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Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones r

Simonis, Johanne [Johannes].

Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita, atque cum brevi Lectionum Masorethicarum KETHIBAN et KRIJAN, Resolutione ac Explicatione, Ut et cum Dictionario Omnium Vocum Veteris Testamenti Hebraicarum et Chaldaicarum in usum Studiosae Juventis edita a Johanne Simonis. Old Testament [Bilingual: Hebrew and Latin Edition] with commentary and Dictionary of biblical terminology by german oriantalist and theologian Johann Simonis.

Second Edition. Amsterdam, Jacob Wetstein, 1753. Octavo. Frontispice, [9], 640, 320, 384, 72, 79, [3] pages. [While others mention two fold-out-plates being part of this edition, we could not verify this. Our edition has no fold-out-plates]. Hardcover / Modern half leather with gilt lettering on spine. Bound to period style. Binding in protective collector’s Mylar. Excellent condition !

Johann Simonis (born February 10, 1698 in Drusen, † January 2, 1768 in Hoyersdorf) was a German Protestant theologian and orientalist. The son of a farmer, Johann Simonis had received his first training at the village school in his place of birth. Then he attended the city school in Schmalkalden, where he developed an interest in the ancient languages. In 1718 he enrolled at the University of Halle, secured his living as a private tutor and devoted himself to studying theology. The lessons of Johann Heinrich Michaelis in the Arabic language and Christian Benedikt Michaelis in Ethiopian had a particular impact on his development.

In 1721 he found a position as adjunct of the sub-rector at the reformed grammar school in Halle, became sub-rector himself in 1723, thus taking over the inspection of the Konviktorium and in 1739 became deputy rector of the educational institution. During that time he had made a name for himself through written writings that deal primarily with oriental linguistic research. For this purpose he had used the public and private libraries, especially the book collection of the Halle orphanage. In 1744 he took over the full professorship of church history and antiquities at the University of Halle. On a trip to Hoyersdorf, which he had undertaken in the very cold at Christmas 1767, a violent fever was triggered in him, from which he died.
His lectures included the church history of the Old and New Testaments, Hebrew, Greek and Roman antiquity, the explanation of Homer, the psalms, combined with grammatical lessons, especially in Arabic and Samaritan. His main fame as a writer is based on his oriental linguistic research. Simonis was best known for his Hebrew and Chaldean lexicon, published in Latin in 1756, which was repeatedly published and last reissued by Eichhorn in 1793. (Wikipedia)

EUR 980,-- 

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Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita
Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita
Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita
Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita
Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita
Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita
Simonis, Biblia Hebraica Manualia, Ad Hooghtianam, & optimas quasque Editiones recensita