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Collection of four very important and meaningful manuscript letters by Leopold II

1501. Congo / Kongo – Leopold II of Belgium (1835-1909) – King of the Belgians and Owner / Absolute Ruler of the Congo Free State from 1885 to 1908.

Collection of four very important and meaningful manuscript letters by Leopold II to his administrator and Foreign Minister of the Congo – Free-State, Baron Adolphe de Cuvelier (1860-1931) with a total of 16 pages filled with Leopold’s instructions on pressing issues regarding a warning about an imminent visit by the Rector of the Mill-Hill Missionaries [probably Herbert Alfred Henry Vaughan (1832 – 1903)] and Leopold’s qualification of the visit of being detrimental to the Congo Free State (″ne travaillent pas pour l’État”). Leopold continues in another letter to talk about the hostile positions of english officials (consuls) and missionaries (″que les consuls anglais et les missionnaires anglais se conduisent bien mal envers l’État”). Interestingly, Leopold also touches on the nuisance of the german press criticizing Belgian Railway Lines and he is of the opinion that this is all happening in order to force the german parliament [″Reichstag”] to finance the building of the Tanganyika Railway [between Dar es Salaam and Kigoma]: (″cherche à effrayer l’opinion [en] Allemagne à propos de mes chemins de fer afin d’obtenir du Reichstag des fonds pour la ligne allemande vers le Tanganika”.

16 pages of MLS, Manuscript Letters (signed) on 10 leaves of Leopold’s official stationery “Château de Laeken” and “Palais de Bruxelles”. Laeken / Brussels, Château de Laeken [Palace of Laeken], 1901 – 1906. The leaves with different sizes (13,5 cm x 9 cm) and (18 cm x 11,5 cm). Excellent condition. Unsigned. Tremendously rare to find original letters by Leopold II on the open market in which the Colonial Free State and the protection against inquisitive visitors is discussed in such clear and instructive fashion. Leopold’s correspondence with Adolphe de Cuvelier shows how he is very much trying to still protect and influence the narrative of his Colonial Slavery Outpost even in the final years of his life.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Gilpin / Castle Freke Library - Observations Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776

1503. Gilpin, William. [Castle-Freke Library Bookplates]

Collection of four Volumes (bound in two) by Gilpin – All from the historical library at Castle Freke (Castlefreke, West Cork / Ireland). The Volumes include: I. & II. Observations Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain; particularly the High-Lands of Scotland. [Second Edition, with an “Account of the Prints” bound to the rear] / III. Observations on the River Wye and several Parts of South Wales &c. relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; Made in the summer of the Year 1770 (Third Edition). / IV. An Essay on Prints – [″The chief intention of the following work was to put the elegant amusement of collecting prints, on a more rational footing; by giving the unexperienced collector a few principles and cautions to assist him”] (Fourth Edition with the printed dedication “To the Honorable Horace Walpole in Deference to his Taste in the Polite Arts; and the Valuable Researches he has made to improve them; the following work is inscribed by his most obedient and very humble servant, William Gilpin”). [Volumes I & II with 40 original illustrations and vintage 18th century maps [correctly 39 illustrations and one table], for example of Loch Lomond and the Firth of Forth/ all illustrations are vintage mezzotint-plates].

Mixed Editions. Four Volumes (bound in two). London, Printed for R. Blamire, Strand, 1792. Octavo. Pagination: Volume I: XI, [1], 221 pages with 24 mezzotints / Volume II: 195, XVI pages with 16 mezzotints and an “Account of the Prints” as well as “Translations of Latin Passages” / [Volume III]: [River Wye]: XVI, 152 pages with 16 (of 17) full – page mezzotints / [Volume IV]: [An Essay on Prints]: XIII, [3], 174 pages plus XI pages Index and 1 page Errata. Hardcover / Early 19th century quarter – morocco with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Both volumes bound in unison. Very good + condition with only minor signs of external wear. Pages 185 – 191 of Volume I with some stronger browning. Otherwise the interior very clean. All mezzotints in very good or even better condition. This is the original copy from the historical Castle-Freke Library in West Cork (Ireland), with two armorial bookplates to front and rear pastedown with the family’s motto ‘Pro Patria’. With two pages of manuscript annotations by a contemporary hand with a reference between the common name “Tarbet” in Scotland and a place-name in County Kerry in Ireland” (pages 13 of Volume II) / another entry is on page 12 of Volume II regarding the name-sake “Loch-Loung” for a Lake of ships in Scotland and Ireland.

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Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell

1508. [Stanley Cavell Collection] – Cavell, Stanley [Stanley Louis Goldstein].

Collection of important and rare publications by and on american philosopher Stanley Cavell. The books in this collection originate from the personal library of Stanley Cavell, his friends Victor and Jacqueline, as well as from the library of philosopher Graham Parkes [Please see each title described and photographed in our section “Libraries & Collections” and search for “Stanley Cavell Collection”]. The collection includes: 1. Must We Mean What We Say ? – Modern philosophical essays in morality, religion, drama, music and criticism. First Edition, 1969. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 2. Stanley Bates and Ted Cohen – More on what we say. First Edition. Chicago, Middlebury College, 1972 / 3. Cavell, Stanley – Themes out of School. Effects and Causes. San Francisco, North Point Press, 1984. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell / 4. Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed – Reflections on the Ontology of Film. New York, The Viking Press, 1971. Signed and inscribed by Stanley Cavell in the year 1971, to his friends Victor and Jacqueline / 5. [Cavell, Stanley] Oksenberg Rorty, Amélie. The Many Faces of Philosophy. Reflections from Plato to Arendt. First Edition. Oxford and others, Oxford University Press, 2003. Signed and inscribed by the Editor to Cavell. / 6. [Cavell, Stanley] – Massimo Cacciari – Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture – Stanley Cavell’s personal copy with notes and annotations. / 7. [Cavell, Stanley] Desan, Wilfrid – The Tragic Finale – An Essay on the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre – with interesting annotations and textmarkings by Stanley Cavell / 8. Cavell, Stanley. Pursuits of Happiness – the Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage. Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1981. From the librray of philosopher Graham Parkes / 9.Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed- Reflections on the Ontology of Film. Enlarged Edition. Massachusetts, Harvard Universaity Press, 1979. From the library of philosopher Graham Parkes.

New York / Cambridge / and others, Charles Scribner’s Sons / Harper / Yale University Press / Oxford University Press / Viking Press etc., 1969-2003. Large Octavo (17 cm x 23,5 cm). XXIX, 365 pages. Hardcover / Original cloth / Softcover. All books in very good or better condition; many signed or inscribed. A rare opportunity to look into the mind of an important philosophical thinker through his annotations and notes, especially in the book on Sartre.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Collection of important [signed and inscribed] offprints and publications by Nobel Laureate Werner Forssmann

1509. [Cardiac catheterization / Nobel Price Lecture] – Forssmann, Dr. Werner.

Collection of important offprints, publications and correspondence (signed letters etc.) by Nobel Laureate Werner Forssmann, many of which are inscribed and signed by Forssmann to his colleague, irish cardiologist and clinical scientist, Eoin O’Brien. The collection includes: 1. A signed / inscribed version of Forssmann’s first offprint-edition of his Nobel-Lecture: “Die Rolle der Herzkatheterung und Angiocardiographie in der Entwicklung der Modernen Medizin” (pages 177 – 181, Stockholm, 1957, SIGNED and beautifully inscribed to O’Brien in July 1976) / 2. A signed, original Offprint: “The Evolution of Modern Cardiology” (11 pages, SIGNED Offprint from “Perspectives in Biology and Medicine – Vol.12, No.1, Autumn 1968) / 3. A Signed / Inscribed Offprint: “Die Sondierung des Rechten Herzens”, 1957-Reprint of the original 1929 – publication, (4 pages with portrait of Forssmann, published in “Therapeutische Berichte”, 29, 5, 1957) / 4. A Signed, original Offprint: “Euthanasie” (with minor tear), (7 pages, SIGNED, Offprint from Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung Heft 31, Seiten 1127-1133, 1975) / 5. Signed TLS (Typed Letter Signed by Forssmann to Eoin O’Brien, fellow cardiologist in Ireland). / 5. First english edition of Werner Forssmann – “Experiments on Myself – Memoirs of a Surgeon in Germany”, together with two TLS (Typed Letters Signed) by Translator Hilary Davies to Eoin O’Brien, who Peer-reviewed the book. Hilary Davies also included a press-release for the book and gave Eoin O’Brien access to Forssmann by alerting him to Forssmann’s address in Germany. Included are Eoin O’Brien’s typescripts of his correspondence with Forssmann.

Germany, 1956 – 1976. Octavo. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Signed and inscribed items by Forssmann are of great rarity. The Nobel Lecture alone is very scarce and very rarely available signed.

EUR 14.800,-- 

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Howard Zinn - Collection of important publications / working-copies from the private library of Howard Zinn

1510. Zinn, Howard.

Collection of important publications / working-copies from the private library of Howard Zinn; books he privately used for his research and books that helped him in his studies of Anti-War efforts, his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement as well as his general studies of American Political History, his Political Activism and Political Criticism, his research of the United States Government and its national and international policies etc. The collection includes paperbacks and several Hardcover-publications as well. All the books are bearing Howard Zinn’s large ownership-signature to the endpaper, many have markings or/and annotations by Howard Zinn. The Collection includes: 1. Thomas D. Boettcher – Vietnam – The Valor and the Sorrow – From the home front to the front lines in words and pictures. Boston, 1985 / 2. Theodore L. Becker – Political Trials – New York, 1971 [with interesting text-markings and annotations by Howard Zinn in the chapter “The Spiegel Affair”, highlighting the name of Augstein in the “Fallex 62” Exercise – Affair, involving NATO in which “Der Speigel” reported on the mock war and Germany’s involvement through its then Defense Minister: Franz Josef Strauss” (″as defense minister, Strauss dedicated himself to equipping the German army with tactical nuclear weapons and to redefining Germany’s role in NATO” – page 9)] / 3. Michi Weglyn – “Years of Infamy” – The Untold Story of America’s Concentration Camps – New York, William Morrow and Company, 1976 [with repeated highlightings by Howard Zinn regarding “Tule Lake” and for example on page 239 that the “renunciation law would be restricted to those over seventeen years of age”] – Zinn explores here the American practice of detaining 110000 Japanese citizens in concentration camps, Zinn’s outrage is explained in several heavy textmarkings / 4. Immanuel Wallerstein – “The Modern World-System” – “Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century” – [Studies in Social Discontinuity] New York, 1974 – [With several text-markings, and detailed annotations by Howard Zinn, for example on food & luxires in feudalism etc.] / 5. Phillip Knightley – “The First Casualty” – “From the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist and Myth Maker” – New York, 1975 – [With some text-markings by Howard Zinn in the chapter on World War One] / 6. Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly and Richard Tilly – “The Rebellious Century (1830-1930” – Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1980 – [With interesting markings, for example on Michael Lipsky making “a strong case that the strike movement owed what success it had (which was not enormous) to the fact that dramatic protests activated powerful third parties….” p. 294] / 7. Norman Moss – “Men who play God” – “The Story of the Hydrogen Bomb” – Baltimore, Penguin, 1971 / 8. Kenneth Bock – Human Nature and History – “A Response to Sociobiology” – New York, Columbia University Press, 1980 / 9. E.H.Dance – “History the Betrayer” – “A Study in Bias” – Westort (Connecticut), Greenwood Press, 1975 – [With a signed letter by Stephen van Evera to Howard Zinn, on “Tufts University” – Stationery, who sent him the book by EH Dance and who reflects on Zinn’s idea of “expanding the first part of your “Politics of History”, discussing more deeply the tendency of scholarship to hide in irrelevance, fail to evaluate and leave bitter disputes in the dark from fear of making enemies”] / 10. Edwin Fogelman – “Hiroshima – The Decision to use the A-Bomb” [Heavily marked by Howard Zinn in several chapters, reflecting on his detection of the american government’s policy of justifying the use of the Atomic Bomb, and highlighting especially Brigadier General Leslie Richard Groves’ information on the Manhattan Project: “As time went on, and as we poured more and more money and effort into the project, the government became increasingly committed to the ultimate use of the bomb….” / 11. Gloria Emerson – “Gaza” – “A Year in the Intifada – A Personal Account from an Occupied Land” New York, The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1991 – Inscribed and signed by the author Gloria Emerson to Howard Zinn / 12. H.G. Wells – “The Outline of History” – “Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind” – Complete in One Volume with all maps, charts, illustrations, diagrams etc. – New York, Garden City Publishing, 1930. / 13. David Hunt – Organizing for Revolution in Vietnam – Study of a Mekong Delta Province [Howard Zinn’s personal working copy with several markings within the text] – April 1974 /

Cambridge / London / and others, South End Press / Cambrigde University Press / Oxford University Press / Mouton & Co. and many others, c. 1966 – 2002. Octavo. c. 4500 pages. Original Hardcover- and Softcover – Volumes. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Amazing and valuable collection of publications from the personal working-library of one of America’s most important and influential social critics. All books with Howard Zinn’s ownership – signature.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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