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Manuscript Letters/Autographs (88 items)

Richardson, Song and Speech.

76. Richardson, Josiah (Editor) / [J.F. Lloyd – Photographer – Carmarthen / J.C.Portnell – Carmarthen].

Song and Speech. [Unique collection of the short-lived “Song and Speech” – Magazine, edited by Josiah Richardson in 1891 and accompanied by an autograph / manuscript letter-signed by Richardson].

Two Volumes in One (14 Issues in Total). Strand / London, “Song and Speech”, 1891-1892. 18 cm x 24 cm. Volume 1: No.1-12, 192 pages / Followed by parts of Volume 2: No.13 – No.1: 16 pages, No.13 – No.2: 16 pages. With numerous black-and-white illustrations and photographs throughout. [The pagination of this periodical changed from original 16 pages per number at the beginning of Volume I, to 8 pages towards the end of the first Volume. With the start of Volume II , in 1892, the periodical changed again to 8 pages per issue and also changed its numbering. We were not able to verify if this magazine was published beyond the May – Issue of 1892]. Hardcover / Private, decoratived half-leather with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. With the very interesting provenance of two Welsh men of Carmarthen: Victorian photographer J.F.Lloyd and J.C.Portnell. Bound by: ‘The “Welshman” Newspaper and Steam Printing Co. Lt., Bookbinders, Machine Rulers, & c., Carmarthen’ – with their bookbindery-label on pastedown. Includes manuscript-draft of a speech on endpaper titled ‘John Jones Chairman’, written by photographer J.F.Lloyd, Carmarthen. The calligraphed titlepage of this privately bound compilation shows the watermark ‘Annandale Polton’, of ‘Annandale and Polton Paper Mill Company’, which operated from 1825 until after the Second World War. Contains hand-written note on Page 1, dated January 29, 1896, signed by Editor Josiah Richardson’. This note also contains the blindstamped address of Josiah Richardson at ‘Gordon House, Wandsworth Common, S.W.’. In this note, Richardson telles the recipient that “I hope soon to go on with the publication of my Journal & should then be pleased to number you among my subscribers – Faithfully your Josiah Richardson”. The date of this note leads to the assumption that by 1896, the magazine had already ceased to exist and Richardson answers to one of his fans by expressing his hope to go on. The Volume also includes a manuscript – Index to the rear of the Volume. A very rare and uncommmon compilation of this early Magazine, with very interesting articles from “Pronounciation in Singing” to “Alteration of Music by Singers” to “Vocal Physiology” (Breathing / Principle of Breathing etc.), to “Stammering” etc.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Palmer, Manuscript Letter, signed (MLS) by Alice Freeman Palmer

77. Palmer, Alice Freeman.

Manuscript Letter, signed (MLS) by Alice Freeman Palmer, American educator, President of Wellesley College, Dean of Women at then newly founded University of Chicago and most importantly, Advocate for College Education for Women. The letter, written in Cambridge, Mass. on March 16th, 1899 comes in its original envelope and is a wonderful example for her caring personality not only for women’s education but also for a mother’s anxiety who was worried about her son’s education and who found the courage to write to Alice Freeman Palmer and ask for her help. The six-page-manuscript-letter is addressed to a Mrs. Richmond in Adams, Massachusetts. Alice Freeman Palmer responds to Mrs. Richmond’s worries that her son may not be able to afford a second year at Harvard University. Alice Freeman Palmer writes: “My dear Mrs. Richmond, I have read your letter with the warmest interest and have discussed the possibilities with my husband, who is a Professor in Harvard. He has seen the Dean in confidence and they will do all they can to secure some Price Greenleaf Aid for your son for next year – as much as possible. Dean Briggs will send a blank to your son which he should fill out and return. I think the decision is mde here in June and then you will know how much you can reky on from that source. If your son decides to return to Harvard, my husband wil secure one hundred and fifty dollars in addition, to pay his tuition from a fund which he has for students whom he wishes to help; so that he can have any Greenleaf aid he receives & use in addition to his tuition bills. For how much can he get on in Cambridge ? We will do all we can to secure him work and as will the Dean but we cannot be sure there are as many students applying for the same thing. We hope he will get $ 250 from the Gren Leaf Fund. If he does and has 150.00 for his tuition, would it not be wise for him to come, hoping that you might do a little for him, and might get some work from time to time and live very economically, and so get through the year. He must do such good work in his sophomore year that he can stand a chance for a scholarship at the end, and I should think that would be likely. I hope very heartily that he can return to Harvard and you may be sure that we will help him in any way we can. He must come and see us at once and let me know how we can assist him. We shall hold your letter in strict confidence you may know. You can trust the Dean absolutely and his help is essential in getting your son the aid he needs; for the numbers who need aid quite as sorely are many more than the means to aid them. But your letter has made me feel that a boy as Frailed as yours deserves the chances to finish his college course, and I hope he can find a way to the next three years without any more delay. Let us hope too that your husbands business will improve, and your anxieties be removed and the other boys find their way after too ! Sincerley Yours, Alice Freeman Palmer”. [The Letter was loosely inserted in to an edition of George Herbert Palmer’s publication: “The Life of Alice Freeman Palmer”. The book is part of this collection.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin/The Riverside Press Cambridge,, 1908. Octavo. Portrait-Frontispiece, 349, [3] pages with 6-page Autographed letter signed (ALS), loosely inserted. Original Hardcover. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only.

EUR 1.200,-- 

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Vere Foster,

80. Foster, Vere [Henry Louis / Lewis] / [Emily Albinia “Alba” Foster] / [Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire].

Amazing Vere Foster-Collection including Educational Materials and as a centerpiece the “Presentation Copy of “The Two Duchesses” with Autograph / Manuscript – Letter by Vere Foster to his niece, Emily Albinia “Alba” Foster. With a stunning, unpublished, two-page-letter, revealing several important details about the immediately favorable reviews and reception of the book [″in the Daily Telegraph”] and Vere Foster’s disdain about some criticism from one J.Donohue [which led to an alteration in the second edition of the book]. Vere Foster is also expecting a review to appear in the “Athenaeum” but reports “the Athenaeum has nothing yet”. Vere Foster apologizes to his niece for the delay in sending the book and explains that he had left 12 “parcels″£ with Blackie’s agent and gave instructions to send them but a few days later found they had been “untouched”. / The Two Duchesses – Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire – Family Correspondence of and Relating to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire / Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire, Earl of Bristol (Bishop of Derby), The Countess of Bristol, Lord and Lady Byron, The Earl of Aberdeen, Sir Augustus Foster Bart, and Others, 1777-1859. [See Full list of items which are part of this collection, on our website under the topic “Libraries & Collections”].

First Edition. London / Glasgow and Dublin, Blackie & Son Limited, 1898. Octavo (15 cm x 22 cm). Pagination: Frontispiece, IX, [3], 497 pages with 18 Illustrations (including frontispiece and one Vignette of the two Duchesses opposite page 1). Hardcover / Original, publisher’s green cloth with gilt lettering on spine. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. This is an astonishing find for the Vere Foster Research Community and the letter gives significant insight into the importance the publication had for him, its reception as seen by Vere Foster and it solves the riddle why an altertaion was necessary for the second edition [which Vere Foster explains in a brief note to the reader at the beginning of the second edition]. The heartfelt inscription to his niece Albinia Foster is also of great importance and to our knowledge the only presentation-copy of this book on the international market for the several decades we can look back at auction records.

EUR 9.500,-- 

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