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Travel – Europe (58 items)

Couvée, Album mit 31 grossformatigen, originalen Photographien

33. Couvée, M. M.

19th Century Album with 31 fantastic, large vintage photographs of Germany, Austria and Italy. Many of these early photographs are on Frankfurt am Main, but also Berlin, Heidelberg and classic travel – locations along the Rhine are included / Also interspersed are some other european destinations like Lugano, Venice and Salzburg (these all in colour). – All Photographs original Albumen Prints. / Album mit 31 grossformatigen, fantastischen, originalen Photographien von deutschen und europaeischen Stadtansichten des 19. Jahrhunderts, vorwiegend Frankfurt am Main [mit traumhaften und ungewoehnlichen Ansichten von Frankfurt und Sachsenhausen / Kaiserstrasse mit Strassenbahn / Rossmarkt / Goetheplatz / Alte Oper / Palmengarten / Wiesbaden – Kursaalplatz / Eschenheimer Turm / Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal / Main mit Untermainbruecke und Angler mit zwei Jungen davor / aber auch Stadtansichten von Berlin (″Blick nach den Linden” in Farbe – in colour), Lugano (in Farbe – in colour), Boppard (in Farbe – in colour), Heidelberg (in Farbe – in colour), Salzburg, Königstein im Taunus (in Farbe – in colour), Remagen (in Farbe – in colour), Coblenz, Lahneck, Sooneck, Braubach und Marxburg, Wiesbaden, Bingen und Venedig (in Farbe – in colour)/

La Haye / Dresden, Couvée / Stengel & Co., c. 1895 – 1900. Quer Quart / Oblong Quarto. 31 large photographs mounted on cardboard. Original Hardcover / Exzellente Halblederausgabe mit vergoldetem Titel auf dem Vorderdeckel. / Album with gilt lettering. Ungewoehnlich gut erhaltenes Album mit phantastischen Aufnahmen die auch das buergerliche Leben mit eingefangen haben. / Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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[Chiari, Giovanni] Vascellini, Gaetano - Statute di Firenze [Richard Meade - Ballymartle]

35. [Chiari, Giovanni] Vascellini, Gaetano.

Statue di Firenze [incluso: “Catalogo delle Statue del R. Giardino di Boboli colla Notizia dei Loro Autori”, “Catalogo delle Statue nel R. Palazzo de Pitti”, Catalogo delle Statue colla Notizia dei Loro Autori ec.” ec.]

Tres Parti (complete) [Tutto dichiarato come prima parte]. Firenze, Presso Giuseppe Volpini Cartolaro, no year [c. 1765]. Octavo. Collation complete. Pagination: Part I (Primo): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with introduction by Giovanni Chiari and the catalogue of statues in Boboli Garden, 25 plates each with 4 copper-engravings of Statues in Boboli Garden. Part II (Seconda): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with catalogue of Statues in Palazzo Pitti, 41 plates each with 4 copper-engravings of Statues in Pitti Palace. Part III (Terza): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with catalogue of Statues [″Catalogo delle Statue colla Notizia del Loro Autori ec. (incl. Michelangelo Buonarotti, Donatello etc.). Hardcover / Original bookblock rebound by Bayntun in Bath in a subtle and charming modern cloth with gilt lettering on new spine-label. Original endpapers preserved. Exceptional condition of this rare 18th century publication with only very faint signs of foxing. Provenance: Richard Meade, Ballymartle (with the Meade Family – crest as library stamp).

EUR 880,-- 

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Bellin / Senex / Ogilby - The Roads through England or Ogilby's Survey. Revised, improved and reduced by Senex. [Enlarged Edition of John Ogilby's 1675 published "Britannia"]

36. [Bellin, Jacques Nicholas / Senex, John / Ogilby, John]

The Roads through England or Ogilby’s Survey. Revised, improved and reduced by Senex. [Enlarged Edition of John Ogilby’s 1675 published “Britannia”] Distinctly laid down on onehundred & one Plates with the addition of some Roads newly drawn and several corrections of more general use to Travellers. [Including an Appendix with Cityplans of London (double-page), Plymouth, Shrewsbury, Yorck (York), Chester, [Scene of Carrick-Fergus (Ireland)], Waterford, Oxford, Leith [Edinburgh], Harwich, Scenery of Edinburgh / Itinéraire de toutes les routes de l ‘Angleterre. Revues corrigées, augmentées & réduites par Senex en 101 Cartes. [Titlepage bilingual in french and english].

Paris, Desnos, 1766. Quarto (30 cm x 22.5 cm). Collation complete: Bilingual titlepage, 12 double-page maps of England, partly beautifully border-coloured, 6 unnumbered pages of Index with distances in miles, one (1) General Map of England (″Carte Generale” of Engand by D’Ogilby), 101 full-page maps of routes/streets, Engraved titlepage for the Appendix, One (1) double-page of explanations for the London-City-Plan, 17 beautiful maps and engravings of a variety of english cities, also with a section on Ireland (Dublin, Waterford, Kinsale, Galway, Limerick). Original 18th-century contemporary calf with gilt lettering on spine and on five raised bands. The Volume is now protected in Collector’s Mylar. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. Some rubbing and corners slightly bumped but overall excellent. Interior near fine with only the slightest occasional spotting. Rare and even rarer in this condition !

EUR 2.400,-- 

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John - An account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with various papers relative to the Plague

37. Howard, John / [Daniel Conner Library]

An account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with various papers relative to the Plague: Together with further Observations on some foreign Prisons and Hospitals; and additional remarks on The Present State of those in Great Britain and Ireland. [Including chapters on English Prisons and Hospitals, Hulks [Prison-Ships] on the Thames, Remarks on the Gaol-Fever, Remarks on Penitentiary Houses, Scottish Prisons and Hospitals, Irish Prisons and Hospitals, Charter Schools in Ireland etc.]

First Edition. Warrington, Printed by William Eyres; And sold by T. Cadell, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, and J. Taylor in London, 1789. Quarto (24,5 cm x 30,5 cm). VIII, 259 pages plus 13 unnumbered pages of Index and 1 page “Directions to the Book-Binder”. Collation complete with 22 plates of which 20 are large fold-out-engravings. Hardcover / Contemporary 18th century calf with gilt lettering on spine. Stunning Volume, recently restored and rebacked by two english master-binders. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. After the restoration now a highly-desirable collectable. One of the first sociological studies of conditions within the penal system of England and Ireland compared to other 18th-century practices within European Jails / Gaols. The partly romantic engravings seem sinister when one imagines what inmates and children endured within these settings. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Le Forche Caudine - Illustrate con due Appendici. [Compreso "Prospetto Della Valle Caudina Dalla Parte Della Campania"

38. [Daniele, Francesco / Johann Josef von Wilczek / Thomasius, Christian].

Le Forche Caudine – Illustrate con due Appendici. [Compreso “Prospetto Della Valle Caudina Dalla Parte Della Campania”]. Second edition, augmented and, according to Brunet, preferable to the original first edition, which was printed in Caserta in 1778.

Seconda Edizione. Napoli, Appresso Angelo Trani, 1811. Folio (44.5 cm x29 cm). XIII, (3), 102 pages plus (6) pages advertising and Index (Indice). With 22 (twentytwo) illustrations overall. Including a large fold-out-plan (97 x 43 cm) of the Valle Caudine, several Vignettes, Allegorical/Historical Illustrations and four beautiful landscape engravings of the Valle Caudine by Alessandro d’Anna / XIII, (3), 102 pagine più (6) pagine pubblicitarie e Index (Indice). Con 22 (ventidue) illustrazioni in totale. Tra cui una grande illustrazione (97 x 43 cm) della Valle Caudine, diverse vignette, illustrazioni allegoriche / storiche e quattro bellissime incisioni paesaggistiche della Valle Caudine di Alessandro d’Anna. Hardcover / Fantastic modern, Nigerian goatskin with gilt lettering on spine and fine quality late 19th-century cloth over boards. New endpapers and all bound in style by english master-binders. Excellent condition of the binding. The stunning and most wonderful interior with only very occasional signs of an old dampstain to the outer margins and the beautiful, large fold-out-plan with some mild browning to one part of the center-fold. A typographical masterpiece of italian printmaking.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage - Tableau de la Grande-Bretagne, De L'Irlande et des Possessions Angloises dans les quatre parties du Monde. [Large Paper Copy / Better Paper Copy / Exemplaire de Luxe]

40. Pugilism (Boxing) – Baert-Duholant, Charles-Alexandre-Balthazar-François de Paule baron de / Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage.

Tableau de la Grande-Bretagne, De L’Irlande et des Possessions Angloises dans les quatre parties du Monde. [Large Paper Copy / Better Paper Copy / Exemplaire de Luxe] [With five (5) large, folded Maps by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage: Large, oblong folded Map/Plan of Gibraltar / England / Scotland / Ireland / India] / [With four (4) stunning copper-engravings: Grotte de Fingal, Chaussée des Géants / Plan et vue de Gibraltar / Combat de Boxe (Pugilists)] / [With two (2) portraits: 1.Portrait of William Pitt (after William Owen) and 2. Portrait of Charles Jacques Fox (after Karl Anton Hickel)].

Four Volumes (complete set). Paris, Chez H.J.Jansen, L’An 8me [1800]. Octavo (21.5 cm x 14 cm). Collation: Volume I: (8), 459, (1), 11 pages with Eleven (11) copper-engravings of which are: 5 Maps / Plans and 4 Engravings: The folded view of Fingals Cave (″Grotte de Fingal dans l’Ile de Staffa” – (20.5 cm x 31.5 cm) / “Folded Plate of the Giants Causeway (″Vue occidentale de la Chaussee des Geans et des Caps voisins” (20.5 cm x 39 cm)) / Fantastic, large Map/Plan of Gibraltar by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage, with a Birds-Eye-View of the Ville de Gibraltar (20.5 cm x 65.5 cm) [also showing the Ville Irlandaise on Gibraltar] / Scenic View of Gibraltar (″Vue de Gibraltar, prise du cote de l’Espagne” (20.5 cm x 33 cm) / Large Fold-Out-Map of England by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage with an Inset-View of Stonehenge (47 cm x 51 cm) / Large Fold-Out-Map of Scotland by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage, including the Western Isles and Shetland, with a stunning Inset-View of the irish pilgrimage-mountain Croagh Patrick [Craig-Phadrick] in Westport, Ireland (37 cm x 50 cm)/ Large Fold-Out-Map of Ireland with an Inset-View of the Lakes of Killarney (39 cm x 44.5 cm) / Volume II: 532, (1), 12 pages with Large Fold-Out-Map of India (″Possessions Anglaises”) by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage – the large India-Map showing areas as far as Tibet, Siam, Sumatra and the Andaman Islands, Ceylon, Burma (48 cm x 43 cm) / Volume III: 502, 48, (2) pages with two portraits: Guillaume Pitt [William Pitt] & Charles Jacques Fox (each 20.5 cm x 12.5 cm)/ Volume IV: 486, 22, (2) pages with the very famous Fold-out-Illustration of Pugilists / Boxers at Odiham in Hampshire [″Combats de Boxers a Odiham”] showing a boxing-match between Humphrey and Mendoza (32 cm x 20.5 cm). Hardcover / Original, very decorative original half leather bindings with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Volume One professionally rebacked by an english master bookbinder. All four Volumes in protective Collector’s Mylar. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. From the library of François-Xavier de Valenzi with his bookplate / exlibris to the pastedowns of each Volume. Maps in this de Luxe Edition are all considerably larger than in the normal-paper-edition and all the maps and illustrations are in superb condition. An underestimated collectable.

EUR 2.200,-- 

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