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Law (139 items)

Large Archive / Collection of Sir Harry Luke's personal letters, photographs and Ephemera from his 39 years of service for the Bristish Colonial Office

1. [Commonwealth & Colonial History & Law] – Luke, Sir Harry [Lukach, Harry] – ‘the most unwasted life of any man I have known’ – (Sir Ronald Storrs on Sir Harry Luke)

Very Large Archive / Collection of British Colonial Official & Lieutenant-Governor of Malta, Sir Harry Luke. The Archive is Sir Harry Luke’s very personal and one might say, confidential collection of original autographed letters, correspondence and books he surrounded himself with at the end of his life. The Archive includes important and meaningful personal and official letters from important historical figures in the Arena of the Middle East and especially Palestine with for example interesting legal insights into the Jewish-Arab conflicts of the 1920s, as well as working-copies of books which Luke wrote himself at every location he was posted to during his career. In order to understand the vastness of the Archive you need to visit our website and see the nineteen (19) chapters of Material we synchronised chronologically with Sir Harry Luke’s life [Search for “Library & Collections” and find 19 chapters at the bottom of that page]. The Archive contains an unbelievable and impressive array of several highly interesting letters and correspondence regarding key historical events as disparate as the Mudros/Gallipoli-Campaign under Rosslyn Wemyss, the Jaffa Riots, the Western Wall Riots of Jerusalem in 1929 as well as information on diplomatic activity prior to the Suez Crisis, descriptions of locations like Guadalcanal prior to the War in the Pacific, detailed information on personell at Gardner Island / Phoenix Islands during the vanishing of Amelia Earhart, to only name a few bizarre coincidences. The books contain manuscript annotations and preparatory notes for later editions as well as many letters written to Luke regarding the many postings he served at during his long career in the Colonial Service. The Archive includes several hundred pages of correspondence between Luke and other officials within the Colonial Office, often in multi-page letters. Also included is proof of Luke’s connections to the Ecclesiastical World of the Vatican and Lambeth Palace, his diplomatic abilities are praised in letters from friends and officials alike. Luke received cordial letters from Queens (Queen Salote) as well as polarizing letters from Politicians. Included are manuscript notepads as well as confidential reports from other diplomats on locations where Luke was soon to be taking office, e.g. British Western Pacific Islands. The Archive is unique in its form because it represents not only the correspondence between Luke as an official but also allows us a view into the life of a Career Diplomat of the last days of the Colonial British Empire who develops a deep connection with everyone he served with and under. Luke did not only keep correspondence with famous friends like Ronald Storrs but also emotional letters from those who served under him and respectfully stay in touch beyond the termination of Luke’s service. Many letters to family colleagues in the Colonial Office, Politicians, Priests with political functions, are preserved with Luke’s original typescript-answer or initial letter. The official and often explosive and historically meaningful content with striking relevance for reinterpreting Mediterranean, Middle Eastern Conflicts etc. makes this archive a must for research and posterity. This is not just any diplomat’s archive. The majority of these letters are unpublished but are waiting to be discovered (see for example the long letter by Sir Kenneth Roberts-Wray on the Palestine Commission. Also included his Luke’s very valuable, handwritten manuscript-notebook of colonial postings-recipe-collections together with his working copy of the very special cookery book “The Tenth Muse”. The majority of the collection is now catalogued and visible on our website. A collection of c. 89 letters and 43 items of Ephemera has not been catalogued yet.

England / Palestine / Israel / Malta / Cyprus, Fiji / Sierra Leone etc., 1898 – 1968. Octavo / Quarto / Folio. c.15000 pages (books) / Collection of hundreds of Letters (see images) / Photographs and ephemera etc. Original Hardcover / Softover – Bindings (also private interim-bindings), often with the rare dustjackets in protective collector’s Mylar, some without dustjackets. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Please check our website under “Libraries & Collections” and see detailed listings of books and letters, all categorized.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Luke, Manuscript letter signed (MLS) from Chief Justice of Tanganyika (1924-1929), Sir William Alison Russell

2. [Sierra Leone Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Russell, Sir Alison (Chief Justice of Tanganyika).

Manuscript letter signed (MLS) from Chief Justice of Tanganyika (1924-1929), Sir William Alison Russell to Sir Harry Luke on the occasion of Luke receiving the CMG. Russel, then stationed in Dar Es Salaam for the Colonial office send him a lengthy letter with very interesting detail: ‘Dear Luke, my wife and I am delighted to see an announcement…of this high honour bestowed on you….In these days an honour of that kind is indeed an honour. Have sent your book on Mosul to Sir D. Cameron [Sir Donald Charles Cameron, GCMG KBE (3 June 1872 – 8 January 1948)] ……I am going down the Congo, I hope + out at Matadi. Leaving Kigoma at the beginning of May – it takes about six weeks from Kigoma to Antwerp….I have never been to Haarlem. I am looking forward to sailing this summer. Only my friends picked up this ‘Winnie’ last summer in a pitch night ….+ she went to pieces. But I dare say I shall get another berth in a boat. I want to go ‘foreign’ – perhaps to Spain again. I wonder if there could be a chance of seeing you next summer in England. How goes it in Sierra Leone [?]…I thought your Mosul book very interesting + so fresh……Yours sincerely A. Russell.’

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Dar Es Salaam, 24.2.1926. Octavo. 10 pages. with original envelope [Tanganyika 15 cents stamp]. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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Collection of Rare and Important Books, as well as original Manuscript Lecture Notes on Anton Martin Schweigaard

3. Schweigaard, Anton Martin.

Collection of Rare and Important Books, as well as original Manuscript Lecture Notes on Anton Martin Schweigaard, Norwegian educator, Jurist, Economist, Legal Philosopher and Member of the Norwegian Parliament. The collection includes also portraits and a rare photograph of Julius Middelthun’s Statue of Schweigaard, taken shortly after its erection at the original location. The rare lecture notes, possibly taken by a close student of Schweigaard and the wonderful manuscript – typography – print by Cappellen, are the highlights opf this collection [Many Images of each item on our website under “Libraries & Collections”]. The collection includes: 1. Schweigaard, Anton Martin. Forelæsninger over den norske Proces. 1ste Deel & 2den Deel. [plus: 12te Afsnit: “Den Domme” (″The Judge”)]. Original First Edition, directly printed from the Manuscript. Three Parts in Two Volumes (complete set). Christiania [Oslo], J.W.Cappellen [Jørgen Wright Cappelen], 1844. / 2. Schweigaard, Anton Martin. Forelæsninger over Processen Foredragen af Professor Schweigaard [Original Manuscript of a student from Schweigaard, taking notes in Schweigaard’s Seminars and Lectures]. [Christiania (Oslo)], no year (c. 1840). Octavo (18 cm x 17,5 cm). c. 400 pages with handwritten notes in Ink. / 3. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Aubert, L.M.B. Anton Martin Schweigaards Barndom og Ungdom, 1808-1835: Breve og Erindringer. [Letters in norwegian (″Trine”) and german (″Til Pastor Koeppen”). With an Appendix with 10 chapters / Med Bilag – Including explanatory sections on Schweigaard’s earliest publications, like for example: “De la Philosophie Allemande”, etc.] / [Oslo], Mallings Boghandels Forlag, 1883. / 4. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Lund, Carl. A.M.Schweigaard – Som Stortingspolitiker. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1958. Octavo. Frontispiece – Portrait of Schweigaard, 398 pages with Index. / 5. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Hertzberg, Ebbe. Professor Schweigaard I Hans Offentlige Virksomhed (1832 – 1870). Af Ebbe Hertzberg. Kristiania / [Christiania] / [Oslo], Forlagt af Alb. Cammermeyer, 1883. / 6. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] / P.Gemzøe lith. / E.Bærentzen. Portrait of norwegian educator, jurist, economist and politician, Anton Martin Schweigaard. Original Lithograph / Lithographic portrait by P.Gemzøe. Christiania [Oslo], Chr. Tønsberg, 1877. 17 cm x 26 cm. / 7. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] / Middelthun, Julius Olavus. Original Photograph / Vintage Albumen Print from c. 1885 / 1890, of the recently erected Statue / Sculpture [Bronze] of norwegian educator, jurist, economist and politician, Anton Martin Schweigaard. The rare photograph shows the statue at its original location, with locals walking in front. The sculptor of Schweigaard’s Statue was norwegian sculptor and educator Julius Olavus Middelthun, who taught among others, Edvard Munch at the Royal Drawing School in Christiania (Tegneskolen i Kristiania). Christiania [Oslo], [Middelthun], c.1885 – 1890. 8 cm x 5,7 cm. The rare, original photograph comes from a french travellers album and is in excellent condition. / 8. Schweigaard, Anton Martin / Blom, G. P. / Fougner, G. / Thorne, Joh. F. / Leganger, Fred. Betænkning og Udkast til en Lov om Handelen, Forfattet af den under 28de August 1838 til dette Arbeide anordnede Commission [Med Anhang: Forste Anhang: “Udsigt over den Norske Handelsret / Andet Anhang: “Finants-Departements af den Norske Rejerings ovrige Medlemmer i det Vaesentlige tiltraadte Indstilling angaaende en provisorisk Anordning om storre Handelsfrihed i visse Egne af Riget m.v.”]. Christiania [Oslo], Trykt i Johan Dahls Bogtrykkerie af Carl C. Werner, 1841. Octavo (12 cm x 18,5 cm). 108, 218 pages. //

Christiania [Oslo], J.W.Cappellen / Johan Dahl / Chr. Tønsberg and others, c. 1840 – 1877. Octavo. c. 2000 pages. Hardcover and Softcover Volumes. Overall excellent condition of this wonderful compilation. The price for the collection includes free shipping interntionally per UPS Express.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Moshamm, Franz Xaver / Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy - Europäisches Gesandschaftsrecht.

4. [Otto, Louis-Guillaume, Comte de Mosley] Moshamm, Franz Xaver von [d.i. Franz Xaver von Moshammer, Ritter von Mosham].

Europäisches Gesandschaftsrecht [European Law for Emissaries / Ambassadors / Minister Plenipotentiary / Histoire du Droit de Corps Diplomatique Européennes] / [Provenience: From the library of Germano-French Diplomat, Louis-Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy, with his Exlibris / Bookplate].

Landshut, Franz Seraph Hagen, 1805. Octavo. [2], VIII, 467 Seiten. Hardcover / Dekoratives Maroquin des frühen 19.Jahrhunderts, mit floraler Rückenvergoldung. Wunderbare Ausgabe in sehr guter Erhaltung mit nur geringen Gebrauchsspuren. Ehemaliges Exemplar aus der Bibliothek der ‘Académie Diplomatique Internationale’ in Paris. Durchgehend stockfleckig. Von grosser Seltenheit und mit sehr interessanter Provenienz. Das Buch stammt aus der Privatbibliothek des französischen Diplomaten, Louis-Guillaume Otto, Comte de Mosloy, Schüler des bedeutenden Rechtslehrer’s Christoph Wilhelm Koch (1737-1813), der als der letzte Rechtslehrer der alten Straßburger Hochschule gilt. Louis-Guillaume Otto wird in biographischen Quellen als Deutsch-Franzoesischer Diplomat benannt und hat sich zur Zeit der Publikation des vorliegenden Werks von Moshammer, am Bayrischen Hofe in Muenchen als Gesandter Napoleon’s befunden, wo Otto’s Wirken grossen Eindruck auf Napoleon ausuebte und zu seiner Befoerderung und spaeteren Berufung als Botschafter Frankreich’s am Wiener Hof (1810) fuehrte. In Wien erlangte Otto grosse Bedeutung fuer Napoleon indem er fuer Ihn die Hochzeit mit Marie-Louise von Österreich verhandelte. Historisch belegt ist auch Otto’s Bekanntschaft mit Metternich, welcher ebenfalls Schüler von Christoph Wilhelm Koch war. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist die Ausgabe des hier vorliegenden Gesandtschaftsrechts von grosser historischer Bedeutung, da Provenienz und Funktion des Buchtitels nicht nur im direkten Zusammenhang mit der juristischen Ausbildung von Otto und Moshamm sondern auch mit Otto’s Berufung als Gesandter, Diplomat und Botschafter unter Napoleon in Verbindung steht.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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John - An account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with various papers relative to the Plague

5. Howard, John / [Daniel Conner Library]

An account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with various papers relative to the Plague: Together with further Observations on some foreign Prisons and Hospitals; and additional remarks on The Present State of those in Great Britain and Ireland. [Including chapters on English Prisons and Hospitals, Hulks [Prison-Ships] on the Thames, Remarks on the Gaol-Fever, Remarks on Penitentiary Houses, Scottish Prisons and Hospitals, Irish Prisons and Hospitals, Charter Schools in Ireland etc.]

First Edition. Warrington, Printed by William Eyres; And sold by T. Cadell, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, and J. Taylor in London, 1789. Quarto (24,5 cm x 30,5 cm). VIII, 259 pages plus 13 unnumbered pages of Index and 1 page “Directions to the Book-Binder”. Collation complete with 22 plates of which 20 are large fold-out-engravings. Hardcover / Contemporary 18th century calf with gilt lettering on spine. Stunning Volume, recently restored and rebacked by two english master-binders. Very good+ condition with only minor signs of external wear. After the restoration now a highly-desirable collectable. One of the first sociological studies of conditions within the penal system of England and Ireland compared to other 18th-century practices within European Jails / Gaols. The partly romantic engravings seem sinister when one imagines what inmates and children endured within these settings. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Raleigh, Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State

7. Raleigh, Sir Walter.

Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State – Advice to his Son : His Son’s Advice to his Father. His Sceptick. Observations concerning the Causes of the Magnificiency and Opulency of Cities. [Separate Titlepage: Sir Walter Raleigh’s Observations touching Trade and Commerce with the Hollander and other Nations; proving that our Sea and Land Commodities inrich and strengthen other Countries against our own. With other Passages of High Concernment – London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. His Letters to divers Persons of Quality. [Separate Titlepage: The Prerogative of Parliaments in England, proved in a Dialogue between a Counsellor of State and a Justice of Peace. London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. With the Addition of some Letters never Printed before.

First Edition. London, Printed for W.Mears, F.Clay and D.Browne, without Temple-Bar, 1702-1726. 9 cm x 16 cm. Frontispiece, [3], 342 pages. Hardcover / Modern half-leather with gilt lettering on spine and paper-covered boards. Restored and recently bound to contemporary, early 18th-century-style by an english masterbinder. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. The Frontispiece restored and draped to modern paper. Interior clean and in excellent condition. Extremely scarce publication from the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), even though there is no sign of it like a bookplate etc.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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