West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Complete Catalog (8622 items)

Samuel Pufendorf / Sir Patrick Hume - An Introduction to the History of the Principal Kingdoms and States of Europe.

542. Pufendorf, Samuel / [Samuel Freiherr von Puffendorf] / [Provenance: Sir Patrick Hume].

An Introduction to the History of the Principal Kingdoms and States of Europe [including a section: “The English conquer Ireland” / “The English Parliament Forces Conquer Ireland” / “Constitution of the “Scotch” [Scottish] Nation”]. Made English from the Original, the High-Dutch – The Third Edition, with Additions. [With an “Epistle Dedicatory” by J. Crull].

London, Printed for M.Gilliflower at the Spread-Eagle in Westminster-Hall and T.Newborough at the Golden Ball in St.Paul’s Church-Yard, 1699. Octavo. Frontispice-Portrait of Pufendorf, [14], 515, [13] pages. Hardcover / Original 18th century full calf with later spinelabel. One of the previous owners has written his initials “GWH” in red ink verso the titlepage. Pastedown with armorial Bookplate / Exlibris of Scottish statesman, the Right Honorable Patrick Hume, Earl of Marchmont, Viscount of Blasonberry, Lord Polwarth of Polwarth & Lord High Chancellorof Scotland – [Bookplate dated at 1702 – Motto: “Fides Probata Coronat” – “True to the End”]. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Minor lesion/tear to outer margins of page 461. With manuscript entries by the preowner to the top of each page, detailing each page for easier access into sections of countries (Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Britain, Rome, Sweden etc.). This book is rare; but with the excellent provenance from the library of Sir Patrick Hume, an even more important and desirable publication.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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Preißler, Die durch Theorie erfundene Practic, Oder Gründlich-verfasste Reguln

543. Preißler, Johann Daniel / Preißler, Georg Martin.

Die durch Theorie erfundene Practic, Oder Gründlich-verfasste Reguln deren man sich als einer Anleitung zu berühmter Künstlere (sic) Zeichen-Wercken bestens bedienen kan (sic). [Drei Werke in sechs Teilen auf zwei Bände verteilt !] Vier Theile inclusive dem vierten “Fortsetzungsband”. Zwei Anhänge angebunden – Anhang I: L’Anatomia Deipittori del Signore Carlo Cesio, das ist: deutliche Anweisung und gründliche Vorstellung von der Anatomie der Mahler (sic), wie in den Gliedern des menschlichen Leibs die vornehmste Gebeine und Musculn, nach ihren Namen, Stellen, Anfängen und Enden, auch fordersten Verrichtungen, bey ihren unterschiedlichen Bewegungen und Handlungen zu erkennen, anzusehen und vorzustellen seyn; anfänglich von dem Kunst=berühmten Meister Carlo Cesio in netten und deutlichen Tabellen, auch kurtzen, doch gründlichen in Italiänischer Sprache beygefügten Erklärungen an das Licht gegeben: Nun aber zu mehrern Aufnahm der Mahler= und Zeichen=Kunst in das Teutsche getreulich übersetzet mitgetheilet von Johann Daniel Preißlern, der Nürnbergischen Kunstmahler=Academie Directore bey welchem sie auch zu finden. / Anhang II: Gründliche Anleitung welcher man sich im Nachzeichnen schöner Landschafften oder Prospecten bedienen kan (sic), den Liebhabern der Zeichen-Kunst mitgetheilet und eigenhändig in Kupfer gebracht, von Johann Daniel Preißler. Mit 104 Kupfertafeln von Georg Martin Preißler.

Mischauflage (vierte bis siebente Auflage). 5 Teile in 2 Bänden (vollständig). Nürnberg, Kunst-Mahler-Academie, 1747-1780. Folio. Band I enthält die Teile 1-3 mit der Vorrede und dem “Nöthigen Vorbericht” aufgeteilt auf die ersten zwei Teile. Paginierung: Teil I: (2 Bll.), 19 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln / Teil II: (5 Bll.), 18 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln / Teil III: (4 Bll.), 17 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln, (3 Bll.). Eine Kupfer in einer Ecke minimal beschmutzt. Band II enthält den vierten “Fortsetzungs” – Band und im Anhang das Werk von Carlo Cesio. Paginierung: Teil IV: (4 Bll.), 18 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln / ANHANG I: L’Anatomia Deipittori / Anatomie der Mahler – Paginierung: (2 Bll.), 16 ganzseitige Kupfer (im Stile Vesalius’ und Eustachius’) / Anhang II: Nachzeichnen schöner Landschaften – Paginierung: (2), 16 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln // Wunderschöne Halblederbände des späten 18.Jahrhunderts oder frühen 19.Jahrhunderts. Das Halbleder auf fünf unechten Bünden mit zweifarbigen Rückenschildchen und reicher Rückenvergoldung. Exzellenter Erhaltungszustand mit nur einem der Kupferstiche mit minimaler Verschmutzung. Eine der schönsten Ausgabe einer Malerschule die wir je gesehen haben.

EUR 1.400,-- 

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Lescure, Jean / [André Frénaud] - Original Typescript with manuscript annotations and corrections of "Poèmes métaphysiques".

548. Lescure, Jean / [André Frénaud].

Original Typescript with manuscript annotations and corrections of “Poèmes métaphysiques”. Jean Lescure’s personal copy with corrections and additions to his earliest collection of poems. Loosely inserted into the collection are the three pages of the typescript for “Apologie de L’Aveugle – à André Frénaud” reflecting his close friendship and collaboration with André Frénaud [according to our research, Rachel E. Perry identifies in her essay “Histoire De L’Aveugle: Matiérisme’s Critique of Vision” that Jean Lescure composed this poem together with Paul Eluard and it was published in “A la gloire de la main” in 1949]. The poems in the Typescript / Manuscript of Lescure are all dated between 1937 and 1940. The original composition of the poem-cyle “Trois chansons de mer pour l’equinoe” is completely replaced by an autographe, manuscript-entry of Lescur. The poems in this original Typescript/Manuscript of “Poèmes métaphysiques” are titled: “Porte ouverte ou fermee” (″mars-avril 1939”)/ “Dialectique d’un printemps” (″hiver 1937 – ler 5 decembre 1939”)/ “Present de la journee” (″5-6 decembre 1939”) / “Noel pour une fille que fleurisse le jour” (″7-18 decembre 1939”) / “Chant montagnard pour saluer la fin de l’hiver” (″Fev. 1940-Mars 1941”)/ “La Nourriture de l’Amour”(″Fevrier 1941 – Mars 1942”)/ “Double aspect de l’iris” (″20 dec. 1939 – Jan.1940”) / “Double Fer” (″Jan – 25 avril 1940”) / “Debut sur le jour” / “Aspect de la Solitude” / “Chansons de mer pour l’equinoxe” [1.Chanson du patron – 2. Chanson du gabier (Manoeuvre a la vie pare et vire) – [Chansons du precheur] – 3. Chanson du timonier] (″Sept – Oct 41”) //

[France], c. 1945 – 1949. Quarto (21,5 cm x 27 cm). 33 pages plus 3 pages “″Apologie de L’Aveugle”. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only.

EUR 3.800,-- 

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Small Archive of personal correspondence between irish-american writer John Montague and irish artist Louis Le Brocquy plus many and related items

549. Le Brocquy, Louis / Montague, John / [Dupin, Jacques] / [Samuel Beckett].

Small Archive of personal correspondence between irish-american writer John Montague and irish artist Louis Le Brocquy plus many related items. The correspondence also includes John Montague touching on Samuel Beckett. The core of the collection includes 1. Extremely insightful and important, very personal manuscript-letter from John Montague to Louis Le Brocquy – Inside an envelope addressed by John Montague to Louis Le Brocquy at his french residence ‘Domaine des Combes’ with Louis Le Brocquy’s answer carefully tucked into the same envelope, treasured by John Montague. The densely filled, very personal 4-page-manuscript letter from John Montague, is dated Christmas 1981, written after “a sabbatical [..] on a long tour which led me as far as Los Angeles” and is a strong reflection of John Montague’s personal struggles, thoughts and influences as a writer; he talks about his ten years of teaching in the US “after O’Riada’s death led to a vacuum” and “enduring the semi-bourgeois limbo of Cork”. Montague speaks about the time “after the harness came off” and he “felt quite strange, and after thirty years my stammer returned in painful, nearly uncontrollable force”. Montague even touches on his fears about his health and continues “I clocked into a clinic for a rest cure….so far liver excellent, so it is not Sean or Brendan all over again (in any case, loving the stuff, as you do, I can’t overdrink; the tastebuds are against it)”. Montague dives into comparisons with Samuel Beckett: “″Did you realize that Sam Beckett was under analysis at the Tavistock Clinic for two years ? – The early Beckett is a smart alec; the break comes when he has to survive in post-war France and accept “his own darkness”. Montague also touches on his struggle with his mother “Isn’t it terrible that we spend up to nearly middle-[a]ge coping with the traumas of youth, with no way round it ? – I have cleared/cleaned/buried & forgiven my mother in my next book “The Dead Kingdom”….” – The letter continues to talk about books, “the Landslide Manuscript”, poetry and his work etc. etc. He mentions a Dupin “play” which “will travel in my Paris luggage”. Montague also touches on the subject of the Irish Troubles and writes “I have always, by the way, believed that 1916 may have been a mistake as Yeats said: “For England may keep faith – For all is said and done” / Montague speaks about “My own area of Tyrone is blessedly free from all but minor incidents” – Amazing document of confidence and trust between two irish landmark personalities. 2. Louis Le Brocquy’s answer to John Montague is dated “New Year’s Day 1981”[which should have been 1982]: A. Very personal manuscript Letter – a direct answer to Montague’s letter from “Christmas 1981” (1 sheet with both pages filled in ink and signed “Louis”) in which Le Brocquy reflects on the tense political situation with Northern Ireland and the overall worldwide tension of a looming war / Le Brocquy writes that he did have a “wild hope that when Charlie took office…that he and Thatcher might between them opted a ‘Rhodesian’ solution in the North” / Le Brocquy also writes about the eagerly awaited publication of “Selected Poems” of John Montague and he also asks John if “you thought of collecting Esteban’s and Dupin’s poems in French with your translations ?” – Le Brocquy offers to help with illustrations etc. – Both letters together in an envelope which suggests that John Montague received his letter to Louis le Brocquy back from the Le Brocquy-estate after Le Brocquy’s death. / Also included: B. A manuscript postcard with Le Brocquy’s “Girl in White” as a postcard-reproduction in which Le Brocquy suggests a project with John Montague and sends greetings to Montague’s wife Evelyn and the kids (in envelope from Carros,France) / C. In his function as chairman of Amnesty International, Le Brocquy sends a callout by Amnesty International to John Montague and kindly asks him to support the cause. He sends the callout to John by adding a few manuscript, personal lines of affection (in envelope from Carros,France).

France / Ireland, Carros / Cork, 1980-1981. A4. 4 pages on two sheets (main Montague-letter), 2 pages on 1 sheet (Le Brocquy – answer), 1 postcard, 1 manuscript-letter from Jacques Dupin to John Montague (25.10.1978) about a translation of “L’Éboulement” (Dupin also speaks about Louis le Brocquy in the letter), several pages of letters (mostly typed and signed) from other figures in irish and international literature and art. Original Envelopes. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Besides some ephemeral materials from personalities in Literature and Art, addressed to John Montague, the small collection includes several vintage photographs of John Montague, taken during his acceptance of a honorary Doctorate of Literature at UCC, Cork, as well as a Legislative Resolution by the State of New York (Senator Daly), recognizing and thanking the distinguished author and poet John Montague with this decree on May 26, 1987. Among the lesser interesting materials is a pamphlet titled “Ireland’s Literary Renaissance – 20th century Portraits” in which portraits by Louis Le Brocquy of John Montague and Thomas Kinsella are included. The pamphlet is accompanied by a letter from James White to John Montague in which he explains this being a publication that was released for an exhibition in Chicago and he apologises for the entries being “necessarily short but hopefully reasonably correct”. Provenance: From the private collection of John Montague’s papers in his recently sold West Cork Home.

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