48. Depons, Francois Raimond Joseph.
Travels in Parts of South America: During the Years 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804; Containing a Description of the Captain-Generalship of Carraccas [Caracas in Venezuela], with an Accont of the Laws, Commerce, and Natural Productions of that Country; as also a view of the customs and manners of the Spaniards and Native Indians.
London, Richard Phillips, 1806. 8°. IV, 157, 3 nn. pages. Including the Map (″Chart of the Captain Generalship of Carraccas comprehending the provinces of Venezuela, Maracaybo, Varinas, Cumana, Guiana & the Island of St. Marguerite) AND the “Plan of the town of Caracas”. Modern Hardcover (red cloth). Former library copy in excellent condition besides some slight foxing to the map and plan and occasional foxing to the text only.