Original Numerology-Manuscript – Deciphering the Bible, Deciphering the Esoteric, Jewish, Christian, Biblical & Astrological Prophecies // Manuscript / Astrology – Occulta – Manuscript on c. 400 pages with an astonishing, meticulous Chronology and source-comparison on Prophecy, Pyramidology [″Mystery of the Great Pyramid”], Numerology, Astronomy, Astrology, Drawings and Plans of Pyramids versus Occult – Proof and meditations on the Number 666 and 888: “666 v 888 in relation to Israel”, “the opposing numbers from the original Hebrew with the “Pi sign” etc. etc. The Manuscript reads like a Self-Instruction and Proof of Thought by an Esoteric, highly religious “Truth-Seeker”, ranging from early Biblical Explanations of Historical Events to elaborate comparisons of “Bible Metallurgy” showing the “relation between practical metal work and the Bible” by comparing the architectural design of a “Blast Furnace” to “The Image of Daniel”, and continuing all the way to explanations for the Rise of Tyrants like Hitler. “Great Pi—Ratio in regard to Great War”, the “Atomic Scale” is discussed as well as the “Luciferian Sudama or Nigode Cave Temple”. The amount of connections to Jewish History is interesting: “Tracing Israel to Britain by Old Coinage”, “The Jewish Question”, “Testimony of Men of Letters as to Nationality of the British Race”, “Objections to British Israel” “The Statesmanship of Jesus”, “Fulness of the Gentiles”, “Reference to the lost House of Israel”, “Battle of the Gold Standard” etc. etc.
[Brixton], c. 1935 – 1950. Octavo (19 cm x 22,5 cm). 362 pages plus 58 pages, later inserted between page 304 and 305, plus XVIII pages of a thorough Index. With numerous illustrations and diagrams throughout the manuscript. Original Hardcover – Binder with manuscript / autographed pages. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. “Peel”-Memo Binder with Name-Label of the author to pastedown: “Walter T Rowe, 106, Dalberg Road, Brixton, SW2”.
Densely illustrated and fanatically detailed research-manuscript, written by a London-based fundamentalist Christian, British Israelite and apostle of Pyramidology. Small quarto-sized ‘Peel Memo Binder’ securely holds the massive text which runs to perhaps 100,000 words. The writer’s name appears on a handwritten label on the front pastedown: ‘Walter T Rowe, 106 Dalberg Road, Brixton S.W.2.’ No date but must be the second quarter of the twentieth century with some sections written after the second war. Preliminary index divided into 6 sections: ‘Was Jesus the Son of God?’ ‘The Bible our Heritage’, ‘The Bible and Science’, ‘The Kingdom’, ‘Prophecy’ and ‘Mystery of the Great Pyramid’. The manuscript is written in black ink on both sides of the manuscript leaves, enlivened throughout with cuttings, diagrams and excerpts from other printed sources. There are charts, maps, tables and all manner of other material inserted. The Balfour Declaration is discussed (p.142), a long section on ancient coinage, connections drawn between ancient prophecy, the Locarno Pact and Hitler’s invasion of Poland. Finally comes the ‘scientific revelation’ of the great pyramid, and Rowe’s attempt to impose metaphysical and cosmological meaning upon the Great Pyramid, a school of thought that dates back to the 1830s and had became the domain of British Israelites who tried to prove that contemporary Anglo-Saxons were the descendants of the fabled ten lost tribes of Israel. [Description: Christian White]
EUR 12.800,--
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