this section: “End of First Part” [This information seems to be the same in all versions of this book in international libraries and it is possible that Parts II and III were not published as advertised on the titlepage but in a different way]) / 3. Henry Marten – Monmouthshire [has its own titlepage but can very well be Part II and III of the previous Volume] – “Monmouthire – Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Ancient and Present State of Chepstow Castle – Including Persfield, with the various Views in those pleasurable Regions – Also, Notices of Caerwent, An Ancient Roman Station; Moyne’s Court, Matherne, and St. Pierre – The Old and New Passages, on both sides of the Water – The Roads to Bristol and Gloucester; and a Variety of other interesting particulars deserving the Stranger’s Notice. Interspersed with curious Biographical Anecdotes relating to the Life of Henry Marten, one of the Judges of King Charles I. confined twenty years in this Castle. Collected from original Papers and unquestionable Authorities by Charles Heath, Printer, Monmouth (c.1802) //

Winchester / London, Ja. Robbins, Charles Heath, 1801 – 1802. Octavo. Pagination of the Sammelband: First Book: Rev.John Milner – Account of Winchester Cathedral Part: Frontispiece of “North West View of the Cathedral), [2], Fold-out-plan of “Ichnography of the Cathedral Church”, 148 pages / Second Book: Charles Heath: “The Excursion Down the Wye…etc.” – First Part: 246 unnumbered pages / Second / [and possibly Third] Part: 188 unnumbered pages. Hardcover / Original, decorative half-leather of the early 19th century with original spinelabel, restored and with new endpapers and new marbled paper-covers on original boards. In protective Mylar. One page with a minor cut (without text-loss). Otherwise in very good condition with some signs of external wear. This very rare work originates from the wonderful Meade – Collection in Ballymartle (near Kinsale, West Cork), with the name of one of the Meade – family-members written on the titlepage and the bookplate / Exlibris of Richard Meade to the original endpaper.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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Richard Nixon's Cheshire Prophecy / Plus - John Collier - A Collection of Four Local History Pamphlets on Manchester and its History and A Map of Manchester and Salford by J.Pigot

118. [Nixon, Robert] / [Lilly, William] / Collier, John / Bobbin, Tom.

Collection of Four Local History Pamphlets on Manchester and its History, a Map of Manchester and Salford and a rare, early 18th century Prophecy-Pamphlet with William Lilly-Connection. The Collection includes as provisional Frontispiece a rare, folded, original “Map of Manchester and Salford” by J.Pigot, from the year 1811 – (36 cm x 32 cm) / The Map if followed by: Pamphlet I: Anonymous – Short Sketch of the History of Manchester (XII Pages – Manchester, Printed by Sowler and Russell, 1794 (and First published in the Encyclopaedia Britannica)/ Pamphlet II: [John Collier] – Curious Remarks on the History of Manchester. With a judicious Incredulity of Spirit, let us enquire and think for ourselves. By “Muscipula” [that is John Collier alias Tim Bobbin]. (IX, 65 pages – London, Printed for, and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, 1771 / Pamphlet III: [Anonymously but most likely also John Collier]″More Fruit from the same Pannier; Or, Additional Remarks on the History of Manchester. (IV, 73, VIII pages) / [Bound together with: NIXON’S Cheshire Prohecy At Large. Published from the Lady Cowper’s Correct Copy. With Historical and Political Remarks and several instances wherein it is Fulfilled. To which is added, THE LIFE OF [ROBERT] NIXON. With an advertising for a “William Lilly – Prophecy” on page 19 of the Nixon-Pamphlet: “Mr.Lilly’s remarkable Prophecy, transcrib’d Verbatim out of his Almanack for the Year 1655, printed under the following Title: “Merlini Anglici Ephemeris”: Astrological Predictions for the Year 1655 by William Lilly – Student in Astrology. [Followed by:] The Prophecy. “….Long’ere that Time poor Merlin sleeps In’s Grave secure; sad England weeps”. ([2], 32 pages – London, Printed for J.Roberts, 1719). //

Manchester / London, J.Roberts and others, 1719-1794. Octavo. Original Hardcover / 19th-century half-leather with gilt lettering to spine. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. Name of preowner on third pamphlet (″Michael North”) / With a manuscript entry by one ‘W.K.’, regarding the “garbled” appearance of the Nixon’s Prophecy in Fielding’s novel, Tom Jones: ‘This was probably the very book which Partridge read out of… This shows Fielding’s attention to minutiae I think – such a jumbled Head as [barber-surgeon] Partridge wd be likely to mix up those part of the Tale Together’. The Cheshire Prophecy in Chapbook-Style with an advertising bound before the titlepage and “Price Six-Pence” on cover.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Daniel Paterson & Edward Mogg - Paterson's Roads [1831/1832 Edition (18th Edition) with 12 Maps]

122. [Paterson, Daniel] Mogg, Edward.

Paterson’s Roads [1831/1832 Edition (18th Edition)] – Being an entirely original and accurate Description of all the direct and Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales, with part of the roads of Scotland. [Including an “Appendix to the Eighteenth Edition of Paterson’s Roads; being An Accurate Description of the Direct and Principal Cross roads communicating with the Improved Old Passage Ferry, across the River Severn, between Aust and Beachley, near Chepstow. Accompanied by a Map of the Banks of the Wye. To which are added, Course of the Chepstow Steam Packets; and An arranged Tour through Wales, with References to the pages in the Body of the Work, where connection with various lines of Road takes place.”]. The Eighteenth Edition. To which are added Topographical Sketches of the several Cities, Market Towns and remarkable Villages and descriptive accounts of the principal seats of the Nobility and Gentry, the Antiquities, Natural Curiosities and other Remarkable Objects throughout the Kingdom. The whole Remodelled, Augmented and Improved by the Addition of Numerous New Roads and New Admeasurements, and Arranged upon A Plan at once Novel, clear and intelligible, is deduced from the latest and best Authorities: Including a Table of the Heights of Mountains from the Grand Trigonometrical Survey of the Kingdom; Also a Table of the Population, From the Census of 1831; To which is annexed the Arrival and Departure of the Mail, together with the Rates of Postage and An Entirely New Set of Maps.

London, Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman, 1831/1832. Octavo (15 cm x 21,5 cm). Fontispiece – Fold-out-Map, 715 pages plus 44 pages of an Appendix. With twelve (12) Maps, including the frontipiece-map and full-page maps throughout the publication. Hardcover / Private half-leather of the early 20th century with gilt lettering on the spine. Some of the maps with visible reapirs but complete. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. This being the so-called “Best Edition”.

EUR 750,-- 

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Raleigh, Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State

125. Raleigh, Sir Walter.

Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State – Advice to his Son : His Son’s Advice to his Father. His Sceptick. Observations concerning the Causes of the Magnificiency and Opulency of Cities. [Separate Titlepage: Sir Walter Raleigh’s Observations touching Trade and Commerce with the Hollander and other Nations; proving that our Sea and Land Commodities inrich and strengthen other Countries against our own. With other Passages of High Concernment – London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. His Letters to divers Persons of Quality. [Separate Titlepage: The Prerogative of Parliaments in England, proved in a Dialogue between a Counsellor of State and a Justice of Peace. London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. With the Addition of some Letters never Printed before.

First Edition. London, Printed for W.Mears, F.Clay and D.Browne, without Temple-Bar, 1702-1726. 9 cm x 16 cm. Frontispiece, [3], 342 pages. Hardcover / Modern half-leather with gilt lettering on spine and paper-covered boards. Restored and recently bound to contemporary, early 18th-century-style by an english masterbinder. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. The Frontispiece restored and draped to modern paper. Interior clean and in excellent condition. Extremely scarce publication from the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), even though there is no sign of it like a bookplate etc.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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[Saunders, Rider's British Merlin: For the Year of our Lord 1799.

129. [Saunders, Richard] Rider, Cardanus.

Rider’s British Merlin: For the Year of our Lord 1799. Being the Third after Bissextile or Leap-Year. Adorned with many delightful and useful Verities, fitting all Capacities in the Islands of Great Britain’s Monarchy. With notes of Husbandry, Fairs, Marts, High Roads and Tables for many necessary uses. Compiled for the Country’s Benefit by Cardanus Rider. [With: “The Arms of the Peers, Peeresses &c. of England, Scotland & Ireland the Insignia of the Different Orders of Knighthood with the Baronets of Great Britain and the Dates of their Creations” [With: “Heraldry in Miniature” / Including a small section to the end of the publication with “British Governments in America and the West-Indies with Upper Canada – Lower Canada – Cape Breton – Virgin Island – Montserrat – Grenada – Jamaica – Leeward Islands – Barbados [Barbadoes]” etc.]. [ With a section on “Peers, Peeresses and Bishops of Ireland – That are Not Peers of England”].

London, Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1799. Slim-Octavo (9,5 cm x 16 cm). Collation complete with parts of the book interleaved: 60, XXXVI, [122 + 4 misbound planches with coats of arms, pagination incorrect but all plates available that are called for], plus 321 pages [House of Peers of Great Britain with misprinted pagination to the beginning of the 321 pages]. Original Hardcover / 18th century or early 19th century red leather. Stronger rubbed but firm and intact binding. Interior with tear to page 15/16, some minor foxing and browning only, some writing to interleaved pages in a child’s hand. All plates with Heraldic Bearings, Coat of Arms, Emblemata, Badges etc. included. Here the rare 1799 publication with over 500 examples of Heraldry of Ireland, Scotland and England. Includes Irish Earls, Irish Barons, Irish Archbishops, Irish Viscounts, etc. [Coat of Arms of Fingal, Glandore, Lisburne, Winterton, Arran, Barrymore, Marq. Donegall, Clanricarde, Fife, Lowth, Upper Ossory etc. etc.]

EUR 680,-- 

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Shaw, The History and Antiquities of Staffordshire.

133. Shaw, Rev. Stebbing.

The History and Antiquities of Staffordshire. Complete Set of two Volumes (all published/fully restored). With an original Plan of Wolverhampton, A large map of Staffordshire, Engravings of Boscobel House, The Pedigree of Turton, Etchings of Kings Bromley, Pipe Ridware House, Lichfield, Site of Blythbury Priory, Mavesyn Ridware, Cathedral of Lichfield, View of Freeford, etc. etc. Volume I – Containing the Ancient and Modern History of Thirty Parishes in the Hundred of Offlow, arranged Geographically, with an Appendix of the most curious Charters &c. Illustrated with sixty-two copper plates and a copious Index / Volume II – Part1 (all published) – Containing the Prefatory Introduction, commencing with a Series of Original Letters from Plot’s time to the present; General and Natural History &c. Ancient and Modern History of the remaining Parishes in the Hundred of Offlow and the Whole of Seisdon, arranged Geographically with an Appendix of curious Charters and other additions and Corrections &c. Illustrated with fifty copper plates and a copious Index. Compiled from the Manuscripts of Huntbach, Loxdale, Bishop Lyttelton, and other Collections of Dr.Wilkes, the Rev. T.Reilde. Including Erdeswicke’s Survey of the County and the approved parts of Dr. Plot’s Natural History. The whole brought down to the present time. Interspersed with Pedigrees and Anecdotes of Families, Observations on Agriculture, Commerce, Mines and Manufactories and illustrated with a very full and correct new map of the County, “Agri Staffordiensis Icon” and numerous other plates.

London, J.Nichols and Son, 1798-1801. Large-Folio. Volume I: Folded Map of Staffordshire by W.Faden, Portrait of Rev. Shaw (detached), XXIV, (2), 125, XXXVIII, 434, 38 pages / Volume II, Part I: A Plan of Wolverhampton, XXXII, 290, 20 pages. With a double-page plan, a large, folded county map (coloured), 82 engraved plates, numerous vignettes within the text and 3 folded pedigree – tables. Modern Hardcover. Exceptionally restored. This work is difficult to handle if not in a sturdy binding ! Original Edition in professionally rebound halfleather with gilt lettering on spine and extra-strong boards, suited for this heavy set. This masterpiece of underestimated english local history is of great interest because of its fold out maps and numerous large folio etchings.

EUR 1.400,-- 

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Agnes Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England, From the Norman conquest

141. Strickland, Agnes / [and Elizabeth Strickland].

Lives of the Queens of England, From the Norman conquest. Now first published from official records and other authentic documents, private as well as public. A new edition, revised and greatly augmented, embellished with Portraits of every Queen.

8 Volumes (complete set). London, Colburn & Co., 1851. Octavo. Volume I: Frontispiece-Portrait of Agnes Strickland and engraved titlepage, XXII, 614 pages with 15 illustrations (including Froontispiece and Vignette on Title) / Volume II: Frontispiece-Portrait of Isabella of Valois, engraved titlepage, VIII, 704 pages with 16 illustrations (including Frontispiece and Vignette on Title) / Volume III: Frontispiece-Portrait of Jane Seymour, engraved titlepage, [4], 588 pages with 10 illustrations (including Frontispiece and Vignette on Title) / Volume IV: Frontispiece-Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, engraved titlepage, [4], 790 pages with 4 illustrations (including Frontispiece and Vignette on Title) / Volume V: Frontispiece-Portrait of Anne of Denmark, engraved titlepage, [4], 703 pages with 8 illustrations (including Frontispiece and Vignette on Title) / Volume VI: Frontispiece-Portrait of Mary of Modena, engraved titlepage, [2], 672 pages with 5 illustrations (including Frontispiece and Vignette on Title) / Volume VII: Frontispiece-Portrait of Mary II when Princess of Orange, engraved titlepage, [3], 466 pages with 4 illustrations (including Frontispiece and Vignette on Title) / Volume VIII: Frontispiece-Portrait of Queen Anne, engraved titlepage, [2], 556 pages with 3 illustrations (including Frontispiece and Vignette on Title) // Original, very decorative half-leather bindings with gilt lettering and ornaments on spines, marbled-paper-covered-boards and marbled edges. Excellent, firm condition with only minor signs of wear. The set comes frm the private library of Major General Cosmo Alexander Richard Nevill, with his armorial bookplate / Ex Libris to the pastedown of each Volume, bearing his family-motto: “Ne Vile Velis” [″Wish for nothing Vile”].

EUR 1.480,-- 

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