An Historical account of the Curiosities of London and Westminster, In Three Parts. Part I. Contains a full description of the Tower of London, and every thing curious in and belonging to it. Part II. Contains The History of Westminster-Abbey, from its foundation to the present time ; with its Antiquities, Tombs, and Inscriptions. Part III. Treats of the Old Cathedral of St. Paul’s and the new ; together with a full account of the Monument, London-Stone, the City-wall, Gates, and other Antique [Roman] remains.
With three separate titlepages. London, Printed for Francis Power and Thomas Carnan, 1785 – 1789. Small Octavo (11,5 cm x 17 cm). Part I: IV, 64 pages / Part II: IV, 139 pages plus 5 pages of a thorough Index / Part III: IV, 56 pages. Hardcover / Original half-vellum with marbled paper-covered boards. Binding with some minor signs of wear. Binding and spine firm. Overall in very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Name of preowner Mary Gray written in ink on titlepages.
[ESTC N55234]
Part I.
An Historical Description of the Tower of London and its Curiosities, Giving an Account:
1. Of its [The Towers] Foundation, gradual Increase and present State
2. Of its [The Towers] Government, Customs and Privileges.
3. Of its [The Towers] Antiquities, Records nd Curiosities
4. Of the Lions and other wild Beasts kept there [In the Tower of London] – their Nature and Properties
5. Of the Spoils of the Spanish Armada with he History of the Spanish Invasion in 1588
6. Of the small Armory in which at one View may be seen Arms for 100000 Men
7. Of the Royal Train of Artillery; comprehending the various Engines of Destruction used in War
8. Of the Horse Armory; with curious Anecdotes relating to the Kings that fit there on Horseback in full Armour from William the Conqueror to his late Majesty
9. Of the Jewel Office and the Regalia used at the Coronation of our Kings; and the Story of Col. Blood’s attempting to steal away the Crown [Jewels]
10. Of the Mint and the Manner of stamping Money [Stamping Gold and Halfpence]
Written chiefly to direct the Attention of Strangers to what is most curious in this Repository and to enable them afterwards to describe what they have seen. London, Printed for Francis Power and Co. Successors to the late Mr.Thomas Carnan, 1789.
Part II.
An Historical Description of Westminster-Abbey, Its Monuments and Curiosities. Containing:
1. An Account of its [Westminster Abbey’s] Foundation and Consecration
2. The various changes it has undergone
3. A general View of all the Monuments erected there in; with an abstract of their Inscriptions
4. Copies of the best English Epitaphs and translations of the Latin
5. Characters, Anecdotes and Memoirs of the Lives of the Kings &c. interred in the Abbey
6. Observations on the beauty and propriety of the respective Monuments
7. A particular description of Henry VIIth’s Chapel with its Ornaments
8. A general view of the Cloisters with copies of the several inscriptions there
9. Translations of the Hebrew, Ethiopic and Greek Epitaphs on the Tombs of Sir Samuel Moreland’s two Wives, never before attempted
Designed Chiefly as a Guide to Strangers. Note: The new Monuments are continued down to the present Year.
London, Printed for Thomas Carnan, 1788.
Part III.
An Historical Description of St.Paul’s Cathedral, containing:
1. The History of the Old Cathedral from its Foundation; in which many curious Particulars concerning its ancient Customs, Privileges and Solemnities are recited
2. An Account of the Manner of proceeding in taking down the vast Ruins of the Old Cathedral with the Discoveries and Observations made upon the Spot by Sir Christopher Wren
3. A full Description of the founding, building, ornamenting and finishing the present Structure with Observations on its Beauties and Defects
4. An Explanation of the Entablature [Moldings and Bands], Sculpture and all the Decorations and Paintings both within and without the Church
5. A concise Account of every Thing curious that is shewn in it to Strangers
6. A Comparison of its Dimensions with those of the Old Church – And of the Dimensions of both with those of St.Peter’s at Rome
To which are added: “A Description of the Monument with an Explanation of its Sculpture and a Translation of the Latin Inscription round it; Also some Conjectures concerning London-Stone and other Roman Remains – And a Review of the Ancient Walls and Gates about the City.
London, Printed for Thomas Carnan, 1784.
EUR 750,--
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