Collection of five books from the library of Paul de Man and Pat de Man. Three of the books inscribed/signed by the author’s. The Collection includes: 1. Robert M. Durling – The Figure of the Poet in Renaissance Epic. [Inscribed by Durling: “For Paul de Man – with fond regards – Bob”] / 2. Jan Rosiek – Figures of Failure – Paul de Man’s Criticism 1953-1970 [Unsigned / Not inscribed] / 3. T. Weiss – The Catch – The Twayne Library of Modern Poetry [Inscribed by Weiss: “To Pat + Paul, for real friendship + a book of their own soon. Ted”] / 4. Edward J. Mullen – Langston Hughes in the Hispanic World and Haiti [Inscribed by Langston Hughes: “Ma cheri Pat, may this slight token of appreciation for your past (and hopefully) future, intellectual ministrations to your petit frère recall to you fond memories of your peregination. Love, Langston – Chritmas, 1979 (Late, as usual)”] / 5. Karry Levin – Grounds for Comparison [Unsigned / Not inscribed].
Cambridge (Mass.) / Aarhus / New York and others, Harvard University Press / Archon Books / Twayne Publishers / Aarhus University Press, 1951 – 1992. 8°. Volume I.: VIII, 280 pages / Volume II: 247 pages / Volume III: 77 pages / Volume IV: 193 pages / Volume V: 423 pages. Three Volumes in original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar / One Volume in Softcover / One Volume in Hardcover. Very good condition. From the library of Paul de Man. Especially the Durling – Volume of interest. Inscribed by the author: “For Paul de Man with fond regards – Bob”.
Volume I includes essays by Durling on “Ancient and Medieval Influences”, Two Roman Poets, Chaucer, Petrarch, Four Renaissance Epics: Boiardo, Ariosto, Tasso, Spenser.
Volume II includes for example the following essays: The Poetics of Becoming: Paul de Man in the Fifties / Poetics, Metaphysics, Temporality: Paul de Man and Martin Heidegger / Language, Nature and the Absence of Being: Paul de Man’s Romanticism etc.
Volume III is a first edition, signed and inscribed by american poet and editor, Theodore Russell Weiss.
Volume IV includes essays like “The Literary Reputation of Langston Hughes in the Hispanic World and Haiti” / Langston Hughes’s Works Translated into Spanish / etc.
Volume V inscludes many different and important essays by Harry Levin, like: “Why Literary Criticism is not an exact Science” / A Dialogue with Arthur Lovejoy / Memoirs of Scholars (Milman Parry, Fernand Baldensperger, Renato Poggioli, Perry Miller) / An Introduction to Ben Jonson, On the Earl of Rochester, William Carlos Williams and the Old World etc. etc.
Paul de Man (December 6, 1919 – December 21, 1983), born Paul Adolph Michel Deman, was a Belgian-born literary critic and literary theorist. At the time of his death, de Man was one of the most prominent literary critics in the United States—known particularly for his importation of German and French philosophical approaches into Anglo-American literary studies and critical theory. Along with Jacques Derrida, he was part of an influential critical movement that went beyond traditional interpretation of literary texts to reflect on the epistemological difficulties inherent in any textual, literary, or critical activity. This approach aroused considerable opposition, which de Man attributed to “resistance” inherent in the difficult enterprise of literary interpretation itself. (Wikipedia)
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