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19th Century (321 items)

Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage - Tableau de la Grande-Bretagne, De L'Irlande et des Possessions Angloises dans les quatre parties du Monde. [Large Paper Copy / Better Paper Copy / Exemplaire de Luxe]

218. Pugilism (Boxing) – Baert-Duholant, Charles-Alexandre-Balthazar-François de Paule baron de / Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage.

Tableau de la Grande-Bretagne, De L’Irlande et des Possessions Angloises dans les quatre parties du Monde. [Large Paper Copy / Better Paper Copy / Exemplaire de Luxe] [With five (5) large, folded Maps by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage: Large, oblong folded Map/Plan of Gibraltar / England / Scotland / Ireland / India] / [With four (4) stunning copper-engravings: Grotte de Fingal, Chaussée des Géants / Plan et vue de Gibraltar / Combat de Boxe (Pugilists)] / [With two (2) portraits: 1.Portrait of William Pitt (after William Owen) and 2. Portrait of Charles Jacques Fox (after Karl Anton Hickel)].

Four Volumes (complete set). Paris, Chez H.J.Jansen, L’An 8me [1800]. Octavo (21.5 cm x 14 cm). Collation: Volume I: (8), 459, (1), 11 pages with Eleven (11) copper-engravings of which are: 5 Maps / Plans and 4 Engravings: The folded view of Fingals Cave (″Grotte de Fingal dans l’Ile de Staffa” – (20.5 cm x 31.5 cm) / “Folded Plate of the Giants Causeway (″Vue occidentale de la Chaussee des Geans et des Caps voisins” (20.5 cm x 39 cm)) / Fantastic, large Map/Plan of Gibraltar by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage, with a Birds-Eye-View of the Ville de Gibraltar (20.5 cm x 65.5 cm) [also showing the Ville Irlandaise on Gibraltar] / Scenic View of Gibraltar (″Vue de Gibraltar, prise du cote de l’Espagne” (20.5 cm x 33 cm) / Large Fold-Out-Map of England by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage with an Inset-View of Stonehenge (47 cm x 51 cm) / Large Fold-Out-Map of Scotland by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage, including the Western Isles and Shetland, with a stunning Inset-View of the irish pilgrimage-mountain Croagh Patrick [Craig-Phadrick] in Westport, Ireland (37 cm x 50 cm)/ Large Fold-Out-Map of Ireland with an Inset-View of the Lakes of Killarney (39 cm x 44.5 cm) / Volume II: 532, (1), 12 pages with Large Fold-Out-Map of India (″Possessions Anglaises”) by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage – the large India-Map showing areas as far as Tibet, Siam, Sumatra and the Andaman Islands, Ceylon, Burma (48 cm x 43 cm) / Volume III: 502, 48, (2) pages with two portraits: Guillaume Pitt [William Pitt] & Charles Jacques Fox (each 20.5 cm x 12.5 cm)/ Volume IV: 486, 22, (2) pages with the very famous Fold-out-Illustration of Pugilists / Boxers at Odiham in Hampshire [″Combats de Boxers a Odiham”] showing a boxing-match between Humphrey and Mendoza (32 cm x 20.5 cm). Hardcover / Original, very decorative original half leather bindings with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Volume One professionally rebacked by an english master bookbinder. All four Volumes in protective Collector’s Mylar. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. From the library of François-Xavier de Valenzi with his bookplate / exlibris to the pastedowns of each Volume. Maps in this de Luxe Edition are all considerably larger than in the normal-paper-edition and all the maps and illustrations are in superb condition. An underestimated collectable.

EUR 2.200,-- 

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Der Tourist, Der Tourist.

220. [Rickmer Rickmers, Willi] Jäger, Gustav (Herausgeber).

Der Tourist – Organ für Natur- und Alpenfreunde [plus einige Jahrgaenge der Beilagen “Das Alpenhorn” und “Bei Nebel und Regen” beigebunden]. 27 Bände in 20 / Es fehlen die No.39 und 40 im Jahrgang 1869 (dies sind die Seiten 609-640 und es fehlen die Jahrgaenge 1893 bis 1896) . Einige Jahrgaenge sind in zwei Baenden erschienen und hier immer in einem Band gebunden. Diese wurden von uns aber bei der Gesamtzahl von 27 Baenden nicht doppelt gezaehlt und immer als “ein Band” gewertet. / 27 volumes of a consecutive run from 1869 bound in 20 volumes with only four annuals (1893-1896) as well as two numbers missing [No.39 and 40 in Volume 1 (year 1869)]. [Als weitere Zugabe: Dublette des Jahrgangsband 1876-1877 vom “Alpine-Club” (London) mit einer beigebundenen Ausgabe: Gustav Jaeger – “Der Fuehrer auf der Kronprinz Rudolfbahn von der Donau bis Laibach enthaltend: Die Beschreibung der Kunstbauten und Eisenbahnfahrten auf der Hauptlinie und den Seitenfluegeln, sowie die Schilderung der Ortschaften und Ausfluege von saemtlichen Bahnstationen in Nieder- und Oberoesterreich, Steiermark, Kaernten und Krain. Wien, 1876. 213 (6) Seiten].

Wien, Carl Finsterbeck, 1869 – 1892 & 1897-1898. 14.5 cm x 21.5 cm / 24.5 cm x 30.5 cm / 25 cm x 32.5 cm. 23.5 cm x 31.5 cm ca. 9800 Seiten (siehe Paginierung im englischen Teil der Beschreibung). [Mit der farbigen Lithographie “Der Sonnblick” im Maltathal in Band 1 (1869 / eingebunden nach Seite 202) sowie der zweiten Lithographie “″Glokner” (eingebunden nach Seite 728)/ Lithographie in Band 2 (1870) fehlt [Allerdings haben wir der Ausgabe den 2. Jahrgangsband 1870 als Dublette beigelegt und die Dublette fuer 1870 enthaelt die seltene Lithographie “Der Blaue Tumpf im Maltathale (Kaernten)” [siehe die Photos]. Die Reihe enthaelt ausserdem das wunderbare, grosse Panorama vom “Hochwechsel” / Circa. 9,200 pages – Vol.I (1869), 768 pages with both Lithographs as called for (pages 609-640 missing) plus “Das Alpenhorn” (Nummern 29 – 48 des 1.Jahrgangs) / Vol.II (1870), 696 pages with the Lithograph missing – Angebunden: “Das Alpenhorn” – Kompletter II.Jahrgang [Als Zugabe: Band 2 liegt hier bei mit der Lithographie] / Vol.III (1871), 726 pages plus “Das Alpenhorn” Teil des III.Jahrgangs / Vol.IV (1872), 552 pages plus der komplette IV. Jahrgang “Das Alpenhorn” / Vol.V (1873), 436 pages plu Jahrgang V of “Das Alpenhorn” / Vol.VI (1874), 442 pages plus Jahrgang VI of “Das Alpenhorn” / VII. (1875), 412 pages mit “Das Alpenhorn” Jahrgang VII. / Vol.VIII (1876) – 2 Volumes in 1: 228 pages & 244 pages plus “Das Alpenhorn” Jahrgang VIII / Vol.IX (1877) – 2 Volumes in 1: 204 & 236 pages plus 48 pages “Bei Nebel und Regen” & “Das Alpenhorn” IX.Jahrgang / Vol.X (1878)-2 Volumes: 234 & 242 pages plus einige Nummern von “Bei Nebel und Regen” & “Das Alpenhorn” / Vol.XI-XII (1879-80) c.416 pages / Vol.XIII-XIV (1881-82), c.384 pages / Vol. XV-XVI (1883-84), c.384 pages / Vol.XVII-XVIII (1885-1886), c.384 pages/ Vol.XIX-XX (1887-88), c.384 pages / Vol.XXI-XXII (1889-90), c.384 pages / Vol.XXIII-XXIV (1891-92), c.384 pages / Vol.14 (1897), 458 pages / Vol.15 (1898), 586 pages / Vol.16 (1899), 668 pages. / In addition the periodical includes a duplicate of Volume II (Annual for 1870) and this Duplicate includes the rare original Lithograph. Originale Halbleinenbaende des 19.Jahrhunderts mit Rueckenvergoldung. / Hardcover. Contemporary cloth with gilt lettering on spine / [2 with marbled boards, the remainder with dark cloth boards]. 3 volumes with navy cloth boards. Zehn Baende in Gross-Quart, die anderen in Oktav-Format. Sehr guter Zustand dieser seltenen, korrespondierenden Reihe mit nur wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an den Bindungen. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Some minor abrasions to cloth for volumes 1872 and 1875. Baende fuer die Jahre 1872 und 1875 mit kleinen Einrissen am Ruecken. Periodikum aus der Bibliothek von Wilhelm Gustav Rickmer Rickmers, mit seinem Exlibris in nahezu allen Baenden / Minor rubbing only to head and heel of spines and board corners. Interiors clean and bright for the most part. Slight tanning throughout. Former copies from the library of Wilhelm Gustav Rickmer Rickmers, with his large, beautiful and artistic bookplate “Bibliotheka Rickmersiana” [designed and monogrammed by Otto Barth] in most of the Volumes. Also Bookplate of Bibliothek Central-Ausschuss Deutscher und Österreichischer Alpenverein. Library stamp on front endpaper / The collection subsequently was part of the library of the Alpine Club in London.

EUR 2.400,-- 

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Collection of Rare and Important Books, as well as original Manuscript Lecture Notes on Anton Martin Schweigaard

235. Schweigaard, Anton Martin.

Collection of Rare and Important Books, as well as original Manuscript Lecture Notes on Anton Martin Schweigaard, Norwegian educator, Jurist, Economist, Legal Philosopher and Member of the Norwegian Parliament. The collection includes also portraits and a rare photograph of Julius Middelthun’s Statue of Schweigaard, taken shortly after its erection at the original location. The rare lecture notes, possibly taken by a close student of Schweigaard and the wonderful manuscript – typography – print by Cappellen, are the highlights opf this collection [Many Images of each item on our website under “Libraries & Collections”]. The collection includes: 1. Schweigaard, Anton Martin. Forelæsninger over den norske Proces. 1ste Deel & 2den Deel. [plus: 12te Afsnit: “Den Domme” (″The Judge”)]. Original First Edition, directly printed from the Manuscript. Three Parts in Two Volumes (complete set). Christiania [Oslo], J.W.Cappellen [Jørgen Wright Cappelen], 1844. / 2. Schweigaard, Anton Martin. Forelæsninger over Processen Foredragen af Professor Schweigaard [Original Manuscript of a student from Schweigaard, taking notes in Schweigaard’s Seminars and Lectures]. [Christiania (Oslo)], no year (c. 1840). Octavo (18 cm x 17,5 cm). c. 400 pages with handwritten notes in Ink. / 3. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Aubert, L.M.B. Anton Martin Schweigaards Barndom og Ungdom, 1808-1835: Breve og Erindringer. [Letters in norwegian (″Trine”) and german (″Til Pastor Koeppen”). With an Appendix with 10 chapters / Med Bilag – Including explanatory sections on Schweigaard’s earliest publications, like for example: “De la Philosophie Allemande”, etc.] / [Oslo], Mallings Boghandels Forlag, 1883. / 4. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Lund, Carl. A.M.Schweigaard – Som Stortingspolitiker. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1958. Octavo. Frontispiece – Portrait of Schweigaard, 398 pages with Index. / 5. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] Hertzberg, Ebbe. Professor Schweigaard I Hans Offentlige Virksomhed (1832 – 1870). Af Ebbe Hertzberg. Kristiania / [Christiania] / [Oslo], Forlagt af Alb. Cammermeyer, 1883. / 6. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] / P.Gemzøe lith. / E.Bærentzen. Portrait of norwegian educator, jurist, economist and politician, Anton Martin Schweigaard. Original Lithograph / Lithographic portrait by P.Gemzøe. Christiania [Oslo], Chr. Tønsberg, 1877. 17 cm x 26 cm. / 7. [Schweigaard, Anton Martin] / Middelthun, Julius Olavus. Original Photograph / Vintage Albumen Print from c. 1885 / 1890, of the recently erected Statue / Sculpture [Bronze] of norwegian educator, jurist, economist and politician, Anton Martin Schweigaard. The rare photograph shows the statue at its original location, with locals walking in front. The sculptor of Schweigaard’s Statue was norwegian sculptor and educator Julius Olavus Middelthun, who taught among others, Edvard Munch at the Royal Drawing School in Christiania (Tegneskolen i Kristiania). Christiania [Oslo], [Middelthun], c.1885 – 1890. 8 cm x 5,7 cm. The rare, original photograph comes from a french travellers album and is in excellent condition. / 8. Schweigaard, Anton Martin / Blom, G. P. / Fougner, G. / Thorne, Joh. F. / Leganger, Fred. Betænkning og Udkast til en Lov om Handelen, Forfattet af den under 28de August 1838 til dette Arbeide anordnede Commission [Med Anhang: Forste Anhang: “Udsigt over den Norske Handelsret / Andet Anhang: “Finants-Departements af den Norske Rejerings ovrige Medlemmer i det Vaesentlige tiltraadte Indstilling angaaende en provisorisk Anordning om storre Handelsfrihed i visse Egne af Riget m.v.”]. Christiania [Oslo], Trykt i Johan Dahls Bogtrykkerie af Carl C. Werner, 1841. Octavo (12 cm x 18,5 cm). 108, 218 pages. //

Christiania [Oslo], J.W.Cappellen / Johan Dahl / Chr. Tønsberg and others, c. 1840 – 1877. Octavo. c. 2000 pages. Hardcover and Softcover Volumes. Overall excellent condition of this wonderful compilation. The price for the collection includes free shipping interntionally per UPS Express.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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