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18th Century – Rare (162 items)

[John Morrison], Poems on Several Occasions by the late Matthew Prior.

114. [Morrison, John / Midleton / Castlemartyr] / [Prior, Matthew].

Poems on Several Occasions by the late Matthew Prior [Including “Memoirs of the Life of Mr.Prior” / Including: “Solomon on the Vanity of the World” / “An Ode Humbly Inscrib’d to the Queen, on the Glorious Success of her Majesty’s Arms, MDCCVI. Written in Imitation of Spenser’s Style” / “Alma, or the Progress of the Mind – In three Cantos” / “Downhall – A Ballad – To the Tune of King John and the Abbott of Canterbury” ].

First and Forurth Edition. Two Volumes (complete set). London, J.R.Tonson and S.Draper and H.Linto / C.Hitch at the Red Lyon and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass, 1754. Small-Octavo (10,5 cm x 16,5 cm). Volume I [First Edition, printed by Tonson]: [11], 402, [3] pages with two title-pages/ Volume II: [Fourth Edition, printed by C. Hitch and J.Hodges], Frontispiece, LXXII, 356 pages with two full-page copper-engravings by van Gucht (plus engraved Frontispiece). Original Hardcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. With the name “John Morrison” on the titlepage of both Volumes [possibly the 18th century – Architect John Morrison from Midleton, with a connection to Castlemartyr]. These books came subsequently from, the Library of Daniel Conner, Connerville / Bandon / Manch House in which also a set of Buffon, from the library of Richard Boyle Bernard, Dean of Leighlin and MP for Bandon Bridge was included.

EUR 1.250,-- 

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[Noël-Antoine Pluche] / [Humphreys, Spectacle de la Nature : Or, Nature Display'd

119. [Noël-Antoine Pluche] / [Humphreys, Samuel].

Spectacle de la Nature : Or, Nature Display’d. Being Discourses On such Particulars of Natural History As were thought most proper To Excite the Curiosity, and Form of the Minds of Youth. [With Chapters on The Cultivation and Manner of Pruning Fruit – Trees / The Plantation of Orange – Trees / The Plantation of Fig – Trees / The Plantation of Olive – Trees etc.] / [Including: “A Plate showing Elevation and Sections of a Mill on Boats”, which is basically illustrating the Invention of a Paddle Wheel Boat] / [Including: “A Memoir on the Fabric of Glasses at Saint Gobin”]. Illustrated with [204] Copper Plates. Uniformly bound set of Seven Volumes (complete set in three different editions: Third Edition / Fourth Edition, revised and Corrected / Sixth Edition).

London, Printed for R.Francklin etc., 1743. Small Octavo. Volume I: (in Sixth Edition, 1744): Frontispiece, [3], XVIII, 323 pages plus 13 pages of an Index / Volume II: (in Sixth Edition, 1743): Frontispiece, VIII, [4], 312 pages including Index / Volume III: (in Sixth Edition, 1743): Frontispiece, XVIII, 366 pages including Index / Volume IV: (In Fourth Edition,1743) Frontispiece, 368 pages including Index / Volume V: (In Fourth Edition, 1763): Frontispiece, [2], 329 pages / Volume VI: (In Third Edition, 1763): Frontispiece, [3], XXXII, 308 pages / Volume VII: (In Fourth Edition, 1763): Frontispiece, [4], 323, [1] pages. Hardcover / Original 18th century full leather with gilt lettering and ornament on spine. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown. Extremely beautiful publication with an abundance of illustrations of Insects and Butterflies, Maps, etc. The 204 Plates overall in excellent condition with only very few of them with some tears. Interior and plates really bright and clean ! An exceptional version of this work.

EUR 2.480,-- 

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Bartoli, Colonna Traiana

122. One of the most beautiful works of 18th century Illustrated Italian History – Bartoli, Pietro Santi / Giacomo de Rossi / [Trajan – Caesar Nerva Trajanus].

Colonna Traiana [The rare 18th-century Folio-Edition on Trajan’s Column, in which, atypically, all Oblong-Folio-Planches have a centerfold and which includes the often missing, large 1,1 meter – foldout-plan of Trajan’s Column] – Colonna Traiana Eretta Dal Senato, E Popolo Romano All’Imperatore Traiano Augusto Nel Suo Foro In Roma. Scolpita Con L’Historie Della Guerra Dacica La Prima E La Seconda Espeditione, E Vittoria Contro Il Re Decebalo. Nuovamente Disegnata, Et Intagliata Da Pietro Santi Bartoli. Con L’Espositione Latina D’Alfonso Ciaccone, Compendiata Nella Vulgare Lingua Sotto Ciascuna Immagine, Accresciuta Di Medaglie, Inscrittioni, E Trofei, Da Gio. Pietro Bellori. Con diligente cura, e spesa ridotta à perfettione, e data in luce da Gio. Giacomo de Rossi dalle sue stampe, in Roma, alla Pace con Privilegio del S. Pontefice.

Roma, [Giacomo de Rossi] alla Pace con Privilegio del S. Pontefice, [1751]. Folio: (26.5 cm wide x 37 cm high). All planches usually in Oblong-Folio are center-folded in this version, allowing it to be bound in Folio. Pagination: 9 unnumbered plates, [including titlepage, engraved dedication to Louis XIV, and also the large Trajan-Foldout, measuring 110 cm x 36 cm)], followed by 119 plates folded into 238 plates, [while our copy is lacking the 14 pages with Alphonso Ciacono’s “Historia Utriusque Belli Dacici A Trajano Cæsare” and Index and Colophon at the end of the Volume, this flaw is rather unimportant because this Volume is all about the masterful art of over 125 engravings and the powerful Homage by Pietro Santi Bartoli to Trajan, Rome’s “Optimus Princeps”]. Fully restored Folio in dark green Morocco, bound to 18th century – style by an english master-bindery. Unusually excellent condition with the tiniest of wormhole-damage to the Dedication pages. The plates all in exceptional condition. The large Column-Plate spellbinding.

EUR 8.800,-- 

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Payne, Universal Geography formed into a new and entire system

126. Payne, John.

Volume I (of III) of the “Universal Geography” [Including Asia, Africa and Voyages of English Navigators] – formed into a new and entire system; describing Asia, Africa, Europe, and America; with their subdivisions of Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics: the extent, boundaries, and remarkable appearances of each country; cities, towns, and curiosities of Nature and Art. Also giving a general account of the fossil and vegetable productions of the Earth, and of every species of animal: The History of Man, in all Climates, Regions and Conditions; Customs, Manners, Laws, Governments and Religions: The State of Arts, Sciences, Commerce, Manufactures and Knowledge. Sketches of the Ancient and Modern History of each Nation and People to which is added, A Short View of Astronomy, as connected with Geography; of the Planetary System to which the Earth belongs; and of the Universe in General. With a set of Maps, drawn from the best Materials, every one of which is very neatly coloured; and a great Variety of Copper-Plates; descriptive of the most remarkable curiosities in the world. With an Appendix in two Parts, containing I. The History of the Voyages round the World, and toward the North and South Pole, which have been made since the year 1764 by English Navigators and II. A Digested and Geographical Account of the most considerable Islands and Countries which have been either discovered or explored during those Voyages, collected from every writer upon those subjects. Part I on the Appendix includes: 1. The First Voyage round the world, performed by Commodore Byron, in the Dolphin, accompanied by the Tamar Sloop / 2. Captain Wallis’s Voyage round the World, being the Second performed in the Dolphin / 3. Continuation of Captain Carteret’s Voyage round the World in the Swallow / 4. Lieutenant Cook’s Voyage round the World, in the Endeavour Bark (First Voyage, Second Voyage and Third Voyage including a stunning engraving of Cook, together with Portraits of inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands, Mangea and Ulietea) / The Appendix Part II contain a Geographical Account and Description of the Islands which have been lately discovered or visited in the South-Sea, proceeding from East to West (Easter Island / The Society Islands / The FRiendly Islands / The New Hebrides, Mallicolo and New Caledonia / New Zealand / New Holland / The Sandwich Islands //

First Edition. Dublin, Printed by Zachariah Jackson (Great Ship-Street), 1792. Quarto. XV, 894 pages with a list of subscribers and eight fantastic full-page copper engravings (NO MAPS in this Volume) / Frontispiece (The beautiful Frontispiece-plate is cleanly detached and now comes with this beautifully restored book framed): Plates included are: 1. Frontispiece: Vegetable Productions constituting important Articles of Commerce: Nutmeg Tree / Bohea Tea Plant or Thea Bohea / The Cotton Shrub / The Nutmeg enclosed in the Mace and Nutmeg Kernel / Flower of Tea / The Cotton Shrub – This plate is hand-coloured ! / 2. The Artificial Sphere (Globe) with the Solar System and Divisions of the Earth / 3. [Kamtschatka] – A Kamtscadale Travelling in Winter / An inside View of a Winter-Hut of the Kamtschadales / 4. Animals in the Southern Parts of Africa (The Rhinoceros Bicornis / The Buffalo / The Hippopotamus, called by the Hottentots the Seacow) / 5. The Country contiguous to the Cape of Good Hope – Hottentots and their Huts &c. &c. / 6. Portrait – Collection on one plate of Captain James Cook – Killed on the Island of Owhyhee – 14th of February 1779 (From a painting by Dance in the possession of Sir Joshua Banks) – other portraits on that page include A woman and a man of the Sandwich Islands / A Man of the Magea – Omai or Omia , a Native of Ulietea / 7. Portrait – Collection on one plate of: Poulaho – King of the Friendly Islands / A Man of van Diemen’s Land / A Woman from van Diemen’s Land / A Woman of Prince William’s Sound / A Man of Prince William’s Sound / 8. Portrait-Collection on one plate of: A woman of Otaheite Island (Tahiti) bringing a present / A Woman of Otaheite (Tahiti) dancing / An Otahetian (Tahiti) in the Dress of his Country / A New Zealand Warrior completely armed (Maori) // Hardcover / Professionally restored original 18th-century leather with original gilt ornament and new labels on spine. Binding rubbed but after the masterful restoration in very good condition. Some of the plates slightly loose but not detached. Very few minor wormhole damage to the last 250 pages. Rare with the plates ! From the library of Richard Meade, Ballymartle, with his original bookplate to the pastedown. One of the early accounts of english Navigation and Discovery.

EUR 1.200,-- 

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Preißler, Die durch Theorie erfundene Practic, Oder Gründlich-verfasste Reguln

130. Preißler, Johann Daniel / Preißler, Georg Martin.

Die durch Theorie erfundene Practic, Oder Gründlich-verfasste Reguln deren man sich als einer Anleitung zu berühmter Künstlere (sic) Zeichen-Wercken bestens bedienen kan (sic). [Drei Werke in sechs Teilen auf zwei Bände verteilt !] Vier Theile inclusive dem vierten “Fortsetzungsband”. Zwei Anhänge angebunden – Anhang I: L’Anatomia Deipittori del Signore Carlo Cesio, das ist: deutliche Anweisung und gründliche Vorstellung von der Anatomie der Mahler (sic), wie in den Gliedern des menschlichen Leibs die vornehmste Gebeine und Musculn, nach ihren Namen, Stellen, Anfängen und Enden, auch fordersten Verrichtungen, bey ihren unterschiedlichen Bewegungen und Handlungen zu erkennen, anzusehen und vorzustellen seyn; anfänglich von dem Kunst=berühmten Meister Carlo Cesio in netten und deutlichen Tabellen, auch kurtzen, doch gründlichen in Italiänischer Sprache beygefügten Erklärungen an das Licht gegeben: Nun aber zu mehrern Aufnahm der Mahler= und Zeichen=Kunst in das Teutsche getreulich übersetzet mitgetheilet von Johann Daniel Preißlern, der Nürnbergischen Kunstmahler=Academie Directore bey welchem sie auch zu finden. / Anhang II: Gründliche Anleitung welcher man sich im Nachzeichnen schöner Landschafften oder Prospecten bedienen kan (sic), den Liebhabern der Zeichen-Kunst mitgetheilet und eigenhändig in Kupfer gebracht, von Johann Daniel Preißler. Mit 104 Kupfertafeln von Georg Martin Preißler.

Mischauflage (vierte bis siebente Auflage). 5 Teile in 2 Bänden (vollständig). Nürnberg, Kunst-Mahler-Academie, 1747-1780. Folio. Band I enthält die Teile 1-3 mit der Vorrede und dem “Nöthigen Vorbericht” aufgeteilt auf die ersten zwei Teile. Paginierung: Teil I: (2 Bll.), 19 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln / Teil II: (5 Bll.), 18 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln / Teil III: (4 Bll.), 17 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln, (3 Bll.). Eine Kupfer in einer Ecke minimal beschmutzt. Band II enthält den vierten “Fortsetzungs” – Band und im Anhang das Werk von Carlo Cesio. Paginierung: Teil IV: (4 Bll.), 18 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln / ANHANG I: L’Anatomia Deipittori / Anatomie der Mahler – Paginierung: (2 Bll.), 16 ganzseitige Kupfer (im Stile Vesalius’ und Eustachius’) / Anhang II: Nachzeichnen schöner Landschaften – Paginierung: (2), 16 ganzseitige Kupfertafeln // Wunderschöne Halblederbände des späten 18.Jahrhunderts oder frühen 19.Jahrhunderts. Das Halbleder auf fünf unechten Bünden mit zweifarbigen Rückenschildchen und reicher Rückenvergoldung. Exzellenter Erhaltungszustand mit nur einem der Kupferstiche mit minimaler Verschmutzung. Eine der schönsten Ausgabe einer Malerschule die wir je gesehen haben.

EUR 1.400,-- 

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Simon Patrick, A Commentary upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament

131. [Provenance: Daniel Conner of Manch House-Library (Dunmanway, County Cork)] – Patrick, Symon [Simon Patrick, Late Lord Bishop of Ely] / Whitby, Daniel / Lowth, William / Arnald, Richard / Johannes Millii.

“A Commentary upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament, Viz. Genesis – Exodus – Leviticus – Numbers – Deuteronomy – Joshua – Judges – Ruth – I. Samuel – II. Samuel – I. Kings – II. Kings – I. Chronicles – II. Chronicles – Ezra – Nehemiah – Esther. In Two Volumes. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Symon Patrick, Late Lord Bishop of Ely. The Sixth Edition Corrected. To wich is added a compleat Alphabetical Table.” / Plus: [Volume III: “The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon, Paraphrased: With Arguments to each Chapter, and Annotations thereupon”. / Plus: [Volume IV: “A Commentary upon the Three Lesser Prophets: Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick by William Lowth, B.D. Prebendary of Winchester”]. / Plus: [[Volume V and Volume VI ]″A Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament. In Two Volumes. The First, containing The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Holy Apostles. The Second, All the Epistles, with a Discourse of the Millenium. To which are added, A Chronology of the New Testament, a Map and Alphabetical Table of all the Places mentioned in the Gospels, Acts, or the Epistles. With Tables of the Matters contained and of the Words and Phrases explained throughout the whole Work; and the Examen Millii. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. Late Chantor of the Church of Sarum. The Seventh Edition, carefully revised and corrected from the many Errors of the former Impressions”. Including: “An Appendix to Chapter XL, containing “A Discourse of the Calling of the Jews to the Christian Faith” – Including: “A Treatise of the True Millenium: shewing that it is not a Reign of Persons raised from the Dead but of the Church. Flourishing gloriously for a Thousand Years after the Conversion of the Jews, and the Flowing-in of all Nations to them thus converted to the Christian Faith” / Including: “An Index of the Greek Words and Phrases explained in this Commentary”, including “Examen Variantium Lectionum Johannis Millii in Novum Testamentum” (Editio quarta priori Emendatior. London, 1740). / Plus: [Volume VII] “A Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon; Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick and Mr.[William] Lowth. By Richard Arnald, B.D. Rector of Thurcaston in Leicestershire”. / Including: [Volume VIII]: “A Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach. Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick and Mr.[William] Lowth”./ Including: [Volume IX]: “A Critical Commentary upon the Books of Tobit, Judith, Baruch, The History of Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon: To which are added, two Dissertations on The Book of Maccabees and Esdras. Being a Continuation of Bishop [Symon] Patrick and Mr.[William] Lowth”. By Richard Arnald.//

Set of Nine Volumes (bound in Seven). London, Printed for A. Millar, J.Beecroft, W.Strahan, J.Hinton etc. / And for the Richard Arnald publication: “Printed for the Author” by W.Bowyer, 1744-1765. Folio (24,5 cm x 36 cm). Volume I: Portrait-Frontispiece of Symonis Patrick by Godfrey Kneller & Gerard Vandergucht, [2], 908 pages / Volume II: [2], 755 pages plus 28 unnumbered pages of an Alphabetical Index / Volume III: [6], 544 pages / [Volume IV]: [2], IV, 540 pages including an Index. / [Volume V (Being Volume I of Daniel Whitby’s “Paraphrase”: [2], L, 736, [5], pages / [Volume VI (Being Volume II of Daniel Whitby’s “Paraphrase”: [4], XXXIV, 854 pages / [Volume VII (Being the “Critical Commentary of the Book of The Wisdom of Solomon” by Richard Arnald): [1], XXXII, 148 pages / [Volume VIII: (Being the “Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach”): IX, [7], IV, 248 pages / [Volume IX: (Being “A Critical Commentary upon the Books of Tobit Judith etc.”)XII, 128 pages.// Recently rebound set in Hardcover (Modern cloth and one modern half leather). All Volumes in protective Collector’s Mylar and with new endpapers and new spine-labels. Excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. The Interior in very good, rather excellent condition with only some very few sections with some browning. The paper-quality of this set is magnificent ! From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his name and date of his studies in Oxford on all titlepages. A very rare set of the important Commentary by Symon Patrick, Bishop of Ely. With all the original illustrations by Gerard Vandergucht. The set includes the continuations of Simon Patrick’s works by William Lowth, Daniel Whitby and Richard Arnald. Please see the numerous, detailed photographs for this set on our website. The price includes worldwide free shipping per Courier (UPS Express Saver).

EUR 4.800,-- 

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Samuel Pufendorf / Sir Patrick Hume - An Introduction to the History of the Principal Kingdoms and States of Europe.

132. Pufendorf, Samuel / [Samuel Freiherr von Puffendorf] / [Provenance: Sir Patrick Hume].

An Introduction to the History of the Principal Kingdoms and States of Europe [including a section: “The English conquer Ireland” / “The English Parliament Forces Conquer Ireland” / “Constitution of the “Scotch” [Scottish] Nation”]. Made English from the Original, the High-Dutch – The Third Edition, with Additions. [With an “Epistle Dedicatory” by J. Crull].

London, Printed for M.Gilliflower at the Spread-Eagle in Westminster-Hall and T.Newborough at the Golden Ball in St.Paul’s Church-Yard, 1699. Octavo. Frontispice-Portrait of Pufendorf, [14], 515, [13] pages. Hardcover / Original 18th century full calf with later spinelabel. One of the previous owners has written his initials “GWH” in red ink verso the titlepage. Pastedown with armorial Bookplate / Exlibris of Scottish statesman, the Right Honorable Patrick Hume, Earl of Marchmont, Viscount of Blasonberry, Lord Polwarth of Polwarth & Lord High Chancellorof Scotland – [Bookplate dated at 1702 – Motto: “Fides Probata Coronat” – “True to the End”]. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Minor lesion/tear to outer margins of page 461. With manuscript entries by the preowner to the top of each page, detailing each page for easier access into sections of countries (Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Britain, Rome, Sweden etc.). This book is rare; but with the excellent provenance from the library of Sir Patrick Hume, an even more important and desirable publication.

EUR 1.280,-- 

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Ann Radcliffe - The Mysteries of Udolpho - A Romance; interspersed with some pieces of Poetry.

135. Radcliffe, Ann.

The Mysteries of Udolpho – A Romance; interspersed with some pieces of Poetry.

First Dublin Edition / First Irish Edition. 3 Volumes [complete set]. Dublin, , by Hillary and Barlow, for Messrs. P. Wogan, W. Jones, and H. Colbert, 1794. Small Octavo (17.5 cm x 11 cm). Collation complete: Volume I: 310 pages / Volume II: 321 pages / Volume III: 357 pages. [Few pages with misprinted numerals, as often the case, but all pages in order and complete]. Original, unaltered, 18th-century full leather with gilt lettering on original spinelabels. Very rare, complete set of the first Dublin Edition. Very good- condition with stronger signs of external wear but all three Volumes in firm, original condition. Lesions to the leather-covered-boards and some stronger rubbing to extremeties. Interior with only very few problems. All three Volumes used to have two endpapers before and after the text and some of these endpapers are torn or missing. Textblock in general very good with some very minor and only occasional staining only. In Volume I, tear to corner of page 101/102 and 135/136. Faded stain to only the outer margins of pages 239 to 310 (text never affected). Volume II with small tear to pages 21/22 / Volume III with lesion to page 281/282 and tear to corner 305. These all sound worse than they are and the set is still in very good- condition. From the library of the Meade family in Ballymartle, the titlepage of each Volume bears the name of Helena Meade. An extremely rare and highly collectable set of one of the rarest titles in english literature.

EUR 3.800,-- 

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Raleigh, Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State

136. Raleigh, Sir Walter.

Sammelband of Writings by Sir Walter Raleigh: Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh : Maxims of State – Advice to his Son : His Son’s Advice to his Father. His Sceptick. Observations concerning the Causes of the Magnificiency and Opulency of Cities. [Separate Titlepage: Sir Walter Raleigh’s Observations touching Trade and Commerce with the Hollander and other Nations; proving that our Sea and Land Commodities inrich and strengthen other Countries against our own. With other Passages of High Concernment – London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. His Letters to divers Persons of Quality. [Separate Titlepage: The Prerogative of Parliaments in England, proved in a Dialogue between a Counsellor of State and a Justice of Peace. London, Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix, 1702]. With the Addition of some Letters never Printed before.

First Edition. London, Printed for W.Mears, F.Clay and D.Browne, without Temple-Bar, 1702-1726. 9 cm x 16 cm. Frontispiece, [3], 342 pages. Hardcover / Modern half-leather with gilt lettering on spine and paper-covered boards. Restored and recently bound to contemporary, early 18th-century-style by an english masterbinder. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. The Frontispiece restored and draped to modern paper. Interior clean and in excellent condition. Extremely scarce publication from the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), even though there is no sign of it like a bookplate etc.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Charles Rollin, The History of the Arts and Sciences of Antients (Illustrated Edition of 1768)

142. Rollin, Mr. [Charles].

The History of the Arts and Sciences of Antients [with all 52 plates complete] – Under the following Heads : In Three Volumes. Volume I: Agriculture, Commerce, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music, the Art Military / Volume II: Art Military, Grammar, Philology, Rhetoric, Poetry / Volume III: Poetry, History, Eloquence, Philosophy, Civil Law, Metaphysics and Physics, Physic, Botany, Chymistry [Chemistry], Anatomy, Mathematics, Geometry, Astronomy, Arithmetic, Geography and Navigation. By Mr. Rollin, Late Principal of the University of Paris, Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College and Member of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French. The Second Edition. Illustrated with Fifty-two [52] Copper Plates, representing the Civil and Military Architecture of the Antients, their Temples, Machines, Engines of War, Painting, &c.

3 Volumes (complete set). London, Printed for J. and F. Rivington, 1768. Octavo. Volume I: [12], 374 pages with 12 plates (as called for) / Volume II: [4], 360 pages with 40 plates (as called for) [pages 71 – 74 and the two plates these two pages are holding, loosely inserted], [Plate on page 104 loosely inserted] / Volume III: [4], 516 pages including a thorough Index. Hardcover / Original 18th century full leather with gilt lettering and ornament to spines of all three Volumes. All Volumes in very good condition with only minor signs of wear. All Volumes firm and all plates complete and in really excellent condition and strong imprints. All plates folded beautifully without tears ! From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown. Rare in this complete and excellent condition. It is common to find this work with plates missing which makes this complete set extremely scarce.

EUR 1.480,-- 

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[Saunders, Rider's British Merlin: For the Year of our Lord 1799.

145. [Saunders, Richard] Rider, Cardanus.

Rider’s British Merlin: For the Year of our Lord 1799. Being the Third after Bissextile or Leap-Year. Adorned with many delightful and useful Verities, fitting all Capacities in the Islands of Great Britain’s Monarchy. With notes of Husbandry, Fairs, Marts, High Roads and Tables for many necessary uses. Compiled for the Country’s Benefit by Cardanus Rider. [With: “The Arms of the Peers, Peeresses &c. of England, Scotland & Ireland the Insignia of the Different Orders of Knighthood with the Baronets of Great Britain and the Dates of their Creations” [With: “Heraldry in Miniature” / Including a small section to the end of the publication with “British Governments in America and the West-Indies with Upper Canada – Lower Canada – Cape Breton – Virgin Island – Montserrat – Grenada – Jamaica – Leeward Islands – Barbados [Barbadoes]” etc.]. [ With a section on “Peers, Peeresses and Bishops of Ireland – That are Not Peers of England”].

London, Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1799. Slim-Octavo (9,5 cm x 16 cm). Collation complete with parts of the book interleaved: 60, XXXVI, [122 + 4 misbound planches with coats of arms, pagination incorrect but all plates available that are called for], plus 321 pages [House of Peers of Great Britain with misprinted pagination to the beginning of the 321 pages]. Original Hardcover / 18th century or early 19th century red leather. Stronger rubbed but firm and intact binding. Interior with tear to page 15/16, some minor foxing and browning only, some writing to interleaved pages in a child’s hand. All plates with Heraldic Bearings, Coat of Arms, Emblemata, Badges etc. included. Here the rare 1799 publication with over 500 examples of Heraldry of Ireland, Scotland and England. Includes Irish Earls, Irish Barons, Irish Archbishops, Irish Viscounts, etc. [Coat of Arms of Fingal, Glandore, Lisburne, Winterton, Arran, Barrymore, Marq. Donegall, Clanricarde, Fife, Lowth, Upper Ossory etc. etc.]

EUR 680,-- 

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Shuckford, The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected

150. Shuckford, Samuel.

The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected, Frome the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire at the Death of Sardanapalus, and to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. [Together with: “The Creation and Fall of Man” – “A Supplemental Discourse to the Preface of the First Volume of the Sacred and Prophane History of the World connected”].

The Third Edition. 3 Volumes (of 4). London, Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper in the Strand, 1753. Octavo. LXIV,366, [10], LV, 461, [10], CXXXII, 295, [16] pages. Each Volume with its own Index. Includes two folded maps in Volume One: First Map: “A Plan of the present Chanels [sic] of the Rivers Hiddekel or Tigris and Euphrates exhibiting the Site of Moses Garden and River of Eden” / Second Map: “The Situation of the Land & Garden of Eden together with the Rivers of Paradise as they are imagined to have been Situate by some Writers who thought that the Garden of Eden was planted in that which was afterwards called the Holy Land”. Original Hardcover / 18th century full leather with new spinelabels. All three Volumes are now in protective Mylar. with dustjacket. All Volumes with some damage to spine but all still firm and holding. Overall some faint staining and foxing only at very few locations because of the excellent paper-quality of this publication. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

EUR 480,-- 

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[Wilson, The Universal Gazetteer: or a Description of the several Empires,

161. [Wilson, Peter / Martin, Benjamin].

The Universal Gazetteer [Very Rare Dublin Edition] : or a Description of the several Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, Countries, Cities, Towns, Seas, Lakes, Rivers, Mountains, Volcanos &c. in the Known World. Together with an Account of The Extent, produce, Revenue, Forces, Trade, Manufacturer, Religions &c. of the several Countries and of the Battles, Sieges and other Transactions that have sendered them remarkable. To which is prefixed a copious Introduction to Geography. The whole calculated to explain the Occurences in Modern History. Illustrated with four large and accurate Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa and America (only the Map of Asia is present: “New & Correct Map of Asia – Drawn from the latest and best Authorities by J. Gibson”). The Second Edition, in which several necessary Corrections and Material Additions have been made; the Geography of Ireland has been revised and enlarged; about four hundred entire new Articles have been added, chiefly relative to North America and Ireland, none of which are contained in the London Impression, and comprising in the whole, many thousand Places more than any other Gazzetteer; Whereby it is rendered the largest, cheapest, and most compleat Work of the Kind extant.

Dublin, Printed for Peter Wilson in Dame-Street, 1759. Small Octavo. XXXVIII, (1), 512 unnumbered pages (collation complete) with only the folded Map on Asia present and the other three maps missing. Including 6 pages of “Books, printed for and sold by Peter Wilson, in Dame-Street”. Original Hardcover (full calf on five raised bands with original spinelabel intact). Half a page in chapter “M” torn out. Faint dampstain throughout. Otherwise in very good condition. Binding rubbed and bumped on the corners but absolutely firm and tight. Minor traces of foxing and staining only. Name of preowner in 17th or 18th century ink on endpaper: “Daniel Eugene MacNamara”. Very rare Dublin Edition of this publication with a full-page recommendation of the famous Lexicographer Benjamin Martin.

EUR 1.200,-- 

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