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Sociology – Rare (104 items)

Adorno / Horkheimer / Haag - Wichtige Sammlung von bedeutenden Arbeitsexexemplaren / Widmungsexemplaren / Autorenexemplaren der Frankfurter Schule

3. [Adorno, Theodor W. / Horkheimer, Max / Benjamin, Walter] Haag, Karl-Heinz / Schweppenhäuser, Prof. Dr. Hermann.

Wichtige Frankfurter Schule-Sammlung von sehr bedeutenden Arbeitsexemplaren / Widmungsexemplaren / Autorenexemplaren, Autographen und Manuskript-Notiz-Zetteln des deutschen Philosophen Karl-Heinz Haag. Die Arbeitsexemplare (Sieben Buchtitel in neun (9) Bänden) und handschriftlichen Notizen und Autographen (Postkarten), stammen aus der privaten Bibliothek des Adorno und Horkheimer- Schülers, Karl-Heinz Haag. Die in der Sammlung enthaltenen Manuskript-Notizen und Autographen (Postkarten von Horkheimer) sind inhaltsreich und teilweise auch deshalb sehr bedeutend, weil es unter Insidern bekannt ist, dass Haag auch während seiner aktiven Zeit innerhalb der Frankfurter Schule notorisch wenig veröffentlicht und schriftlich kommentiert hat. Beiliegt ausserdem ein Zeitungsausschnitt zur Adorno-Lehrstuhl-Nachfolge. / Important, stunning collection of seven, signed or/and annotated association-copies (working-copies) from the private library of german philosopher Karl-Heinz Haag. Haag was pupil, friend and colleague of Adorno and Horkheimer and was one of the members of the Frankfurt School of Social Theory and Social Research. The collection of annotated books (Seven Booktitles in nine (9) volumes) also includes ephemera (Autograph postcards, newspaper-clipping, as well as several manuscript – pages of significant notes and thoughts by Karl-Heinz Haag regarding topics discussed in some of these publications). The collection is especially important because Haag published and commented notoriously little during and after his tenure in Frankfurt. [See complete set of photographs of this collection on our website].

Frankfurt u.a., Suhrkamp / Institute of Social Research / Kohlhammer etc., 1955 – 1972. Octavo. Paginierung / Collation: 1. Adorno – Aspekte der Hegelschen Philosophie (Inscribed, signed): 59 Seiten mit zahlreichen Annotationen /59 pages, heavily annotated / 2. Haag – Kritik der neueren Ontologie (Author’s copy): 59 Seiten / 59 pages / 3. Adorno – Drei Studien zu Hegel (Inscribed, signed): 172 Seiten mit zahlreichen Annotationen / 172 pages with annotations / 4. Horkheimer – Zur Kritik der instrumentellen Vernunft (Inscribed, signed): 353 Seiten mit vielen Anmerkungen und Anstreichungen / 353 pages, heavily annotated / 5. Horkheimer – Kritische Theorie (Inscribed, signed): XIV, 376, XI, 358 Seiten mit zahlreichen Anmerkungen und Anstreichungen / XIV, 376, XI, 358 pages, heavily annotated / 6. Schweppenhäuser – Tractanda (Inscribed, signed): 141 Seiten / 141 pages. Original Softcover and Hardcover – Volumes. Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand aller Publikationen mit teilweise eingelegten, handschriftlichen Notizen sowie ein alter Zeitungsartikel in dem der Zersetzungsprozess der Frankfurter Schule kommentiert wird. / All publications in very good condition with minor signs of wear. Amazing provenance and possibly one of the last important collections surfacing from the library of a member of the Frankfurt School. The inter-connection between Adorno – Haag – Horkheimer, reflected in Haag’s annotations, lends itself for study and new publications of criticism.

EUR 10.400,-- 

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McKevitt, Christus Rex - An Irish Quarterly Journal of Sociology. A Collection of 24 Volumes

47. [Curtayne, Alice] / McKevitt, P. / Lucey, C. / Conway, J. Jacobus / Christus Rex Society of Irish Diocesan Priests / Rísteard Ó Cíonga [Richard King as Illustrator] / etc.

Alice Curtayne as Contributor to Irish Periodicals / Journals / Digests. The collection aims for completion and collects not only issues of periodicals with contributions by Alice Curtayne but hopes to complete each set of periodicals to which Alice Curtayne contributed between the years of 1930 and 1980, in order to allow for cross-referencing of contributors, study cooperation between illustrators and Alice Curtayne, her influence and acceptance as early female contributor in a men’s world, possibly even deciphering pseudonyms under which Curtayne might have written or essays she might have contributed to but her name was omitted; in general: circumstances which have not been detected yet. The Collection is documented thoroughly in professional images and descriptions on our website and includes to date: I. Alice Curtayne as Contributor to “The Irish Digest”: 1. “The Irish Digest” from September 1940 – including the article: Alice Curtayne – “Lament of an Author” / II. Alice Curtayne as Contributor to “Christus Rex”: “Christus Rex” – An Irish Quarterly Journal of Sociology. A Collection of 24 issues of the important and underrated publication “Christus Rex” including: 1. Volume XX, No.4 of “Christus Rex”: Alice Curtayne – “The Council and Women” ]. / III. Alice Curtayne as Contributor to “The Furrow”: “The Furrow” – Monthly Journal published by the Leinster Leader, Naas and Edited by Rev. J.G.McGarry. A Collection of 56 issues of the Journal, including two issues with Curtayne – publications: 1. “Saint Patrick in his Confession” – (In: “The Furrow” from March 1951) and 2. “Marillac Manor” (in “The Furrow” from July 1959) and 3. “Ecumenism in Dublin” (In “The Furrow” from February 1966) / IV. Alice Curtayne as Contributor to “The Capuchin Annual”. Including: 1. Alice Curtayne – “For the Septcentenary of St.Anthony of Padua (1231 – 1931)” – [including a portrait photograph of Alice Curtayne] / 2. Alice Curtayne – “Five Irish Saints” (″The Living Patrick” / “Saint Colmcille – Irishman” / “Saint Brendan – The Navigator” / “Saint Ita” / “The Method of Saint Columbus” / (In: Capuchin Annual 1945-1946 – with Illustrations in color by Stained Glass Artist, Rísteard Ó Cíonga [Richard King].

Naas, Christus Rex Publications, 1949 – 1967. Octavo. 81 Issues with different amounts of pages and content. Overall c. 4800 pages. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. Some of the issues with annotations and some with a former library-stamp. Very rare run of these periodicals which invited contributions from other women writers like Ita Meehan.

EUR 2.500,-- 

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[de Man, Collection of five books from the library of Paul de Man and Pat de Man

49. [de Man, Paul] Durling, Robert M. / Rosiek, Jan / Weiss, T.[Theodore Russell Weiss] / Hughes, Langston / Levin, Harry.

Collection of five books from the library of Paul de Man and Pat de Man. Three of the books inscribed/signed by the author’s. The Collection includes: 1. Robert M. Durling – The Figure of the Poet in Renaissance Epic. [Inscribed by Durling: “For Paul de Man – with fond regards – Bob”] / 2. Jan Rosiek – Figures of Failure – Paul de Man’s Criticism 1953-1970 [Unsigned / Not inscribed] / 3. T. Weiss – The Catch – The Twayne Library of Modern Poetry [Inscribed by Weiss: “To Pat + Paul, for real friendship + a book of their own soon. Ted”] / 4. Edward J. Mullen – Langston Hughes in the Hispanic World and Haiti [Inscribed by Langston Hughes: “Ma cheri Pat, may this slight token of appreciation for your past (and hopefully) future, intellectual ministrations to your petit frère recall to you fond memories of your peregination. Love, Langston – Chritmas, 1979 (Late, as usual)”] / 5. Karry Levin – Grounds for Comparison [Unsigned / Not inscribed].

Cambridge (Mass.) / Aarhus / New York and others, Harvard University Press / Archon Books / Twayne Publishers / Aarhus University Press, 1951 – 1992. 8°. Volume I.: VIII, 280 pages / Volume II: 247 pages / Volume III: 77 pages / Volume IV: 193 pages / Volume V: 423 pages. Three Volumes in original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective Mylar / One Volume in Softcover / One Volume in Hardcover. Very good condition. From the library of Paul de Man. Especially the Durling – Volume of interest. Inscribed by the author: “For Paul de Man with fond regards – Bob”.

EUR 780,-- 

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Kurt Heinrich Wolff, Collection of Personal Books, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Manuscript Material

88. Wolff, Kurt H. [Heinrich] / [Mannheim, Karl / Simmel, Georg / Rieff, Philip].

Collection of Personal Books, Gifts from Colleagues at Brandeis University, Annotated Books, Inscribed Books, Signed Books and Association Copies from the personal library and collection of american Sociologist Kurt H. Wolff [Brandeis University]. The collection includes classics of sociological literature by Karl Mannheim, Talcott Parsons, Philip Rieff, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Philip E. Slater, Gene Sharp, William Barrett, John Dewey, Aron Gurwitch etc., as well as the occasional letter/correspondence, loosely inserted in books and pamphlets. Includes for example Kurt Heinrich Wolff’s personal copies of: 1. Durkheim, Emile – Two Laws of Penal Evolution [I. The Law of Quantitative Variations / II. The Law of Qualitative Variations] / 2. Kurt H. Wolff – The Sociology of Georg Simmel / 3. Karl Mannheim – German Sociology (1918 – 1933 – Signed – inscribed) / 4. Pitirim A. Sorokin – Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology and Related Sciences / 5. Murray Krieger – The Tragic Vision (Signed and Inscribed) / 6. Norman O. Brown – Closing Time / 7. Gene Sharp – Social Power and Political Freedom (Signed and Inscribed) / 8. William Barrett – Irrational Man – A Study in Existential Philosophy / 9. Gene Sharp – Making Europe Unconquerable – The potential of civilian-based Deterrence and Defense / 10. John Dewey – German Philosophy and Politics / 11. Philip E. Slater – Microcosm – Structural, Psychological and Religious Evolution in Groups (Signed – Inscribed) / 12. John Wild (Editor) – Studies in Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy / 13. Peter L. Berger and Hansfried Kellner – Sociology Reinterpreted – An Essay on Method and Vocation /

Brandeis / Glencoe (Illinois) / New York, and others, Free Press / Doubleday and others, 1953 – c. 1987. Octavo. More than 1500 pages. Original Offprint / Softcover – publications but mostly Hardcovers with original dustjackets in Mylar. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the personal library of american sociologist Kurt Heinrich Wolff.

EUR 7.500,-- 

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