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Jewish History & Antisemitism (126 items)

Josephus, The Whole Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus

112. Josephus, Flavius [Yosef Ben Matityahu] / Whiston, William.

The Whole Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus – The Learned and Authentic Jewish Historian and celebrated Warrior : Translated from the original Greek according to Havercamp’s Accurate Edition. Containing: I. Twenty Books of the Jewish Antiquities, with the Life of Josephus, written by himself / II. Seven Books of the Jewish War / III. Two Books against Apion / IV. An Extract out of Josephus’ hortation to the Greeks, concerning Hades and the Resurrection of the Dead. Together with Large Notes, Proper Observations and an Index To Which are Added Three Dissertations concerning: I. The Testimonies of Josephus vindicated / II. God’s command to Abraham to offer up Isaac, his Son, for a Sacrifice / III. Tacitus’ Accounts of the Origin of the Jewish Nation and of the Particulars of the last Jewish War. With a complete Table of the Jewish Coins, Weights and Measures. By William Whiston, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge.

First Edition. In Four Volumes (complete set). Glasgow, Printed by Edward Khull & Co., 1814. Slim – Octavo. Pagination: Volume I: Frontispiece-Portrait of Josephus, VI, 469 pages including the large fold-out-map of Egypt (complete but with a tear), including the large fold-out-plan showing “Mount Tabor”, “Mount Horeb”, Mount Carmel and “The Hill of Moses”, including the large fold-out-map “Journies of the Israelites thro’ the Wilderness”, including the large fold-out-map of “The Holy Land”, including a large fold-out-plan of “An Exact Reoresentation of King Slolomon’s Temple” (with minor tear) / Volume II: 427 pages / Volume III: 440 pages including the large fold-out-plan of “Ancient Jerusalem” / Volume IV: 460 pages. Hardcover / Original half-leather of the early 19th century with all original spine-labels intact. Minor dampstain to a few pages and some minr foxing throughout only. Volume one starting at the spine but all Volumes still firm. Tear to endpaper of Volume one. Very good condition overall with only minor signs of wear. Names of different 19th century – pre-owners (″William S. Davis – Aug. 18, 1846” / “Henry Stuart”). Very rare set which seldom appears on the market !

EUR 1.280,-- 

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Lilien, E.M.Lilien - Sein Werk.

115. Ex Libris Art Nouveau – Lilien, Ephraim Moses / E. M. Lilien / Zweig, Stefan (Einleitung).

E.M.Lilien – Sein Werk. Mit einer Einleitung von Stefan Zweig.

Berlin / Leipzig, Schuster & Loeffler, 1903. 4°. 347, 9 nn. Seiten mit dem ganzseitigen, photographischen Portrait Lilien’s. Originaler, illustrierter Ganzleinenband. Extremely important publication with stunning Art Nouveau Designs, Exlibris-Designs of eminent jewish writers like Martin Buber or Stefan Zweig, important Judaica Art / Jewish Art. Binding, pastedown and enpapers, as often, in poor condition. Interior complete and with only the faintest signs of some staining. / Bindung und Vorsatzpapiere fleckig aber innen sehr gut ! Die atemberaubend schöne Publikation ist von großer Seltenheit und oft unvollstaendig. Verzeichnet u.a.: Ex Libris von Martin Buber / Ex Libris von Stefan Zweig, Siegbert Cohn und Berthold Feiwel / Einbanddecke, Vorsatzpapier und Weiheblatt sowie zahlreiche andere Illustrationen aus Börries von Münchausens “Juda” / Zierleisten aus der Zeitschrift “Jugend” / Illustrationen aus “Die Grazien” und “Die Lieder des Ghetto” / “Vom Golus nach Zion” – Gedenkblatt zum fuenften Zionisten-Kongress in Basel / Ex Libris Juedischer Verlag Berlin / Ex Libris Ruben Brainin Charlottenburg / Ex Libris von Anna Braff – Berlin / Ex Libris Julius Nathansohn – Breslau / Der Kabbalist – Aus “Zbornik” von Maxim Gorki / Ex Libris Dr.Emil Simonson / Weiheblatt den Maertyrern von Kischinew gewidmet / Ex Libris von Davis Trietsch – Berlin / Vater und Kind – Aus “Zbornik” von Maxim Gorki / Mit dem Literaturverzeichnis zu Werken die von E.M.Lilien illustriert wurden / etc. etc.

EUR 1.480,-- 

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Levy, Archive / Collection of more than 300 letters, documents, ephemera

120. Levy, Arthur Joseph / Zangwill, Israel.

Archive / Collection of more than 350 items, letters, documents, ephemera, pamphlets, manuscript notes, receipts , manuscript letters from the private library of Providence (Rhode Island) lawyer, Arthur (Art) Joseph Levy. The collection includes an important, controversial typescript-essay (8 pages) on Israel Zangwill’s address before the American Jewish Congress at Carnegie Hall on October 14th, 1923 (″Watchmen, what of the Night ?”); with manuscript annotations and remarks on Israel Zangwill’s position “the hopes of Jewry for the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine are doomed to disappointment”. The collection includes a plethora of interesting letterheads of jewish organizations and also important documentation of Levy’s contribution to and support for the “Palestine Foundation Fund”, (receipt from Boston, Mass. June 1923). Levy, who was a graduate of Brown and Boston University Law School, practiced law in Providence, Rhode Island and led an active life as a member and leader of several Jewish civic organizations, such as the Jewish Family and Children’s Service, which he established and led for twenty years, Rhode Island Jewish Historical Society, the Temple Beth-El Brotherhood, the Miriam Hospital, the Touro Fraternal Association and the Jewish Home for the Aged of Rhode Island. He was also a prominent member of the American Bar Association, the Brown University Alumni Association and the Brown Club of Rhode Island. Highly regarded as a jurist, he was a member of the Commission to Consolidate State Laws, a member of the Advisory Committee of the Federal Tax Institute of New England and an editor of the Rhode Island Bar Journal. Included in this archive are a group of letters written during World War I discussing his role in the Jewish Welfare Board of the United States Army and Navy, an invitation to a fund-raising dinner for the Jewish Orphanage of Rhode Island, a group of documents and letters discussing the establishment of a Jewish country club in Providence, several documents from the early 1920s concerning the mostly Jewish fraternity Phi Epsilon Pi and several items relating to Levy’s personal life, such as personal letters, bills from clothiers and invitations to social events. (Main source of the description of this archive is the research of our colleague Greg Talbot from The Lawbook Exchange).

Providence (Rhode Island), Cambridge (Massachusetts), New York, 1917 – 1931. Octavo and A4. Two heavy folders with original documents. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

EUR 2.600,-- 

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